Saint Pantaleon by Ermes Dovico

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Climate, Pope's insults inadmissible

Climate, Pope's insults inadmissible

In an interview with the American TV station CBS, Pope Francis calls scientists and experts who deny the climate emergency "stupid". A heavy and unacceptable criticism, which also reveals a major problem in the relationship between the Church and science.

Vatican set to renew controversial agreement despite China’s betrayal

Vatican set to renew controversial agreement despite China’s betrayal

For Cardinal Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State, the secret agreement with China must be renewed. And this time it should be definitive. Nothing counts, neither Beijing's violations of the agreement nor the growing persecution of Catholics who resist kowtowing to the Party, including those in Hong Kong.

London's Rwanda plan will save lives

London's Rwanda plan will save lives

World 24_04_2024 Anna Bono

The British Parliament has finally passed the law that defines how and when a selection of illegal migrants will be transferred to Rwanda pending the evaluation of their asylum requests. Amnesty International and other NGOs protest, but misrepresent a law that will save lives.

Storms in the Gulf, but don’t blame mankind for natural disasters

Storms in the Gulf, but don’t blame mankind for natural disasters

The trend to blame human action for every natural disaster that occurs, predictably was the same excuse used for the deluge in the Persian Gulf that caused 20 deaths and immense damage in the United Arab Emirates. The culprits: anthropogenic global warming (as usual) and cloud seeding.

WHO propaganda ranges from vaccines to abortion

WHO propaganda ranges from vaccines to abortion

The strategies adopted by the World Health Organisation are part of a globalist design, which under the slogan of 'One health' wants to impose a society based on vaccine ideology and to control the world’s population through abortion. Here is how and with whom.

Macabre dance video signals medical abuse culture

Macabre dance video signals medical abuse culture

There is no justification for the 'macabre dance' performed during a practice session for forensic medicine in Malta. It is a sign of the great reset taking place in medicine which is losing its sense of care for the sick and respect for all people, even the dead. 

Wars and destabilisation, West pays Biden's mistakes

Wars and destabilisation, West pays Biden's mistakes

While Trump had laid the foundations for a balance in the Middle East with the Abrahamic Accords, the current US administration has encouraged Iran in its work of destabilisation. A diplomatic disaster.

'I, a child of rape, extol my mother's heroism'

'I, a child of rape, extol my mother's heroism'

A mentally disabled teenager, who became pregnant after being raped, escapes from the institution where she is kept to save her son's life, gives birth and leaves the newborn baby with social services. After 27 years her son finds her again and.... The incredible story of Glenda Sue Holt and Steventhen Holland, now one of America's best known pro-life activists.

Cardinal Sarah pleas like Solženicyn: "Don't give in to lies!"

Cardinal Sarah pleas like Solženicyn: "Don't give in to lies!"

Half a century after the Russian writer's famous denunciation, the African prelate echoes the same words. His warning is against the temptation to pander to the "fluid" atheism that has penetrated the Church, also in view of the next Synod.

Death penalty, contradiction passed off as development

Death penalty, contradiction passed off as development

After Fiducia supplicans another U-turn on the perennial teaching of the Church that considers the right to life inviolable, but for the innocent. So one change leads to another.

Dignitas infinita, a superficial document and some serious errors

Dignitas infinita, a superficial document and some serious errors

The new declaration by the Fernández-led Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith was published yesterday. Fundamentally, the approach is correct, but it neglects the transcendent foundation of human dignity. Social justice is the central reference, rather than the Decalogue. And it winks at environmentalism and homosexualism.

Christ is risen, now is the time for witness

Christ is risen, now is the time for witness

«Today the witnesses speak out... Today, we too are witnesses to the Risen Christ and we repeat his proclamation of peace to all humanity. We bear witness to his death and resurrection, especially to the men and women of our own time, caught up in fratricidal strife and slaughter».