Saint Guido Maria Conforti by Ermes Dovico

Trump: “standing in solidarity, not surrendering to hostility”

Trump: “standing in solidarity, not surrendering to hostility”

"What we are seeing now on the streets of our cities has nothing to do with justice or with peace." After he condemned the killing of George Floyd and expressed solidarity to his family, president Donald Trump warned the responsible of the violence that have spread across America. But it won't be an easy task.

Forced to donate organs, even when still alive

Forced to donate organs, even when still alive

Britain has changed its organ transplant law. Now adults who do not explicitly refuse to donate their organs may become donors regardless. Italy has the same guideline. With tacit consent, there is a very high risk of handing over to the state living persons whose health is so compromised that it is preferable they be killed to save the lives of other healthier persons who, from a quality of life perspective, are deemed more worthy.

«Minneapolice», repression and anger behind the violence

«Minneapolice», repression and anger behind the violence

The escalation of violence after the death of George Floyd, a black American detained for using a counterfeit 20-dollar bill, follows 8 weeks of extreme lockdown orders, loosened only a week ago. Minnesota was already a powder keg because of hunger, no work, no individual liberty, no basic human respect, and the state and the city are run by radical left-wing ideologues, Tim Walz and Jacob Frey.

War on Chloroquine. Some like it Covid

War on Chloroquine. Some like it Covid

After an article was published in the scientific journal Lancet declaring hydroxychloroquine’s ineffectiveness, the World Health Organization halted its testing. This decision goes against ongoing evidence to the contrary, as well as it having been a recognized treatment for SARS. Perhaps this is because hydroxychloroquine it is too cheap, thus being a hindrance to other lucrative pharmaceutical sales hoped for during the pandemic. This also explains the many obstacles to recommend plasma therapies. An English scientist explains his rationale in a simple yet chilling way: "We hope that the virus will remain with us for a while longer” so as to have more time to experiment with a vaccine.

How Blessed Franz succeeded in remaining faithful to the Truth

How Blessed Franz succeeded in remaining faithful to the Truth

Franz Jägerstätter, beatified in 2007, knowing that Nazism was incompatible with Catholicism, refused the oath to the Führer, government allowances for his family, and compensation from the state. His popularity with his neighbors in his village changed into hostility against him; everyone turned against him, even his parish priest and his bishop. He had only the Bible and his wife to support him, even though she knew that the farm would fall apart and that she and their daughters would be branded forever as the family of a traitor.

Laudato Si', a debatable self-celebration

Laudato Si', a debatable self-celebration

On the fifth anniversary of Pope Francis’s Laudato Si', a year will be dedicated to deepening discussion on the social encyclical’s themes. This is a questionable initiative, as questionable as the very content of the encyclical, which is based on a series of debatable scientific theories and which represents a discontinuity with the Church’s prior social teachings.

Catholic-gay Connection: how to promote homosexuality

Catholic-gay Connection: how to promote homosexuality

Avvenire (the main Italian Catholic daily newspaper), Cardinal Zuppi, the publisher San Paolo are  joining forces to launch a new offensive for the legitimisation of homosexuality in the Church. The Archbishop of Bologna has given his blessing to a book  which gathers together the voices of theologians and psychologists, who are pushing everyone in the same direction. With the excuse of welcoming people, the difference between sexual orientation and homosexual acts is erased, going so far as to open up to some recognition of gay unions. Ratzinger had already warned 34 years ago: in the Church a gay lobby wants to subvert the teaching on sexuality.

Cardinal Puljić : “My own life and the lives of Bosnian Catholics are in danger”

Cardinal Puljić : “My own life and the lives of Bosnian Catholics are in danger”

A Mass celebrated by Cardinal Vinko Puljić in memorial of  victims of massacres committed by Tito's partisans has sparked heated controversy. Puljić was accused of wanting to rehabilitate a Croatian pro-Nazi regime. Despite delivering a moving homily, the reaction was so violent that the cardinal says he believes his own life and the lives of all Catholics in Bosnia and Herzegovina are in danger. He accused two members of the country’s presidential cabinet of being instigators of an anti-Catholic campaign whose aim is to obscure the barbaric massacre of innocent lives.

On True and False Infinities

On True and False Infinities

Joseph Ratzinger, many years ago, warned us against the “false infinities” that might mis-lead us as to the nature of existence. Coronavirus lockdown has brought us to a moment when, many of our “little infinities” withdrawn, we get to face the horizon with an enhanced chance of seeing that all joys, small and great, come from the same place. Temporarily deprived of so many of our “little infinities,” perhaps we will see that these transient joys are just stepping stones on the road to lasting joys.

“Take me to Golgotha” – The “Holy Stubbornness” of Wojtyla to Complete His Mission

“Take me to Golgotha” – The “Holy Stubbornness” of Wojtyla to Complete His Mission

March 26, 2000 – the final day of John Paul II’s Jubilee Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Everything was ready for his departure to go to the airport. But the Holy Father, who already had Parkinson’s disease, insisted on going to Calvary. There was a long wait, the security services were in turmoil making arrangements while the Holy Father remained immersed in prayer. Finally, Wojtyla returned to the place of the Crucifixion, to unite his sufferings to those of Jesus, and to lead humanity into the Third Millennium with renewed hope. Here for the first time an eyewitness recounts the story of John Paul’s ascent to Golgotha.

When auto-certification is all you need to be called male or female

When auto-certification is all you need to be called male or female

International Day Against Homophobia was celebrated on 17 May, thanks to an alien ideology that has garnered popularity through mass media indoctrination. Thus, many EU countries are beginning to accept auto-certifications as sufficient to officially acknowledge whether a person may identify with a gender different than the one assigned at birth. However, some protests to this trend are mounting in the form of reverse discrimination.

The Christless Society of the Lord of the Flies

The Christless Society of the Lord of the Flies

A new study by the British newspaper The Guardian reveals the true story that inspired Golding's famous novel The Lord of the Flies. It retraces Golding’s thesis of a violent and brutal human man that can only be prevented from emerging by civilisation. Yet, on closer inspection, it can be said that Golding was not wrong: he merely portrayed a society without the Catholic Church, founded by Christ.