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The arms of Mary toward Heaven

The arms of Mary toward Heaven

The Cerasi Chapel, the most famous chapel of the Augustinian church of Santa Maria del Popolo in Rome, is also called the Chapel “of the Assunta” or “of Saints Peter and Paul” in virtue of the expressive force of the works of art contained there: conversion, martyrdom and homage to the Virgin. It is the foundation of Christian doctrine. Carracci's Assunta opens her arms wide, demonstrating the desire to quickly reach the destination to which she is headed. The impetus of the momentum seems to project it into real space, from which the faithful observe the scene. Carracci's truth is measured by Caravaggio's naturalism.

"What civilisation? Chemical abortion led me into a dreadful deception."

"What civilisation? Chemical abortion led me into a dreadful deception."

"I was told ‘it'll be like menstruating, but only more abundant.’ Instead I found myself writhing in pain from cramps and fainting. My teeth were chattering. And after vomiting, I was totally dehydrated. When I expelled my baby I was sitting on the bidet and I flushed it down the toilet while the nurses asked me if I was finished. It was atrocious, I had nightmares for a year and then they found a fibroma tumour inside me." This dramatic story told to the Nuova Bussola Quotidiana by Natascia B., an Italian model and victim of the child-killing RU486 pill. She warns politicians who helped legalise this form of DIY abortion: "You will have an abortion at home because it is more comfortable. My doctor deceived me. With RU 486 there is nothing safe, civilised or painless.” Natascia says she did it because she had never had an abortion before.

Let's cry for Argentina. One default after another, a lesson for populists

Let's cry for Argentina. One default after another, a lesson for populists

Argentina has run the risk of its ninth default, which was avoided at the last minute only by an agreement with creditors. There remains the grave problem of the credibility and holding of public accounts. It is a lesson for Italy: we are not all that different. The Daily Compass speaks with economist Michele Boldrin

Hong Kong: the new law to squash the press

Hong Kong: the new law to squash the press

In a spectacular raid, broadcast live on video, a hundred Hong Kong police officers entered the Apple Daily’s headquarters, which has lead the way for the island’s democratic uprisings. The newspaper’s publisher, Catholic entrepreneur Jimmy Lai, was arrested under China’s new National Security Act

Maira and Huma sequestered in Pakistan. The sad fate of Christian child-brides

Maira and Huma sequestered in Pakistan. The sad fate of Christian child-brides

In Pakistan, the question of Christian child-brides kidnapped by Islamic men has for some time now caused a series of legal disputes. What has happened in the past few years with the case of Asia Bibi is nothing compared to what Maira Shahbaz and Huma Youmus are presently suffering,who are respectively 14 and 15 years old. Their judicial processes could seriously become a precedent for the Asian country and are confirmation of how much Islamic fundamentalists have been able to manipulate existing laws to their favor

A Note condemning do-it-yourself liturgy: but now it must be applied

A Note condemning do-it-yourself liturgy: but now it must be applied

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in its Responsum of August 6, has clarified that arbitrary sacramental forms are invalid, such as “We baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” and that it is necessary to baptize “in an absolute form.” In the attached Doctrinal Note, it recalls that the Sacraments are not subjects of personal taste but are to be administered in fidelity to Christ who instituted them. It is a truly Catholic document that should always be applied

China and the Vatican, two years later there is more persecution

China and the Vatican, two years later there is more persecution

Two years after the signing of the provisional agreement between China and the Holy See, we are still unable to read its contents, but we can evaluate its effects on the life of priests and the faithful. The Asia News Agency has gathered a series of testimonies that demonstrate how the persecution is increasing

If Ocasio-Cortez hurls abuse at the patron saint of lepers...

If Ocasio-Cortez hurls abuse at the patron saint of lepers...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has lashed out against a statue of St. Damien de Veuster, while referring to him as an example of "white supremacism." In reality, the great Belgian missionary went as a volunteer among lepers in Hawaii. And, after 16 years of charitable service, he himself died of leprosy. The words of this rising star among American Democrats confirm that Christianity is under attack.

Communion on the tongue, Benedict XVI clears a path

Communion on the tongue, Benedict XVI clears a path

In 2005 Msgr. Laise wrote to the then-Prefect of the CDF Cardinal Ratzinger to suggest that during the Synod on the Eucharist he should address the topic of the approval of Communion in the hand and propose an examination of conscience for the entire Church. When he became Pope, Benedict XVI directed that during Papal Masses Holy Communion would be administered only on the tongue and kneeling. Laise’s “legacy” is now in the hands of Cardinal Sarah.

Human guinea pigs: legitimate in theory, but not advisable for COVID

Human guinea pigs: legitimate in theory, but not advisable for COVID

Is it licit to allow yourself to get infected? In theory it is, but only under certain conditions concerning the moral purpose of the overall objective, the relationship between any negative (undesired) and positive effects (desired), the state of necessity, and so forth. If the chances of finding an effective vaccine in a short amount of time are very low, then such a risk is unacceptable. This is also because vaccine developers are tempted to burn through the proper stages of development. Meanwhile, there are already effective preventions measures and treatments

Covid: Covered-up in Iran, Overstated in Sweden

Covid: Covered-up in Iran, Overstated in Sweden

Iran has lied about the spread of the Covid epidemic, as Iranian government documents that have been leaked to the press reveal. But the world has not taken any severe measures against the Islamic Republic. At the same time, Sweden, which has been demonized for refusing to go into lockdown, has flattened the curve of new cases.

Hackers lurk in Vatican shadows. Were spies involved in the China-Vatican Agreement?

Hackers lurk in Vatican shadows. Were spies involved in the China-Vatican Agreement?

Recorded Future, a US-based company, reports Chinese hackers (RedDelta) broke into servers at the PIME headquarters and the Holy See’s Study Mission in Hong Kong. Why? To gather information in view of a renewal of the controversial agreement on the appointment of Chinese bishops.