Saint John Paul II by Ermes Dovico

Climate, Pope's insults inadmissible

Climate, Pope's insults inadmissible

In an interview with the American TV station CBS, Pope Francis calls scientists and experts who deny the climate emergency "stupid". A heavy and unacceptable criticism, which also reveals a major problem in the relationship between the Church and science.

Storms in the Gulf, but don’t blame mankind for natural disasters

Storms in the Gulf, but don’t blame mankind for natural disasters

The trend to blame human action for every natural disaster that occurs, predictably was the same excuse used for the deluge in the Persian Gulf that caused 20 deaths and immense damage in the United Arab Emirates. The culprits: anthropogenic global warming (as usual) and cloud seeding.

Italian diocese plants trees in reparation for World Youth Day pollution

Italian diocese plants trees in reparation for World Youth Day pollution

Eco-madness in the diocese of Forlì. 3000 seedling trees are being planted to amend the eco-sin of having polluted the atmosphere. The culprits are the young people who flew to the World Youth Day. Offence to the environment has taken the place of offence to God

Farmers rebellion unmasks pied pipers of the green utopia

Farmers rebellion unmasks pied pipers of the green utopia

A clash is taking place between the ideology of apocalyptic environmentalism and the great farmers' uprising. At stake is the total alienation from reality that holds all 'euro-green' policies together, its unbridgeable distance from any practical rationality and the despotic and dystopian implications of their application.

Green Church embraces anti-natalist ideology

Green Church embraces anti-natalist ideology

The surprising forum of the Laudato si' Communities in the episcopal palace of Verona, Italy. Anti-natalism, climatism, and food ecologism to bend Christianity to some of the political and economic demands of today's world.

Laudate Deum, catastrophism replaces Catholic faith

Laudate Deum, catastrophism replaces Catholic faith

The Apostolic Exhortation published on 4 October converts the thesis of man-made global warming into dogma just as the Pope questions fundamental truths of the Church.

The 15-Minute City is green totalitarianism

The 15-Minute City is green totalitarianism

The 15-Minute City is a project to reorganise urban spaces. Oxford is the most advanced experiment, but the name was coined by Anne Hidalgo in Paris. All services must be within a 15-minute walk or cycle. It sounds appealing, but it will be the way to prevent free movement.

2035: Europe in electric cars, and dependent on China

2035: Europe in electric cars, and dependent on China

The European Parliament has voted to ban the production of vehicles with combustion engines from 2035 and to allow only the production of electric vehicles. But does it have the material possibility to carry out such an ambitious transport revolution in such a short time? According to Giovanni Brussato, a mining engineer, this policy will make Europe much more dependent on China, which has the technology and raw materials required. But the environmental sustainability of the project remains very doubtful.

Dogs’ best interests becomes legal right

Dogs’ best interests becomes legal right

In Spain a dog is already considered something halfway between a property and a person. An owner leaves his dog with a waitress for the period he is away for an Erasmus project. But when he returns, the waitress doesn’t want to keep the pact. She takes the owner to court and the judge rules that also dogs have best interests that have to be taken into account. While babies in their mothers' wombs have lost the status of being a person, animals have just acquired it.

Castrated for the environment. The new anti-life campaign

Castrated for the environment. The new anti-life campaign

Nine years ago, World Vasectomy Day promoted in appealing terms a painful practice: the sterilisation of the male, a partial castration. Throughout the West, the media today advertise the practice as an alternative to abortion. And above all as an 'ethical' choice to save the planet from overpopulation.

Al Gore wants to inflict a Big Green Brother on us

Al Gore wants to inflict a Big Green Brother on us

The former US Vice President Al Gore has announced the creation of a new technology (Climate TRACE) that will monitor greenhouse gas emissions on the entire planet. According to Gore, this new "big green brother" is able to trace the "identities" of those "responsible" for greenhouse gas emissions. It amounts to an eco-imperialism, with its devils and witches, that will crush everything and everyone. 

Ecological transition means economic decline

Ecological transition means economic decline

Western elites want "ecological transition" in order to manage economic decline and cement their power.