Saint Pantaleon by Ermes Dovico

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Pakistan: judges rule it’s OK to rape Christian girls

Pakistan: judges rule it’s OK to rape Christian girls

Scandalous sentence of the Sindh High Court against the 14-year-old Catholic Huma Younus, kidnapped, raped and forced to marry a Muslim man: the marriage is valid, according to Sharia law, because Huma had already begun her menstrual cycle. This proves that Pakistani laws, which prohibit marriage to minors, are only a façade to secure Western economic aid, firstly from the European Union. The judgement sounds like a sentence for the thousands of Christian girls who suffer the same fate, with forced conversions perpetrated through abduction and sexual violence.

Coronavirus:  The Doctor Takes Care of It, But God Alone Heals

Coronavirus: The Doctor Takes Care of It, But God Alone Heals

How should Christians react to the coronavirus? With a “symphony”: on the one hand by turning to doctors, who are a gift of God, and on the other hand by turning to prayer, asking the Most High to grant healing. But how should we pray? Here the Tradition comes to our aid: Mass formularies, blessing rituals, and public processions – why not? – to beg God for the end of epidemics. But today having a procession would be considered anthropologically, politically, culturally, and ecclesiastically incorrect.

“Viri probati? A grave rift in the Church”

“Viri probati? A grave rift in the Church”

Viri probati and deaconesses? “The Synod was disconcerting, the consequence of progressive ideology in the Church”. German schism? “Rome should intervene before it's too late, they're making scandalous plans”. Abuse of the clergy? “In the dioceses there are actual lobbies of gay priests”. Pachamama? “A pope like Leo the Great would never have allowed such aberration”. There's a bishop who speaks out openly and unreservedly about the crisis factors that grip the Church. He is Hector Aguer, Argentine archbishop who in this interview with the Daily Compass denounces all the consequences of post-Council over-progressivism.

This is Why Jihad is Winning in Africa

This is Why Jihad is Winning in Africa

World 03_02_2020 Anna Bono

For the last two months there has been an increase in Islamist attacks in Africa, despite 18 years of military efforts, including Western intervention, to defeat the terrorists. At fault is poor governance, corruption, and tribalism that all hinder the development of Africa. The United States has given up and has abandoned the continent.

A priest from Rwanda: “I’ll tell you about Our Lady of Kibeho”

A priest from Rwanda: “I’ll tell you about Our Lady of Kibeho”

He lived through the 1994 genocide in Rwanda and survived. Don Jean Claude tells the Daily Compass how his life has changed since his encounter with Our Lady. He tells us how the apparitions and prophecies of the Mother of Kibeho in Africa are not over, but speak to the people and the Church of today: “This is why we must all listen to Our Lady and put into practice what She says”.

A State of Fear Used To Justify A New Regime

A State of Fear Used To Justify A New Regime

The Doomsday Clock, the imaginary clock that indicates how close we are to Judgment Day, has just been moved at the beginning of 2020 to “100 seconds from midnight.” Are we really living in the most dangerous moment of history? The continuous top-tier news coverage of the Chinese coronavirus is keeping us in a continual state of fear, a fear that is unjustified but which “serves a purpose.”

The nightmare of a world without limits or boundaries

The nightmare of a world without limits or boundaries

At the University of Pisa it is now permitted for a student to change his or her name even if it has not been changed on his or her birth certificate, all in an effort to end discrimination. But behind the mantras of gender freedom, globalization, multiculturalism, “ecu-mania” and environmentalism is an assault on the identity of the person and of nations, cultures, and the Catholic faith – it is an assault against reality itself in order to replace it with a constructed ideal. But if you try to take away the sides of a square, the result is that its reality disappears and becomes nothing.

Presidential Elections 2020, Trump gambles on life

Presidential Elections 2020, Trump gambles on life

The historic participation in the March for Life in Washington last January 24, (the first president in history), Donald Trump not only confirms his commitment to life, already evident in many government acts, but he puts the fight against abortion at the centre of the next election campaign.

“Midrar is alive and growing. Why are English doctors saying he’s dead?”

“Midrar is alive and growing. Why are English doctors saying he’s dead?”

Since last September Midrar Ali, 4 months old, has been in Saint Mary’s Hospital in Manchester, where doctors want to take him off life support. The hospital’s diagnosis is “brain stem death”. But the family dispute it. And the father, a biomedical scientist named Karwan, tells the New Compass: “My son’s heart is beating, his circulation is working. He perspires, keeps growing, and now weighs seven kilos. How can they claim he’s already dead?” On January 22 the hearing before the Court of First Instance ended, and now we are waiting for the verdict of the judge who will decide on Midrar’s life.

Scorsese, the remorse of having turned his back on Christ

Scorsese, the remorse of having turned his back on Christ

In the latest film by the American director, The Irishman, there is a notable repetition of the same autobiographical thread also found in Silence and The Last Temptation of Christ: The remorse of having turned his back on Christ to follow lust. It is no coincidence that his adviser was the Jesuit James Martin, for whom one can live in sin and be saved anyway.

France: the law that eliminates fathers gains ground

France: the law that eliminates fathers gains ground

Despite massive street protests, on Tuesday the French Senate began to debate a bill to extend artificial insemination to single and lesbian women. The final vote is scheduled for February 4th. Family associations and bishops highlight the absurdity of a text that eliminates the father figure and, therefore, creates orphans.

After the Altar, the Throne. The sad decline of Royalty

After the Altar, the Throne. The sad decline of Royalty

Harry and Meghan’s farewell from the Royal Family reveals that the English Monarchy is drawing closer to its ignominious end. The decline of the role of the Throne follows the decline of the role of the Altar and is a consequence of religious disorientation.