Saint Cyril of Alexandria by Ermes Dovico

The founder of the St Vincent Ferrer Fraternity, Father de Blignières, proposes an ecclesiastical circumscription for the Ancient Rite. A concrete proposal, after Traditionis custodes, to respond to the need of many faithful who want to remain in communion with the Pope.


Sunset of the Ursula Majority, the bluff is called

Under the current conditions, the possibility is high that a possible reapplication of von der Leyen, with unchanged line-ups, will be scuttled by franchi tiratori. Either 'Ursula' leans towards a different majority or a new leader figure is found who embodies the sense of the new balances that have matured at continental level.


Viganò and Lefebvrians, the illusion of a Tradition without Church

Canonical trial for the former nuncio, while the Fraternity founded by Mgr Lefebvre announces the illicit consecration of new bishops. But going beyond legitimate criticism of ecclesiastical authorities leads to schism. And it is not the solution.

The event

Medjugorje, the necessary novena for peace

In view of the 43rd anniversary of the beginning of the Medjugorje apparitions, which are still unrecognised, Our Lady asked through the visionary Marija for a special novena for peace, to be experienced by ascending Podbrdo. This is the first time this has happened. An appeal that says so much about the times we live in.

The Attorney General of Kansas is suing the pharmaceutical giant: "It deceived on efficacy and adverse effects". Accusations include damage to pregnant women, myocarditis and deaths, as well as censorship on social media to hide criticism.

World 20_06_2024 Andrea Zambrano

The world offers “a superficial and illusory view of love”, where sacrifice is not contemplated. “But Christian love is more profound, and it means imitating Christ”. In the spirituality of the Sacred Heart, affection, intellect and will work together. The Daily Compass interviews cardinal Collins.

Ecclesia 19_06_2024 Nico Spuntoni
Xi Jinping - LaPresse

In Xi Jinping's China, Mao's Cultural Revolution methods are seeping back. In order to prevent dissent, the 'Fengqiao experience' system is reintroduced: volunteer vigilantes who incite citizens to denounce one another.  

World 18_06_2024 Angeline Tan

Moltmann, the father of errors of contemporary theology

The Protestant theologian also had great influence in Catholic circles. A negative influence, which relies on hope but places it within history, secularising faith. The results are still evident today.


European vote: resounding ‘no’ to ideologies of the elites

The political significance of the elections for the Europarliament is clear: rejection of green ideology, unchecked immigration policy, the power of the LGBT agenda and the exaggerated confrontation with Russia.


Gaza: Unrwa school massacre in Nuseirat increases hatred between Israelis and Palestinians

Massacre in Nuseirat, after Israeli air attack on a Hamas cell. An Unrwa school is destroyed leaving forty dead. Tempers are flaring on both sides and at a nationalist march in Jerusalem Ben Gvir's extremists give vent to worst anti-Arab ideology.


India: Christians relieved by Modi’s diminished victory 

Hindu premier wins a third term but loses his parliamentary majority. Now he has to reckon with the advance of the opposition and religious minorities threatened by his nationalist agenda.