Saint Pantaleon by Ermes Dovico

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Zuppi, the queer cardinal

Zuppi, the queer cardinal

At the Giffoni Film Festival, dedicated to children and the youth, the president of the Italian bishops exalts the queer family the communein which all family roles are deconstructed, with the declared aim of destroying the natural family. Such serious affirmations are something the cardinals should take this into account in the next Conclave.

Communauté Saint-Martin, too many priestly vocations annoy Rome

Communauté Saint-Martin, too many priestly vocations annoy Rome

The reason for the forced accompaniment imposed on the French community enjoying a boom of seminarians amid the general desert of vocations appears due to the Holy See finding the elevated numbers worrisome: too many priests and too many conservatives who risk infecting half of France.

Church crisis favours false St Athanasius pretenders

Church crisis favours false St Athanasius pretenders

Today's ecclesial crisis resembles, in some ways, that caused by the Arian heresy. But the parallel between St Athanasius and some of today's schismatic prelates does not hold up: the holy bishop of Alexandria, exiled several times, defended the faith and at the same time remained obedient to Rome.

Biden’s exit puts Harris “gamble” under scrutiny

Biden’s exit puts Harris “gamble” under scrutiny

Biden has endorsed his vice-president to replace him for the nomination. A choice that represents continuity. But until now she is noted only for her support for abortion and her failure in the one task entrusted to her: resolve America’s illegal immigration problems.

Switzerland, Catholic website offers church list for ‘gay blessings’

Switzerland, Catholic website offers church list for ‘gay blessings’

The Swiss organisation Alliance for Catholic Equalityhas published a list of parishes willing to blessirregular and same-sex couples. Few priests are listed, but the Fiducia supplicans drift continues to make headway.

Deaconesses, Pope shields behind Jesuitical preface

Deaconesses, Pope shields behind Jesuitical preface

Women at the altar: five authors explore the question, including an Anglican bishopess,” at least two of whom argue for female priests. The Pontiff pens the introduction but plays safe using ambiguity.

Double standards: environmentalists ignore $600 million wedding pollution

Double standards: environmentalists ignore $600 million wedding pollution

World 17_07_2024 Anna Bono

The Indian billionaires Anat Ambani e Radhika Merchant, not only celebrated the wedding of the year, but also the most polluting. $600 million spent, thousands of planes and unbridled opulence. Silence from those who constantly accuse only the West of consuming the planet's resources.”

China bans "Taiwan" and "independence" word combination 

China bans "Taiwan" and "independence" word combination 

Approved new guidelines severely punish up to the death penalty anyone, including abroad, who asserts Taiwan's independence or its entry into international organizations.

Bishop Tremolada: "Mary, Mystical Rose, she’s the beauty needed today"

Bishop Tremolada: "Mary, Mystical Rose, she’s the beauty needed today"

From the writings of Pierina Gilli one immediately grasps "a certain spirituality of beauty, a fundamental characteristic of the Blessed Virgin." The prophetic significance of the devotion of the three roses for the consecrated and Mary's motherhood towards the sick. The Daily Compass interviews the Bishop of Brescia, Pierantonio Tremolada.

NATO summit puts Europe on warpath

NATO summit puts Europe on warpath

The balance of the Atlantic Alliance summit seems to confirm the West's inclination to seek military confrontation with Russia and that of the United States' to leave Europe increasingly weak politically, militarily, socially and economically.

Mary, Mystical Rose apparitions described by Pierina Gilli

Mary, Mystical Rose apparitions described by Pierina Gilli

In Pierina Gilli Diaries, ample space is dedicated to the apparitions (of Mary and not only) the visionary of Montichiari is said to have had from 1944 onwards. Although still unrecognised, it is to those that the messages and fruits judged positively by the Church today are linked. Let us review the main ones.

The Instrumentum Laboris confirms synodality dangers

The Instrumentum Laboris confirms synodality dangers

The Synod working document is full of 'listening', 'circularity', 'relational conversion' and 'conversation in the Spirit'. For 'walking together' the how is sufficient, without knowing where to go.

- Instrumentum Laboris, torture by words prepares October Synod by Nico Spuntoni