Pope’s new preacher Pasolini teaches rainbow bible
Jonathan and David, the Centurion and the Servant: the Pope's neo-preacher promotes an imaginative biblical exegesis to normalise homosexuality. The significant proximity to Father Rupnik and the Aletti Centre. Two more points for the ‘Fiducia supplicans team’.
Musk’s US political rise fractures Great Reset framework
What role will ‘super-genius’ Elon Musk play in Trump's America? He might take revenge on those who had ostracised him, like the Davos world. But he will certainly take the opportunity to accelerate his most advanced projects. He can’t be described as a ‘white knight’, but reasonable optimism that he will counteract the Great Reset narrative in action is not misplaced either.
Trump's victory is a blow to Poland’s liberal leaders
The leaders of the current Polish government, from Prime Minister Tusk to Foreign Minister Sikorski, have not only been extremely critical recently but even insulting towards America’s president-elect Donald Trump. A rhetoric which will boomerang affecting negatively Polish-US relations.
Irish medical study confirms Covid vaccines harmed children
A study published in the Irish Medical Journal, conducted on 12-15 year old patients, reveals that Covid mRNA vaccines increased the risks of developing myocarditis and pericarditis, both after the first dose but more so after the second.
Spain: Supreme Court attacks Church with principle of non-discrimination verdict
After a 16-year court battle, the Spanish Constitutional Court has recognised a woman’s right to join a male fraternity. According to the principle of non-discrimination, nothing should prevent freedom of participation. A potential threat to every libertas ecclesiae. The Observatory libertad religiosa warns the Daily Compass against future scenarios.
Persecuted Polish Priest fights to defend himself
Following his release on bail, Father Michał Olszewski has once again been attacked by the mainstream media. His lawyer, Krzysztof Wąsowski, dismantled all the accusations in the Polish Gazette Gazeta Wyborcza. But now the Prosecutor's Office, exploiting a technicality, is now attempting to deprive the priest of his defence lawyer.
Trump's America: interclass, interethnic and anti-ideology
‘Trumpism’ is not so much a populism, as often derogatorily described by its enemies, but a ‘people's party’ that expresses the new economic, social and cultural balances in the United States that have matured in recent decades.
Valencia floods: problem is anthropological change not climate change
The tragedy of Valencia, where floods are recurrent, suggests how dangerous the ideology is that blames mankind for climate change and forces sound land management programs to be neglected in favour of green policies which are as expensive as they are useless.
Cardinal De Kesel glorifies world that ‘converts’ the Church
At long last thanks to modernity we can understand the Gospel: for the Belgian Archbishop Emeritus the ‘secular culture’ is a positive turning point but forgets that a secularised society is not neutral with respect to God, but is without God. This too is worldliness.
Benedict XVI renouncement was authentic not faked as some claim
A study by two canonists, produced for Compass, analyzes the recurring arguments (including slips) pitched against the validity of Pope Ratzinger's resignation and thus the subsequent election of Francis.
-The full text of the document, by Geraldina Boni and Manuel Ganarin
More on the alleged invalidity of Benedict XVI's Declaratio. Et de hoc satis
Nihil sub sole novum. This is how one could summarize the feeling aroused by reading the thirty-seven-page pamphlet, entitled I Will Not Deliver the Lion. The case of Benedict XVI's Declaratio.
Vatican pays gay pride and sex toys artist to design Jubilee mascot
Barely presented and already in the eye of the storm: ‘Luce’ (Light) the name of the Jubilee 2025 mascot which not only resembles Greta Thumberg, but was designed by the artist Simone Legno, well known for his popular ‘Tokidoki’ brand but also for having produced gay pride gadgets and a line of vibrators. Did Monsignor Fisichella's Dicastery for Evangelisation really not know that?