Civitavecchia, “Our Lady really appeared”
What really happened in Civitavecchia? Was the Mariophany of the statuette that wept blood approved by the Church or not? Why should we believe that the Virgin Mary appeared on the outskirts of Rome? Father Flavio Ubodi, a Capuchin theologian among the greatest experts in this matter, one by one answers every question about one of the most debated supernatural phenomena ever. And he reveals some significant background information, such as the special relationship Saint John Paul II had with Civitavecchia...
The cardinal persecuted by the Soviets: “The Eucharist saved me”
Imprisoned, made to do forced labor, deported to Siberia. The Lithuanian Cardinal Sigitas Tamkevičius,a former Soviet prisoner, shares with The Daily Compass the horror of the anti-Catholic persecution in the former USSR. But at the same time, he testifies to the miraculous hope that comes only from faith in Christ: “In the beginning it seemed to be a cross that was too big, but today I understand that this trial was a great gift of God.” “How did I succeed in resisting? The Eucharist was my only strength.”
Allusions, ambiguity, and poetry: By how you write, I can tell you what your Magisterium is
In order to give one’s personal assent in matters of faith and morals, the believer must have a clear understanding of exactly what it is he is assenting to. All the rest is just literature. Just like Amoris Laetitia, Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation Querida Amazonia uses a style of language that emphasises the use of images, the insertion of poetry, environmental slogans, expressions loaded with social-justice ideology, and drastic historical judgments. His magisterial documents consider it useless to teach the truth with precision, believing instead that the magisterium should inspire reflections, comparisons and the opening of “new paths.”
“Jesus, arise”: a study on the Shroud is disproved by the Shroud
A Spanish Plastic Surgery Specialist, Bernardo Hontanilla Calatayud, says he has studied the image on the Shroud and can affirm that it shows “the typical gesture of a person trying to rise from the supine position”. Even the facial muscles are those of someone alive. But this statement, on the trail of the Resurrection, is refuted by science and also by the Shroud itself because the image is not the image of a body about to rise.
"Dear Amazonia…" – The Match Is Only Postponed
The post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation Querida Amazonia, published February 12th, doesn't mention the long-awaited opening to married clergy, but pope Francis demands that the Amazon Synod’s Final Document be applied with all that it contains. And although the feeling is that of a text that has been “deflated” by criticisms, the Gospel and culture are excessively separated while a veiled defense of the Pachamama is made. Meanwhile, the “official interpreters” of this pontificate push forward in union with the German “Synodal Way.”
The Vatican “gifts” Hong Kong to the Chinese Regime
The next Archbishop of Hong Kong will be completely pro-China. We are talking about Msgr. Peter Choy, who has already been appointed even though the official announcement has been postponed: first, because of the awareness by the Vatican that this announcement will further fracture the church in Hong Kong, and now also because of the coronavirus crisis. The agreement between the Holy See and China – which remains secret even to this day – thus claims a new victim, the church in Hong Kong.
Disposal of green energy? It's not a green matter
Everyone wants to avoid creating environmental problems. But good intentions is not enough if science kowtows to environmental ideology. For example: it is easy to talk about renewable energy, but the consequences of the disposal of obsolete wind turbine blades are a growing problem for the environment. This is why.
The "sacrifice" on stage at the Sanremo song Festival
A rapper is invited to the most famous Italian song Festival by the director because of his desire to live despite being confined to a wheel chair with ALS. The young male sings a hymn to life with words of the beauty of sacrifice (the affection of his loved-ones) and the rosary that keeps the devil of desperation away. Anyone suffering can’t help but be struck.
The business of welcoming immigrants is not true subsidiarity
It is often said that the system of welcoming migrants that operates in Europe corresponds to the principle of subsidiarity. But this is a deception: the social agencies that welcome illegal immigrants and asylum seekers are actually run by the State in terms of funding as well as regulations; as such they are only agents of the State, and they operate only as long as the State wants them to.
Abu Dhabi, one year later: The ambiguity about religions remains
One year after the signing of the Abu Dhabi Declaration, two fundamental ambiguities remain: the will of God regarding the plurality of religions and the way in which religions ought to collaborate for peace. But the point is this: the way in which religions see God determines the way they see the human person, the family, woman, law, and freedom, as well as peace.
Pakistan: judges rule it’s OK to rape Christian girls
Scandalous sentence of the Sindh High Court against the 14-year-old Catholic Huma Younus, kidnapped, raped and forced to marry a Muslim man: the marriage is valid, according to Sharia law, because Huma had already begun her menstrual cycle. This proves that Pakistani laws, which prohibit marriage to minors, are only a façade to secure Western economic aid, firstly from the European Union. The judgement sounds like a sentence for the thousands of Christian girls who suffer the same fate, with forced conversions perpetrated through abduction and sexual violence.
Coronavirus: The Doctor Takes Care of It, But God Alone Heals
How should Christians react to the coronavirus? With a “symphony”: on the one hand by turning to doctors, who are a gift of God, and on the other hand by turning to prayer, asking the Most High to grant healing. But how should we pray? Here the Tradition comes to our aid: Mass formularies, blessing rituals, and public processions – why not? – to beg God for the end of epidemics. But today having a procession would be considered anthropologically, politically, culturally, and ecclesiastically incorrect.