Saint Pantaleon by Ermes Dovico

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Sociology admits the family is not an “error”

Sociology admits the family is not an “error”

Well, if the widely-read New York Times columnist David Brooks believes the family is an institution created in the 1900s and destined to fail, then surely it must be in crisis. Yet, sociology affirms (even more so than the Catholic Church) that the family is a valuable social institution founded upon marriage protects society from various forms of violence, educational and social failures, and poverty.

We want to read the China-Holy See Agreement

We want to read the China-Holy See Agreement

The letter Cardinal Re sent to his brother cardinals of the Sacred College, aimed at censoring Cardinal Zen on the question of the Church in China, contains astounding affirmations concerning doctrinal changes that are implied by the Agreement between the Holy See and China – and not only for China but for the entire Church. This is the main reason that the cardinals must now forcefully demand that the contents of the Agreement be revealed.

The text of the letter of Cardinal Re on Cardinal Zen

The text of the letter of Cardinal Re on Cardinal Zen

Ecclesia 29_02_2020

Lord Cardinal,
With reference to the various public interventions of Card. Joseph Zen Ze-kiun, S.D.B., and in particular to the letter of 27 September 2019 that the Bishop emeritus of Hong Kong sent to us members of the College of Cardinals, I feel the need to share some considerations...

The Vatican declares war on Cardinal Zen

The Vatican declares war on Cardinal Zen

The Daily Compass has received an explosive letter signed by the Dean of the College of Cardinals, Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, that fiercely attacks Cardinal Joseph Zen, the Bishop Emeritus of Hong Kong, who has been critical of the secret agreement between China and the Holy See that has resulted in the increased persecution of Catholics. The letter contains misleading statements, affirming that there is a continuity between the approach of this pontificate with that of previous pontificates, when in fact no such continuity exists. Furthermore, it makes very grave misrepresentations, attributing the authorship of the present secret agreement to Benedict XVI and declaring a change in doctrine regarding the possibility of independent Churches.

Coronavirus statistics, food for thought

Coronavirus statistics, food for thought

The Coronavirus cases in Europe have moved the focus away from China, but the news coming from there is interesting: outside Hubei province, the Covid-19 epidemic is in a downward phase. The study by a scientific journal confirms the mortality rate (about 2% of those infected), which increases with age and the presence of chronic diseases, and is more lethal for males (2.8% vs 1.7% of females) and smokers.

Africa spared by COVID-19, but floored by locusts

Africa spared by COVID-19, but floored by locusts

World 28_02_2020 Anna Bono

So far only one recorded case of Chinese flu in the Black Continent. But the locust invasions in many countries are cause for serious concern. The locusts are destroying the crops and the people are responding by eating the locusts. But it's a mistake because they're contaminated with pesticides.

Exercise prudence, not panic

Exercise prudence, not panic

Semi-deserted streets, cafes closed, supermarkets taken by storm, canceled public and private meetings: there is now the Coronavirus panic. But the reality of the facts does not justify this hysteria. The epidemic is very limited and there is currently no prediction of an uncontrollable spread. Being cautious and avoiding unnecessary risks is an obligation, but widespread panic is also a sign of widespread personal fragility.

France, ambiguous start of the dialogue between State and Islam

France, ambiguous start of the dialogue between State and Islam

President Macron wants a “French Islam". His appeal was followed by concrete actions and last year the AMIF, the new Association for Islam in France, was created. But who controls this association? According to a parliamentary question, the AMIF is dangerously close to the Muslim Brotherhood, even if its promoters deny this.

Carlo Acutis will be beatified: The Church of child Saints is here

Carlo Acutis will be beatified: The Church of child Saints is here

Last Friday, Pope Francis authorised the decree approving the miracle which took place through the intercession of Carlo Acutis. Here is the story of the miracle in detail. This young man who was in love with Jesus in the Eucharist will be beatified, bringing joy to his parents, young people who are devoted to him, and to the entire Church. Just as John Paul II prophesied: the little ones will be the new saints and prophets of a Church full of faith and hope.

The 21 martyrs killed by ISIS, true followers of Christ...

The 21 martyrs killed by ISIS, true followers of Christ...

Five years have passed since 21 young Christian men were brutally slaughtered on a Libyan beach by Islamic State members. Twenty were Coptic Christians, Egyptians working in Libya, the 21st came from Ghana. Before the execution, they raised their prayer: Ya Rabbi Yassou, “O Lord Jesus”. The Coptic Orthodox Church declared them martyrs, and a book has reconstructed their life. A life based on a truly lived Gospel, with no compromise with the world.

Reality show suicides and the sham of life on social media

Reality show suicides and the sham of life on social media

There are now four suicides connected to the British reality show “Love Island”: its former host, Caroline Flack, was found dead, and before her two other contestants and a boyfriend had also killed themselves. Used to being in front of the cameras 24 hours a day, when they leave they repeat it on social media. The same thing happens in Italy, and is spreading as if happiness depended on the love you receive from the world, but results in despair.

Even Northern Europe is childless. Policies are not enough

Even Northern Europe is childless. Policies are not enough

Iceland, Norway, and Finland have record low fertility rates, half of what they were 50 years ago, and couples are having children much later in life. These are the most disturbing statistics in a report on social, economic, and demographic conditions in Northern Europe. What is interesting is that these are the countries with the strongest pro-birth policies. It is yet another proof that economic and social policies do not provide the true answer to the problem of the declining birthrate.