Saint Frederick of Utrecht by Ermes Dovico

Life and Bioethics

Experimental vaccines or cures? The enigma of the EU Regulation

Experimental vaccines or cures? The enigma of the EU Regulation

Vaccines may only be used on an experimental basis if there are no alternative treatments. If there are valid cures, the Committee must revoke the authorisation. An article in the 2006 EU Regulation sheds light on the subject of Covid treatment and could explain the Ministry’s obstinacy in not reforming the home treatment protocol. All this while the rejection of the old low-cost drugs continues, and hopes for a new drug, Molnupiravir, by Pfizer coincidentally, are emphasised.

Vatican in the pocket of the contraception industry

Vatican in the pocket of the contraception industry

The Fifth International Vatican Conference (6-8 May 2021) on the theme of human health has already caused quite a stir. This is so because of the invited speakers (many linked to the Covid vaccine business) and its main advertising graphic, an image seen as a veritable manifestation of practical atheism. Yet, there is an even more disturbing aspect: the main funder of the conference is the John Templeton Foundation which is committed to the spread of contraception and is specialised in involving religious organisations in its birth control campaigns. Pfizer, which will also be represented at the conference, is the manufacturer of injectable contraceptives with long-term side-effects, the cause of many disasters in developing countries. All this is going on while a Motu Proprio signed by Benedict XVI forbade such intermingling.

Cells from aborted fetuses, does anyone still care?

Cells from aborted fetuses, does anyone still care?

The Holy See, Bishops and a number of Catholic intellectuals are the first to promote mass vaccination by ignoring Church documents on the requisites for the use of cells from aborted foetuses to be considered morally legitimate. This is an opportunity lost for the Church to evangelise.

Birth control, a war against the poor

Birth control, a war against the poor

Contraception, abortion and euthanasia are not conquests of civilisation but weapons in a war against the poor. This is what emerges in a recently published book, Exterminating Poverty by Mark Sutherland. His book tells the story of the legal battle between his grandfather, the Scottish doctor Halliday Sutherland, and Marie Stopes, founder of the first family planning clinic over her eugenic plan to get rid of the poor. The Daily Compass spoke to the author

Covid, the success of the vitamin that is not a vitamin

Covid, the success of the vitamin that is not a vitamin

Vitamin D is a kind of hormone, the intake of which stimulates the immune response and modulates it. This is why it is important to take plenty of vitamin D in the prevention and treatment of Covid. Professor Giancarlo Isaia, president of the Turin Academy of Medicine, talks about it.

How WHO and Bill Gates are taking control of our health

How WHO and Bill Gates are taking control of our health

What lies behind making vaccination the priority? A mammoth operation of power and public and private funding which, in collaboration with the WHO (World Health Organization) the World Bank and Gavi, has received support from the wealthy elites such as Bill Gates. The Daily Compass interviewed Pier Francesco Belli, an expert in health governance, who said: "The European Union 'ceded' political control of epidemics and infectious diseases to the WHO, which is bankrolled by Gates and favours specific emergency procedures. Gates knew that making a GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) vaccine would take very little time, unlike traditional vaccinations. Teaming up with biotech companies to create a vaccine implied a whole new enterprise for pharmaceutical companies. This is exactly what happened."

How WHO and Bill Gates are taking control of our health

How WHO and Bill Gates are taking control of our health

What lies behind making vaccination the priority? A mammoth operation of power and public and private funding which, in collaboration with the WHO (World Health Organization) the World Bank and Gavi, has received support from the wealthy elites such as Bill Gates. The Daily Compass interviewed Pier Francesco Belli, an expert in health governance, who said: "The European Union 'ceded' political control of epidemics and infectious diseases to the WHO, which is bankrolled by Gates and favours specific emergency procedures. Gates knew that making a GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) vaccine would take very little time, unlike traditional vaccinations. Teaming up with biotech companies to create a vaccine implied a whole new enterprise for pharmaceutical companies. This is exactly what happened."

“We treat Covid at home and the mortality rate is almost zero”

“We treat Covid at home and the mortality rate is almost zero”

“The network of doctors treating the Coronavirus at home was started by one of us who wondered why such brilliant results were being achieved in Africa. When we found the solution lay in drugs and early treatment, we started to work in the same way: we respond to requests sent by email and have treated more than 6,000 cases. Mortality is practically zero”. This is what Dr Paolo Martino Allegri tells the Daily Compass about the work of IppocrateOrg.

Spain, transformed into an "extermination camp".

Spain, transformed into an "extermination camp".

Euthanasia puts an end to all rights.There are no more unavailable goods. What comes next are the laws that favour "transhumanism". This is the hour of the return of the "barbarians" who, drunk with power, do not know how to sustain the common home, the family home that Spain has meant and means. These are times when the Catholic Church cannot look elsewhere: Spain needs Christ, in whom the splendour of the truth of the person shines forth. These are the dramatic words of Bishop Reig Pla after euthanasia became law in Spain on March, 18. The Daily Compass has received permission to publish the text in full.

Britain’s first birth control clinic, 100 years of eugenics and racism

Britain’s first birth control clinic, 100 years of eugenics and racism

17th of March 1921 Marie Stopes opened Britains first eugenic family planning clinic in London. It’s considered one of the greatest humanitarian success of the last century even though the Eugenics Society established the clinic to eliminate the poor and sick. Critics are urging for a debate on the influence eugenics has had on birth control programs currently in use because under the slogans choice and freedom the racial discrimination of women continues today.

Portugal: President blocks euthanasia law

Portugal: President blocks euthanasia law

Portugal's president has decided to refer to the Constitutional Court a law recently passed by Parliament that allows for the killing of the sick. In his opinion, the legislation is unconstitutional. In any case, there are several possible outcomes to its passage, including a presidential veto. Meanwhile, the pro-life world is rejoicing.

Delays and failures: the ‘sacred’ vaccine bluff revealed

Delays and failures: the ‘sacred’ vaccine bluff revealed

Data on adverse reactions, critical post-marketing analyses, publications questioning the real efficacy of different vaccines: it emerges that we are facing a commercial war between manufacturers and between European and national institutions. The withdrawal of the Pasteur Institute and Merck, the doubts about the efficacy of AstraZeneca’s antidote, Sanofi’s delays, and Pfizer’s breaches: it has to be admitted that public opinion has been deceived. Only the bishops still ‘blindly’ believe in it.