Saint Pantaleon by Ermes Dovico

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Ratzinger’s defence of Tucho is Vatican media fake news

Ratzinger’s defence of Tucho is Vatican media fake news

"Non-liturgical" blessings? To justify Fiducia supplicans the head of Vatican media pulls a document out of a hat about something else, creating a precedent that does not exist.

L'identité du prochain pape : notes d'un cardinal

L'identité du prochain pape : notes d'un cardinal

Ecclesia 29_02_2024

Deux ans après le texte signé 'Demos' (dont il a été révélé par la suite qu'il avait été écrit par le Cardinal Pell), un nouveau document anonyme, lié au premier, définit les sept priorités du prochain Conclave pour réparer la confusion et la crise créées par ce Pontificat.
- L'identikit del prossimo Papa (I) II A Profile of the Next Pope (EN) II "Retrato robot" del próximo Papa (ES) II Identität des nächsten Papstes (D) II Identyfikacja następnego papieża (PL)

Identität des nächsten Papstes: Kardinal schreibt

Identität des nächsten Papstes: Kardinal schreibt

Ecclesia 29_02_2024

Zwei Jahre nach dem Text mit der Unterschrift "Demos" (von dem sich später herausstellte, dass er von Kardinal Pell verfasst wurde) definiert ein neues anonymes Dokument, das mit dem ersten verbunden ist, die sieben Prioritäten des nächsten Konklaves, um die Verwirrung und die Krise, die durch dieses Pontifikat entstanden sind, zu beheben.
- L'identikit del prossimo Papa (I) II  A Profile of the Next Pope (EN) II "Retrato robot" del próximo Papa (ES) II L'identité du prochain pape (F) II Identyfikacja następnego papieża (PL)

Identyfikacja następnego papieża: notatki kardynała

Identyfikacja następnego papieża: notatki kardynała

Ecclesia 29_02_2024

Dwa lata po ukazaniu się tekstu podpisanego przez "Demos" (później ujawniono, że był to tekst napisany przez kardynała Pella), nowy, anonimowy dokument, powiązany z pierwszym, określa siedem priorytetów następnego konklawe, aby naprawić zamieszanie i kryzys wywołany przez obecny pontyfikat.
- L'identikit del prossimo Papa (I) II  A profile of the Next Pope (EN) II "Retrato robot" del próximo Papa (ES) II L'identité du prochain pape (F) II Identität des nächsten Papstes (D)

A profile of the next Pope, writes Cardinal

A profile of the next Pope, writes Cardinal

Ecclesia 29_02_2024

Two years after the text signed 'Demos' (later revealed to have been written by Cardinal Pell) a new anonymous document, linked to the first, defines the seven priorities of the next Conclave to repair the confusion and crisis created by this Pontificate.
- L'identikit del prossimo Papa (I) II  "Retrato robot" del próximo Papa (ES) II L'identité du prochain pape (F) II Identität des nächsten Papstes (D) II Identyfikacja następnego papieża (PL)

Another referendum in Ireland targets woman and marriage

Another referendum in Ireland targets woman and marriage

On 8 March, a poll will take place to remove from the Constitution a woman’s right to stay home to look after her family and the uniqueness of the natural family.

Freemasonry, Staglianò's doublespeak

Freemasonry, Staglianò's doublespeak

Pressed by the Daily Compass article, the President of the Pontifical Academy of Theology publishes the speech he gave at the Milan conference on Church and Freemasonry. It’s even clearer now that he indicates Fiducia Supplicans as the solution for Freemasons.

Alert: TV series "Hazbin Hotel" promotes demons

Alert: TV series "Hazbin Hotel" promotes demons

A cartoon ("for adults") where the inhabitants of hell are the victims of an "evil" heaven in a diabolic reversal of good and bad. The International Association of Exorcists warns of the risks of normalising evil.

Jesuits make clean sweep after Rupnik disaster

Jesuits make clean sweep after Rupnik disaster

The dean of the Pontifical Oriental Institute, Father Ruyssen, sacked with immediate effect and sent away from Rome in the middle of the academic year is another sudden change and move. The Jesuits are shaking off 'difficult brethren'. It’s a repetition of the usual strategy: removing, instead of intervening.

Rupnik, former nun comes out: 'He took my virginity'

Rupnik, former nun comes out: 'He took my virginity'

In a press conference Gloria Branciani denounces increasingly aggressive and blasphemous sexual demands. A decisive step to shed light on the case of the Slovenian priest, which casts a shadow on the transparency of the current pontificate.

A Nobel at Pav praises and glorifies vaccine 'god'

A Nobel at Pav praises and glorifies vaccine 'god'

The Nobel Prize winner Katalin Karikó, who made mRNA resistant and thus also prolonged spike production, has joined the Pontifical Academy for Life. The Vatican continues to worship the vaccine god, losing still more credibility.

Immigration scandal, 'bogus Christians' game system to stay in UK

Immigration scandal, 'bogus Christians' game system to stay in UK

Violence, murder, terrorism: tragic news events have lifted the veil on the phenomenon of 'bogus conversions' from Islam to obtain political asylum in England. Anglican Church under indictment.