Saint John Paul II by Ermes Dovico

Universal acceptance of the Pope is always valid
Polemic against Francis

Universal acceptance of the Pope is always valid

There is a growing number of individuals and religious who are rejecting the legitimacy of Pope Francis. According to them, the Church's acceptance of the elected Pontiff is contradicted by the case of the antipope John XXIII (Baldassarre Cossa) with the support of other historical references. On the contrary, when put to the test, the arguments don’t prove their thesis.

Catholics are increasing worldwide. Except in Europe

Catholics are increasing worldwide. Except in Europe

On the occasion of World Mission Day, 20 October, Fides published a report on the state of the Church in the world. Nearly 14 million more Catholics, but numbers are falling in Europe.

UK, shock verdict: silent prayer against abortion is a crime

UK, shock verdict: silent prayer against abortion is a crime

Adam Smith Connor, prosecuted for violating a buffer zone protecting an abortion clinic, was found guilty and given a two-year conditional discharge and a £9,000 payment. This is the first time a thought crime has been recognised in the UK.

Shame on Democrats, Governor Whitmer mocks the Eucharist

Shame on Democrats, Governor Whitmer mocks the Eucharist

Michigan Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer's staged a mockery of the Eucharist by giving a crisp to a kneeling feminist, mimicking the act of taking Communion. She speaks of a misinterpretation, but it her feeble excuse fails to convince.

Judgment time for Smith-Connor and anti-abortion prayer

Judgment time for Smith-Connor and anti-abortion prayer

October 16: A British judge will rule on the case of the war veteran arrested for silently praying near an abortion clinic. If found guilty, it will be the first conviction in the UK and Europe for thoughtcrime.

In Bethlehem there is a Catholic school preparing for a better future

In Bethlehem there is a Catholic school preparing for a better future

Despite the many difficulties and discrimination caused by the war, more than 1,200 students - Christians and Muslims - keep hope alive. ‘Education is the key to being able to stay in this land and make it a safer place’. Says Father Giorgio Haddad, Franciscan, director of the Holy Land School.

New cardinals: Africa punished, Fiducia supplicans' takes revenge

New cardinals: Africa punished, Fiducia supplicans' takes revenge

Africans almost absent among the 21 cardinals appointed by Pope Francis: failure to endorse gay blessings bars entry to the sacred college. Promoted Radcliffe, the pro-lgbt Dominican preacher at the Synod.

Israel’s war for survival ignores international laws

Israel’s war for survival ignores international laws

After a year of war against Hamas, Israel acts like a maverick, violating international law. It claims the right to exist, but ignores the prerogatives of other peoples. Since 7 October to date, the Israeli army has killed 41,878 people in the Gaza Strip and 96,794 have been injured.

Müller: Synodal mea culpas, a litany of woke indoctrination

Müller: Synodal mea culpas, a litany of woke indoctrination

Abundance of political correctness and devoid of concern for the crisis of faith in Christ: the former Prefect of the Doctrine of the Faith comments on the pre-Synod penitential vigil and points the finger at the bankruptcy curators in cassocks.

Israel-Iran, only prayer can prevent the worst happening

Israel-Iran, only prayer can prevent the worst happening

Everyone is waiting with bated breath for Israel's harsh response to Iran’s missile attack (with announced counter-response). But it will not be war, with its burden of death destruction and suffering, that will restore peace and security. And this is the reason why everyone should participate in the day of prayer and fasting on 7 October as requested by the Patriarch of Jerusalem.

Pope challenged by disciples of his own progressive openings

Pope challenged by disciples of his own progressive openings

The Belgian theologian Gabriel Ringlet has not digested Pope Francis' papal” expressions against abortion and reproaches him in the name of the ethics of exceptions. By dint of triggering trialsnow the Pontiff himself is overwhelmed.

Daily Compass Annual Celebration Day: Persevering in the faith

Daily Compass Annual Celebration Day: Persevering in the faith

Perseverance in faith are concrete faces of the people who renew their encounter with Christ every day, whether they live in a monastery or struggle daily in the world. That is what we saw and experienced on September 28 at the Daily Compass Conference.