Saints Cosmas and Damian by Ermes Dovico

Christ is risen, now is the time for witness

Christ is risen, now is the time for witness

«Today the witnesses speak out... Today, we too are witnesses to the Risen Christ and we repeat his proclamation of peace to all humanity. We bear witness to his death and resurrection, especially to the men and women of our own time, caught up in fratricidal strife and slaughter».

Lejeune's lesson, abortion is the defeat of medicine

Lejeune's lesson, abortion is the defeat of medicine

'The right to life is not given by governments, to continue to exist civilisation must conform to natural morality'. The 'father of modern genetics' and discoverer of the cause of Trisomy 21, Jérôme Lejeune, will be remembered at an international bioethics congress in Rome on 17 and 18 May. The Daily Compass interviewed Aude Dugast, postulator of the cause for canonisation.

Easter Triduum, the mysteries of life and death interrogate world today

Easter Triduum, the mysteries of life and death interrogate world today

In the three days of the Triduum we relive the apocalyptic clash between life and death, light and darkness, hate and love. It is an ever-present drama that concerns each of us, our eternal destiny. Even in the greatest suffering, Christ gives us the certainty that, united with Him, we will rise to new life.

Hate crimes, Scotland’s LGBT police state

Hate crimes, Scotland’s LGBT police state

After pressure from the LGBT lobby, new regulations in Scotland against so-called "hate crimes" will come into force on 1 April. Those who defend male-female gender and marriage between man and woman, face a sentence of up to seven years in prison.

Gaza, why Israel’s response is 'disproportionate'

Gaza, why Israel’s response is 'disproportionate'

Patriarch Pizzaballa and Cardinal Parolin accuse Israel of a "disproportionate" response. Not only do the numbers prove them right, but the facts show that Israel is losing its soul.

"Jimmy Lai, persecuted by China, abandoned by the Vatican"

"Jimmy Lai, persecuted by China, abandoned by the Vatican"

 As Hong Kong tightens its national security law, the famous Catholic dissident risks being jailed for life. Father Robert Sirico attended the last hearing of his trial: 'He saw me, I blessed him and he was moved'. A crucifix drawn in prison is now on display at the Catholic University of Washington. The closeness of Cardinal Zen, the silence of Rome and the Church in Hong Kong. 

Cordes' testament: 'God's work in my life'

Cordes' testament: 'God's work in my life'

Turning his thoughts to eternity, the German cardinal who died last Friday retraced the events of his life, seeing in people and circumstances the benevolent hand of God the Father

Vatican Revolution: yes to euthanasia and artificial insemination

Vatican Revolution: yes to euthanasia and artificial insemination

The ban on euthanasia causes worse harm than good; green light to homologous fertilisation: these are the resounding statements contained in the book La gioia della vita (The Joy of Life), a joint reflection of the theologians of the Pontifical Academy for Life (Pav). And even the Bible can be corrected. It’s an unapologetic declaration of heresy.

"Life", Pope Francis' autobiography admits problems with Benedict  XVI

"Life", Pope Francis' autobiography admits problems with Benedict  XVI

The "bombshell book" turns out to be deja vu, judging by the anecdotes released by Corriere della Sera and already recounted in various interviews. Paradoxically, the only novelty concerns the relationship with Ratzinger, which dismantles the narrative about the 'wise grandfather'.

For Cardinal Zuppi Lent parallels Ramadan

For Cardinal Zuppi Lent parallels Ramadan

The Archbishop of Bologna, President of the Italian Bishops’ Conference, writes an all encompassing message to "brothers and sisters followers of Islam". He weaves an irenic parallelism between Islamic fasting and Lenten fasting. But, forgets that it is Christ who makes the difference.

Ireland saves woman and family: surprise victory

Ireland saves woman and family: surprise victory

The surprise No victory in the Irish referendum to remove a woman’s right to stay home and look after the family and the uniqueness of the natural family from the Constitution. The Daily Compass interviews Angelo Bottone, a promoter of the No committee. "It is a break with the decade of liberal reforms".

Blasphemous exhibition in bishop's church. And they call it art

Blasphemous exhibition in bishop's church. And they call it art

An exhibition by a local artist in the diocesan museum church in Carpi, is provoking indignation due to its blasphemous paintings of Jesus, Mary and Magdalene. The Daily Compass has seen the works and the exhibition guide admits they are provocative. The diocesan curators are accused of passing off sacrilege for sacred art. Bishop Castellucci is called to respond.