Saint Vincent Martyr by Ermes Dovico


Al Gore wants to inflict a Big Green Brother on us

Al Gore wants to inflict a Big Green Brother on us

The former US Vice President Al Gore has announced the creation of a new technology (Climate TRACE) that will monitor greenhouse gas emissions on the entire planet. According to Gore, this new "big green brother" is able to trace the "identities" of those "responsible" for greenhouse gas emissions. It amounts to an eco-imperialism, with its devils and witches, that will crush everything and everyone. 

Ecological transition means economic decline

Ecological transition means economic decline

Western elites want "ecological transition" in order to manage economic decline and cement their power.

The continuous state of emergency is euthanising democracy

The continuous state of emergency is euthanising democracy

Overpopulation, climate, Covid-19: for seventy years now the Power that controls politics, the economy and the media has worked to install fear in the population by means of invented or overestimated phenomena. It’s paved the way for a continuous state of emergency allowing "enlightened elites" to force policies and restrictions on people’s freedom which, in state of normality, would be otherwise impossible.

Hurricane Ida debunks environmentalism

Hurricane Ida debunks environmentalism

A major hurricane hits Louisiana and the refrain of climate change warnings begins again. But all the data show that there is no increase in extreme events, while a comparison with the past shows how important adequate development is to minimise the damage of such events.

Governments told spend £11 billion climate fund on abortion to save the planet

Governments told spend £11 billion climate fund on abortion to save the planet

Sixty international abortion NGOs are launching an appeal to governments ahead of this November's climate conference in Glasgow. Their aim is to include contraception and abortion programmes among the measures to be funded in the fight against climate change. This is not a new narrative...

"Code red” UN climate alarm denied by facts

"Code red” UN climate alarm denied by facts

The IPCC's Sixth Report, published yesterday, is sounding climate emergency alarms with its usual catastrophic predictions, unless political and economic measures are not immediately taken. However, current data refute claims on the continuous rise in global temperatures. Meanwhile it is useful to remember that in 1989 the UN launched an alarm in which governments were given just ten years to reverse the trend. Thirty years later, those catastrophes have never come true.

Coal is life, energy transition can wait

Coal is life, energy transition can wait

The G20 environment ministers have failed in their attempt to ban coal by 2025. The reason is simple: coal is the main source of electricity for developing countries (and will be for a long time to come) and without electricity there is no economic growth.

Floods in Germany, not an unprecedented tragedy

Floods in Germany, not an unprecedented tragedy

Although the usual narrative of blaming global warming for out-of-control weather events has started, the rainfall that caused the flooding in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands is far from new and is also typical of the summer period. And by chasing the myth of climate change, the works required to minimise damage are neglected.

Having children is environmental vandalism. The lesson of Vogue

Having children is environmental vandalism. The lesson of Vogue

Is bringing a child into the world environmental vandalism? Yes, if they are born into the current lifestyle. The only ecologically responsible way to have a child is to instruct it from the outset not to consume and to overturn the current political-economic system of the West. The fashion influencer’s lesson explains what really constitutes ecological conversion.

Climate, the end of the world can wait

Climate, the end of the world can wait

For the umpteenth time on Earth Day, apocalyptic alarm bells have been rung from Biden to Pope Francis if drastic and urgent measures are not taken. These are predictions that, as usual, will turn out to be wrong and any commitments made based on them will prove unrealistic. In the meantime, the high-stakes pressure serves only to justify ever-heavier state intervention in the economy and to restrict citizens' freedoms.

The prince who wanted to become a deadly virus

The prince who wanted to become a deadly virus

He founded the WWF and to save the environment would have gladly sacrificed a part of humanity, even declaring that he wanted to be reincarnated as a lethal virus. Infused with neo-Malthusian ideology, he inherited and promoted eugenic culture. This is the lesser known side of Queen Elizabeth's husband, Prince Philip of Edinburgh, whose funeral takes place today.

'Green' Church at the service of eugenics

'Green' Church at the service of eugenics

The Vatican’s formal presentation of its "Pastoral Orientations on Climate Displaced People" marks the total subjugation of Church leadership to an ecological ideology, one that is anti-human at its core. While done in the name of defending the poor, it is actually a bullhorn for those who seek their elimination.