Saint Pantaleon by Ermes Dovico

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Hamas wants Palestinians dead, it is time to face the truth

Hamas wants Palestinians dead, it is time to face the truth

Palestinian victims are 'a necessary sacrifice': this statement by the Hamas leader is not only a demonstration of political cynicism, but expresses that deadly nihilism typical of jihadism. Something it’s time we reckon with, even in our homeland.

Moltmann, the father of errors of contemporary theology

Moltmann, the father of errors of contemporary theology

The Protestant theologian also had great influence in Catholic circles. A negative influence, which relies on hope but places it within history, secularising faith. The results are still evident today.

European vote: resounding ‘no’ to ideologies of the elites

European vote: resounding ‘no’ to ideologies of the elites

The political significance of the elections for the Europarliament is clear: rejection of green ideology, unchecked immigration policy, the power of the LGBT agenda and the exaggerated confrontation with Russia.

Gaza: Unrwa school massacre in Nuseirat increases hatred between Israelis and Palestinians

Gaza: Unrwa school massacre in Nuseirat increases hatred between Israelis and Palestinians

Massacre in Nuseirat, after Israeli air attack on a Hamas cell. An Unrwa school is destroyed leaving forty dead. Tempers are flaring on both sides and at a nationalist march in Jerusalem Ben Gvir's extremists give vent to worst anti-Arab ideology.

India: Christians relieved by Modi’s diminished victory 

India: Christians relieved by Modi’s diminished victory 

Hindu premier wins a third term but loses his parliamentary majority. Now he has to reckon with the advance of the opposition and religious minorities threatened by his nationalist agenda.

Sister Zaira, from religious vocation to holy death

Sister Zaira, from religious vocation to holy death

"Celebrate, because I am with Jesus!", this is Sister Zaira Dovico’s spiritual testament stated only days before her premature death, not yet 50, due to cancer. The Daily Compass offers its condolences to the Dovico family and publishes her brother Ermes Dovico’s testimony (Daily Compass colleague) which retraces the birth of her religious vocation and the last period of her life.

Gays in the seminary, pope eats his words

Gays in the seminary, pope eats his words

After the remark on faggotry in the priesthood, a sensational turn by Pope Francis: he encourages an aspiring gay seminarian not to give up. An inconceivable contradiction, which turns into a victory for the LGBT lobby.

Orban's European semester starts amid ferocious liberal attacks

Orban's European semester starts amid ferocious liberal attacks

From 1 July, Hungary assumes the six-month presidency of the European Council with a packed agenda. Many liberal socialists and pro-abortion corporations voice their opposition. Yet, support is rising as US and EU work to block its efforts.

Myanmar, repression of Christians and Rohingya intensifies

Myanmar, repression of Christians and Rohingya intensifies

Priests attacked and killed, churches damaged and martial law imposed. Human rights and respect for minorities are a distant memory under the rule of the military junta.  

China looms: 14 convictions in Hong Kong for subversion

China looms: 14 convictions in Hong Kong for subversion

The trial of 47 pro-democracy activists  arrested in 2020, ended yesterday for the first 14 convictions for subversion, but also with two acquittals. Beijing's new law starts to be applied in Hong Kong.

Some Italian bishops like gay seminarians

Some Italian bishops like gay seminarians

Speaking on the Pope's now famous remark on priests and homosexuality, the vice-president of the Italian Bishops Conference (CEI), Msgr. Savino, attributes Bergoglio’s affirmation to an OK for gays in the seminary. But Daily Compass sources deny this is the case. Evidently there are bishops in the CEI pushing to change Church norms.

F-ggotry? For the Pope the problem is image, not moral

F-ggotry? For the Pope the problem is image, not moral

The Pope's conversation in a closed-door meeting with the Italian Bishops Conference, and reported across the globe, are not against gays. On the contrary, this pontificate has promoted people and the LGBT agenda in every way possible. Even in seminaries.