Saints Timothy and Titus by Ermes Dovico


Biennial lockdowns, good for the climate bad for mankind

Biennial lockdowns, good for the climate bad for mankind

The equivalent of a lockdown every two years, because, in 2020, an annual CO2 reduction target set by the Paris agreements was doubled. This is what a study by Nature Climate Change attests. Rather than suggesting to repeat the experience, however, it calls for the same result to be achieved by adopting a green energy policy. But, at what human and material costs?

‘Climate justice’, new diktats

‘Climate justice’, new diktats

In a landmark ruling, the Paris Administrative Court has condemned the French state for ecological and environmental damage, as it is not meeting its commitments to cut carbon dioxide emissions. A fundamental step in the process of imposing a new ecological dictatorship.

The Green Madness tries to destroy the Netherlands

The Green Madness tries to destroy the Netherlands

We are publishing the article written by Hugo Bos, “The Green Madness Trying to Destroy the Netherlands”. This article highlights the data of the ecologist ideology in Holland. It is an extract from the XII Report on the Social Doctrine of the Church of the Observatory Cardinal Van Thuân recently published by Edizioni Cantagalli, Siena. 

Environmentalism and Globalism, the two most dangerous ideologies

Environmentalism and Globalism, the two most dangerous ideologies

Environmentalism is an enormous ideological bubble, globalism is an ethics of humanity with few and generic moral principles for a universal religion without dogmas and doctrines. This alarming project is also being supported by the Catholic Church. The XII Report of the Cardinal Van Thuân Observatory is dedicated to ‘Environmentalism and Globalism’, the two most dangerous ideologies of the moment, which aim to converge on one single world political programme.

The Vatican pays in Pachamama

The Vatican pays in Pachamama

The Vatican Mint has issued a new €10 silver coin to celebrate Earth Day: engraved on one side, is the image of Mother Earth projecting the iconography of the Pachamama. A scandalous choice: the Catholic Church is paying tribute to a pagan divinity. 

Pandemic or climate change, make good excuses for a lockdown

Pandemic or climate change, make good excuses for a lockdown

The IPCC, the UN entity that is concerned with studying climate change, has reached the conclusion that lockdown is good for the planet because it is reducing CO2 emissions. Indeed, what we went through during the worst months of the pandemic should be seen as a small contribution towards reaching the goals set by the Paris accords. Thus, in order to reach them we would have to resort to an almost permanent lockdown. And so they have finally achieved a perfect fusion between catastrophism caused by climate change and that of the pandemic. They are both forms of millenniarism which say that economic development is a (collective) sin and its expiation requires the paralysis of the economy and the reduction of growth.

And they call it science: now Covid is also racist

And they call it science: now Covid is also racist

“The Coronavirus is also racist: it has led to racial disparities between whites and blacks.” The accusation arrives from prestigious scientific reviews like the New England Medical Journal and The Lancet, according to which there is a need to speak of structural racism because the virus has produced racial disparities that have struck ethnic minorities. But this is ideology rather than racism. In reality, what is involved is the social factor that concerns economic conditions, the level of education, and the possibility of having access to healthcare. If we take a state with a high concentration of African-Americans like Louisiana as a model, the data is obvious. In fact, it is enough to go to other countries like Italy to discover that racism has nothing to do with it.

Weak and endemic Covid: The pandemic is running out

Weak and endemic Covid: The pandemic is running out

The government is using the latest data to relaunch the campaign of terror and float the possibility of new lockdowns. But the data actually say just the opposite. For weeks now Covid has ceased to be an epidemic and has instead become endemic: it has entered into its homoplasia phase, that is, it has lost its power and essentially exhausted itself, even if not completely. Creating a media panic over young people testing positive makes no sense: the greatest concern should be keeping the elderly and those in poor health safe. Instead, cancer patients and those at risk of heart attack are being neglected, as shown by the data from the Italian Cardiology Society on the decline in hospitalizations

Covid: Covered-up in Iran, Overstated in Sweden

Covid: Covered-up in Iran, Overstated in Sweden

Iran has lied about the spread of the Covid epidemic, as Iranian government documents that have been leaked to the press reveal. But the world has not taken any severe measures against the Islamic Republic. At the same time, Sweden, which has been demonized for refusing to go into lockdown, has flattened the curve of new cases.

“Look up” to escape the crisis

“Look up” to escape the crisis

“They are called to look up, but no one knows how to raise his eyes”— the lament of God expressed by the prophet Hosea is the most truthful and radical judgment on the time of crisis we are living through. The virus is a call to conversion, but instead the world seems to attach itself more and more to idols and the path that leads to ruin.

Laudato Si', a debatable self-celebration

Laudato Si', a debatable self-celebration

On the fifth anniversary of Pope Francis’s Laudato Si', a year will be dedicated to deepening discussion on the social encyclical’s themes. This is a questionable initiative, as questionable as the very content of the encyclical, which is based on a series of debatable scientific theories and which represents a discontinuity with the Church’s prior social teachings.

The Vatican consecrates itself to anti-human ecologism

The Vatican consecrates itself to anti-human ecologism

April 22 saw great involvement of the Vatican media and the Pope in the celebration of the 50th Earth Day, dedicated to the encyclical Laudato Si'. An event that marks the definitive integration of the Holy See with the world's ecological lobbies, despite the fact that the forces behind Earth Day are heirs to the Eugenic Societies.