Saint Bonaventure by Ermes Dovico

From the writings of Pierina Gilli one immediately grasps "a certain spirituality of beauty, a fundamental characteristic of the Blessed Virgin." The prophetic significance of the devotion of the three roses for the consecrated and Mary's motherhood towards the sick. The Daily Compass interviews the Bishop of Brescia, Pierantonio Tremolada.

NATO summit

NATO summit puts Europe on warpath

The balance of the Atlantic Alliance summit seems to confirm the West's inclination to seek military confrontation with Russia and that of the United States' to leave Europe increasingly weak politically, militarily, socially and economically.

The Madonna of Rosa Mistica and Pierina Gilli

Mary, Mystical Rose apparitions described by Pierina Gilli

In Pierina Gilli Diaries, ample space is dedicated to the apparitions (of Mary and not only) the visionary of Montichiari is said to have had from 1944 onwards. Although still unrecognised, it is to those that the messages and fruits judged positively by the Church today are linked. Let us review the main ones.


The Instrumentum Laboris confirms synodality dangers

The Synod working document is full of 'listening', 'circularity', 'relational conversion' and 'conversation in the Spirit'. For 'walking together' the how is sufficient, without knowing where to go.

- Instrumentum Laboris, torture by words prepares October Synod by Nico Spuntoni

Rosa Mistica, Fontanelle

The approval of the apparitions at Montechiari Brescia is the first decree nihil obstat after the Vatican produced new norms on supernatural phenomenon. Monsignor Marco Alba, rector of the sanctuary speaks to the Daily Compass. “Pilgrims visiting Fontanelle can live an authentic Marian devotion linked to Pierina Gilli's spiritual experience”.

-Rosa Mistica: Vatican nihil obstat explained by Ermes Dovico

Trump e Biden, il dibattito sulla CNN (La Presse)

In one of his comments Trump said he was running for president again to get rid of Joe Biden. If Biden steps down will Trump follow? There is now some possibility of having two younger politicians competing for votes on November 5th.


Nine months since the beginning of the war between Hamas terrorists and Israel, the population of the Gaza Strip is at breaking point. The Israeli ambassador to the Holy See responds sharply to a document by the Justice and Peace Commission.



Kenyan police add violence to ongoing chaos

The Church has been assisting the people of Haiti in total chaos for three years. But even religious are victims of atrocious gang violence. Kenya sends in the police, notorious for its violence


Viganò excommunicates himself rejecting the visible Church

With his J'accuse, the former apostolic nuncio disavows the authority of the pope and thus the current hierarchy, which (as battered as it is) is the only one in existence, thus dragging hundreds of people into a schism for his claims.


Reality is stronger than those who want to bury the Ancient Rite

An ideological war is being waged against the traditional liturgy, which as such is bound to run aground against concrete conversions and vocations. But, in time the truth will emerge because it is not the space of ideology but of divine providence.


“Lebanon is on verge of abyss” bishop says

A war between Israel and Hezbollah would be disastrous, and yet we are on the verge of a conflict starting that no one wants. Msgr. Cesar Essayan's raises the alarm to the Daily Compass, "It is time to lay down arms and start a lasting peace process."