More on the alleged invalidity of Benedict XVI's Declaratio. Et de hoc satis
Nihil sub sole novum. This is how one could summarize the feeling aroused by reading the thirty-seven-page pamphlet, entitled I Will Not Deliver the Lion. The case of Benedict XVI's Declaratio.

Now and after the Coronavirus: what we have learned and how we must start again
This is not just a health emergency, but an event that involves many aspects of personal and social life that call into question the Church's social doctrine. Here are some reflections on the ongoing emergency, and especially what may occur after the coronavirus, written by Bishop Giampaolo Crepaldi and undersigned by the Cardinal Van Thuân International Observatory for the Social Doctrine of the Church.

Amazon Synod, four theses that are unacceptable
"We, numerous bishops, priests, and Catholic faithful from all over the world, hereby affirm that the Instrumentum Laboris prepared for the coming Synodal assembly raises serious questions and very grave reservations, because of its contradiction of individual points of Catholic doctrine which have always been taught by the Church".
"Obedience to the Pope requires us to say the truth about faith"
"No honest person can anymore deny the almost general doctrinal confusion which is reigning in the life of the Church in our days." "In view of this reality, our conscience does not allow us to be silent"