Saint Pantaleon by Ermes Dovico


Chesterton turns 150, an antidote against rampant evil

Chesterton turns 150, an antidote against rampant evil

On 29 May 1874, Gilbert Keith Chesterton, the great Catholic author who wrote the reasons for the Faith in his novels, was born in London. Today he is more relevant than ever, a real medicine for the soul.  

Denatality emergency, South Korea becomes 'sterile’

Denatality emergency, South Korea becomes 'sterile’

The fertility rate has dropped to 0.72 children per woman, the lowest in the world, despite substantial economic incentives. The president announces a new ministry to combat the birth rate crisis.

Eurovision 2024, Satanism dished out live on TV

Eurovision 2024, Satanism dished out live on TV

At the Eurovision Song Contest, pentacles and devilish looks take centre stage in Ireland’s Bambie Thug's performance. Pro-lgbt messages normalise hell on unified European networks.

Blasphemous exhibition in bishop's church. And they call it art

Blasphemous exhibition in bishop's church. And they call it art

An exhibition by a local artist in the diocesan museum church in Carpi, is provoking indignation due to its blasphemous paintings of Jesus, Mary and Magdalene. The Daily Compass has seen the works and the exhibition guide admits they are provocative. The diocesan curators are accused of passing off sacrilege for sacred art. Bishop Castellucci is called to respond.

Alert: TV series "Hazbin Hotel" promotes demons

Alert: TV series "Hazbin Hotel" promotes demons

A cartoon ("for adults") where the inhabitants of hell are the victims of an "evil" heaven in a diabolic reversal of good and bad. The International Association of Exorcists warns of the risks of normalising evil.

Freemasonry wants a "mea culpa", Catholic Church commits examination of conscience

Freemasonry wants a "mea culpa", Catholic Church commits examination of conscience

Not only Cardinal Coccopalmerio's proposal for a "permanent round table" of confrontation between the Church and Masonic lodges: at the meeting in Milan, Bishop Staglianò shatters the doctrinal approach and clears the way for openness in the name of Mercy.

"Dear Brother Masons": Archbishop of Milan takes his turn

"Dear Brother Masons": Archbishop of Milan takes his turn

Tomorrow 16 February, the Grand Masters of the three Italian Masonic lodges are the protagonists of a seminar together with Monsignor Delpini, Cardinal Coccopalmerio and Bishop Staglianò, organised by GRIS. Questions are raised about the ambiguous nature of the dialogue, and Delpini forbids the presence of journalists.

Sicily: the seven rapists were 'model' immigrants

Sicily: the seven rapists were 'model' immigrants

The group of young men who raped a 13-year-old girl forcing her boyfriend to watch, had all arrived illegally in Italy from Egypt. Their host community reported they had “good reports”. But, the Italian Home Office records an escalation of sexual violence by foreigners.

Rotting in bed, the new (bad) fad against anxieties

Rotting in bed, the new (bad) fad against anxieties

They call it bed rotting. It means literally "rotting in bed": the new phenomenon, fuelled by social media, to combat anxiety. Although, not an absolute novelty, it is justified today and denotes a lack of balance.

What is above: encountering God through beauty

What is above: encountering God through beauty

Helping people rediscover the way up to Heaven through the paths of art and creation. This is the goal that prompted an American student to expand an idea born during the months of lockdown.

"Holodomor was genocide", states Italian parliament

"Holodomor was genocide", states Italian parliament

The Italian Senate has recognised the Holodomor in Ukraine as genocide. The 'death by starvation', the artificial famine created by Stalin to bend Ukraine and collectivise agriculture, is a crime denied for almost a century.

Miss Holland is trans, the anti-Christian revolution strides ahead

Miss Holland is trans, the anti-Christian revolution strides ahead

We are witnessing a grand style operation to change attitudes towards "sexual non-conformities". But the real goal is to destroy traditional European culture, born of Christianity.