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Operation Two Popes: a cheap shot at Ratzinger

Operation Two Popes: a cheap shot at Ratzinger

The Daily Compass watched the Netflix movie, “The Two Popes.” Read this and you won’t need to watch it: it is ideological, ridiculous and a cheap shot at painting Benedict XVI as a decrepit man and Pope Francis as the Church‘s Robin Hood. Just to give you an idea, there is a scene where Bella Ciao is sung - a Communist melody which has become associated with the Italian resistance against the Nazis.

New Vatican document is ambiguous on divorce, homosexuality

New Vatican document is ambiguous on divorce, homosexuality

A study by the Pontifical Biblical Commission requested by the Pope has just been published. Based on anticipations, various media outlets are reporting it as an opening of the Church on the topics of divorce and homosexuality. In reality, things are more ambiguous, but from what we have read so far it seems to endorse an approach to Scripture that distances itself from the Tradition.

Warning: Study says climate sceptics should be straitjacketed

Warning: Study says climate sceptics should be straitjacketed

Here we go. The thesis of a Bavarian psychotherapist: those who are not  "adequately interested in the imminent destruction of the world as we know it" require medical treatment. They have"psychological problems" that require psychotherapy. It’s thought-crime and social engineering in the name of climate control.

New Martyrs for a Schizophrenic Spain

New Martyrs for a Schizophrenic Spain

The Pope has recognised a further 27 martyrs, religious murdered in hatred of their faith during the Spanish Civil War, bringing to 1,962 the total number of martyrs for Christ, the most extensive persecution in Church History. But the current political composition of the country is very similar to that which 80 years ago led to the extermination of so many Catholics. So, while the Church beatifies its martyrs, the cultural and media mainstream still believes that the executioners were justified.

"Blasphemous acts, to destroy the joy of Christmas"

"Blasphemous acts, to destroy the joy of Christmas"

A Netflix streaming of a blasphemous film that portrays a gay Jesus and a poster which portrays Jesus in the act of pedophile impulses displayed at a museum in Rome are disgusting the Catholic world. Cardinal Burke: “Art has become an expression of the meaningless of life without God; they hate Christ because he reveals this emptiness.” " It’s scandalous that bishops and priests remain silent when God is attacked, it is a sign of the grave crisis in the Church." "The faithful should make acts of reparation and make use of every lawful means to prevent these obscenities from proliferating.”

CNN gags the truth on the Turin Shroud

CNN gags the truth on the Turin Shroud

Last December 12, CNN dedicated a long and abundantly illustrated article to the Holy Shroud, where my declarations have been manipulated to give the idea of the emotional passion of those who approach the Shroud believing in its authenticity, in contrast to the scientific rigour of those who consider it false. It is really a bad example of journalism, a poor and unprofessional article.

Padre Pio Brings Us Into the Mystery of the Baby Jesus

Padre Pio Brings Us Into the Mystery of the Baby Jesus

For the Saint of Pietrelcina, Christmas was the most beautiful feast of the entire liturgical year. Through his writings and the testimonies of those who experienced it with him, we discover the reason for his ineffable love, which led him to live the Holy Night completely taken up into an ecstasy of love. Beginning with the novena of Advent, which inflamed his spirit, to the procession with the Holy Infant caressed by his wounded hands, we also prepare ourselves with Saint Pio for the coming of the Lord.

Judas and Hell, Archbishop Paglia excommunicates Jesus too

Judas and Hell, Archbishop Paglia excommunicates Jesus too

The recent comments of Archbishop Paglia, president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, caused such a stir. He decleared "heretic" whoever says that Judas is in Hell. But the Gospels, as well as many saints and popes, say the opposite. And also about the religious assistance to those who persist in asking assisted suicide, the words of Paglia contradict the Magisterium.

Nicaragua, the untold story of a cruel dictatorship

Nicaragua, the untold story of a cruel dictatorship

Nicaragua never makes the headlines in major international media reports, even though the population are victims of the socialist regime led by Daniel Ortega. A cruel dictator responsible for the deaths of 634 citizens only because they hold different opinions to him. The figures are shocking for a country with only 6.3 million inhabitants. In an exclusive interview with the Daily Compass, Álvaro Leiva Sánchez - executive secretary of the Nicaraguan Association for Human Rights (ANPDH) - describes the human rights crisis in this Central American nation.

Blaming climate change makes millions

Blaming climate change makes millions

The climate is always changing. There is no country and no people in the world completely safe from natural disasters. Rather, it is the evolution of scientific and technological developments which have successfully limited the losses and damage nature inflicts. The problem of Africa, for example, is a lack of disaster management infrastructure. But now, with the climate change obsession it's easy to attribute the blame to Western modes of production and lifestyle and obtain generous compensation for the presumed damage.

Africa and Middle East rebellion against political Islam

Africa and Middle East rebellion against political Islam

World 12_12_2019 Souad Sbai

Across the Arab world, a new round of revolt and internal upheaval is underway: in Algeria, Sudan, Iraq and Lebanon the fundamentalist forces that today embody political Islam are openly opposed by the peoples in revolt. And a survey shows that democracy is the answer to the Islamist winter.

Seventy years of NATO, more a funeral than a birthday

Seventy years of NATO, more a funeral than a birthday

The NATO summit in London last week, which was supposed to be a celebration of the 70th birthday of the Atlantic Alliance, instead brought to light the profound split between its different members, above all between the United States and Europe, which obviously have very different interests. In addition, NATO is paying the price of never having reckoned with its defeat in Afghanistan against the Taliban, disguised as a retreat of combat forces completed in 2014.