Life and Bioethics

Human guinea pigs: legitimate in theory, but not advisable for COVID

Human guinea pigs: legitimate in theory, but not advisable for COVID

Is it licit to allow yourself to get infected? In theory it is, but only under certain conditions concerning the moral purpose of the overall objective, the relationship between any negative (undesired) and positive effects (desired), the state of necessity, and so forth. If the chances of finding an effective vaccine in a short amount of time are very low, then such a risk is unacceptable. This is also because vaccine developers are tempted to burn through the proper stages of development. Meanwhile, there are already effective preventions measures and treatments

The Sanger case proves that abortion is racism

The Sanger case proves that abortion is racism

As part of the Black Lives Matter campaign against racism, the name of Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, has been removed from some of the association's clinics. The reason was her being a member of Eugenics Societies. Needless to say, for the sake of consistency, all Planned Parenthood clinics should be shut down.

The Dreams of Melinda Gates for Covid and women

The Dreams of Melinda Gates for Covid and women

An essay by Melinda Gates in the international review Foreign Affairs reveals the humanist and elite ideology that is behind the philanthropy of the major Foundations. They claim to fight for women’s health, but lament the scarce availability of contraceptives. And what emerges in the end is that the true goal is control.

Covid Vaccine Without Testing? Too Risky

Covid Vaccine Without Testing? Too Risky

The European Medicines Agency’s request to be able to use the vaccine against the coronavirus as early as this autumn, without proper testing, is extremely dangerous: it runs the risk of worsening the effects of the coronavirus rather than preventing it and also of causing serious brain damage.

Pedophilia: "A satanic cult spread in the centers of power"

Pedophilia: "A satanic cult spread in the centers of power"

«Thousands of children are kidnapped, abused, killed and sacrificed to the devil for reasons of power. The victims say it and all the evidence"; "We have collected testimonies that speak of the link between pedophilia and Satanism"; "The phenomenon is left uncontrolled by the police who are subjected to blackmail and because it is the drug of the elite"; "The battle between good and evil is waged with the innocent." Robert David Steele, chief consultant of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse, a former officer of the Marines, a former member of the CIA and candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017, speaks to the Daily Compass.

Paedophilia is rampant in Europe, yet investigations are blocked

Paedophilia is rampant in Europe, yet investigations are blocked

Over the last few months in Germany, Great Britain and Belgium, there have been hundreds of arrests for sexual abuse against thousands of children. But the mass media has kept silent or condensed everything in "news briefs". The fear of investigating these stories (unless it involves the Church) is nothing new. Evidence seems to go missing, while those who do a good job are abruptly replaced and then trials end up being stalled. Germany had to acknowledge corruption within its police force and institutions, yet when someone is sentenced, the penalty is minimal. Why? Perhaps many countries would be shaken to their core.

Forced to donate organs, even when still alive

Forced to donate organs, even when still alive

Britain has changed its organ transplant law. Now adults who do not explicitly refuse to donate their organs may become donors regardless. Italy has the same guideline. With tacit consent, there is a very high risk of handing over to the state living persons whose health is so compromised that it is preferable they be killed to save the lives of other healthier persons who, from a quality of life perspective, are deemed more worthy.

Pavia, a cure that works, challenges media silence: “Plasma kills the virus”

Pavia, a cure that works, challenges media silence: “Plasma kills the virus”

“Plasma kills the coronavirus.” The therapy developed by the Immuno-hematology Institute of Saint Matthew in Pavia is encouraging. In this exclusive interview with The Daily Compass given at the end of his experimentation, director Cesare Perotti reveals the positive results: “The treatment works; at the moment no one has died; the USA has asked for the protocols.” But nobody is talking about it: “There are other interests opposing us, but we will address these after the scientific publication.” This is how the shared treatment works, by “using” volunteers who have recovered to help heal those who are sick.

Euthanasia in cases of dementia, a slippery slope sentence

Euthanasia in cases of dementia, a slippery slope sentence

Along with moral problems, the Dutch Supreme Court's ruling to allow euthanasia for patients with dementia and unable to express their opinion fuels confusion. The Court leaves doctors with the interpretation of the written statements, increasing their doubts. However, there is a strong fear that this decision will not lead to a decline in cases of euthanasia and assisted suicide.

More than 100 NGOs lead the assault on innocent life

More than 100 NGOs lead the assault on innocent life

An open letter from over 100 powerful national and international NGOs (Human Rights Watch, Amnesty, CGIL, etc.) petitioned European governments to authorise abortions over the internet or telephone and to send abortion pills to take at home. In this very same period, several children's associations, including Save the Children, have asked the EU to treat "reproductive health" as a priority during the ongoing pandemic. In brief "human" rights for all, but not for the unborn.

Disabled and elderly, euthanasia by Covid is a global fact

Disabled and elderly, euthanasia by Covid is a global fact

Elderly and disabled people are increasingly at risk. In the USA, several states have announced that treatment for the coronavirus will not be accessible to everyone. Why is that? Lack of means. The same is said in Italy. And in Holland the health authorities are suggesting to those who are elderly to forgo treatment. A sign that the idea of a “social” euthanasia is spreading. This reeks of Nazism.

The New Totalitarianism: No Cure for the “Homophobes”

The New Totalitarianism: No Cure for the “Homophobes”

A new provision of the British National Health Service adds sexism, racism, and homophobia to patient violence as reasons for which paramedics may refuse to give assistance in non-urgent cases. This is an attack on freedom, especially religious freedom. Here’s why.