Life and Bioethics

RS has died of hunger and thirst in an English hospital

RS has died of hunger and thirst in an English hospital

After 12 days of agony, RS, the Polish citizen held hostage in a hospital in Plymouth, England, where he had been in a vegetative state for two months, has died. Even the Polish government’s intervention, which six days ago granted him diplomatic status in order to repatriate him to Poland, was unsuccessful. The UK government relentlessly refused to reconsider the latest nutrition and hydration suspension, which began on January 14. Kiska (Christian Legal Center): «The practice of dehydrating and starving is an inhuman, degrading and terrible process».

“Aggravation and resistance, the unknown risks of the vaccine”

“Aggravation and resistance, the unknown risks of the vaccine”

“The critical aspects of Covid vaccines are linked to two factors: aggravation of the disease and vaccine resistance, and the fast-moving timelines at the expense of studying the risks do not allow us to rule them out”. The Daily Compass interviews Loretta Bolgan, pharmaceutical chemist at Rinascimento Italia. “The efficacy is still unknown because the vaccines were tested in the summer, when the epidemic was already over”. Is there a risk of DNA alteration? “'No, but there is a risk of new autoimmune or degenerative diseases developing”. The English variant? “The English mutant appeared after the beginning of the vaccination campaign, it could be vaccine resistance”.

Polish and British governments wrangle over RS’s fate

Polish and British governments wrangle over RS’s fate

RS has been granted diplomatic status but wrangling between the British and Polish governments are preventing him from returning to Poland for medical treatment to save his life. Polish public opinion has focused on trying to convince his wife to change sides and support his repatriation.

Now the Bishops have stepped in to ring to save RS’s life

Now the Bishops have stepped in to ring to save RS’s life

It’s a race against time now to save RS‘s life. The Polish citizen’s food and water was disconnected 7 days ago by British doctors. By request of the President of the Polish bishops, Gadecki, the English bishops ask the U.K. Minister of Health to intervene. Meanwhile, the Polish government offers RS diplomatic status to bypass court restrictions to bring him back to his homeland for treatment.

"The world should know that my brother wants to live"

"The world should know that my brother wants to live"

They are killing a conscious disabled man: «At Christmas when he saw us he started to cry and his eyes followed our every movement. But after we went to court to save his life, they won’t let us visit him anymore». This is what RS's sister has to say about her disabled Polish brother whom the British health and legal system has left to die of hunger and thirst.

RS dies of starvation, condemned to death by a Soros judge

RS dies of starvation, condemned to death by a Soros judge

RS is expected to die at any moment now that the hospital in Plymouth, England, has disconnected his nutrition and hydration. Yet, a last urgent appeal to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) reveals that the ECHR's final judgment, which sentenced the Polish citizen to death, was issued by a judge, Yonko Grozev, a pro-euthanasia activist who served in George Soros’ foundations. A recent report, denounces that in the last ten years as many as 22 judges nominated to the ECHR have all been "sons of Soros".

Another no from the ECHR condemns RS to death

Another no from the ECHR condemns RS to death

The European Court of Human Rights for the second time, in less than a week,has rejected an appeal to avoid the death in the United Kingdom of the Polish citizen RS, in a vegetative state. Family members and doctors acting on their behalf presented evidence to demonstrate his condition has improved.

RS condemned to death: the European Court sides with London

RS condemned to death: the European Court sides with London

Not even the Polish government’s intervention could save the life of one of its citizens, held hostage in a British hospital, in a vegetative state. The European Court of Human Rights sides with London and RS’s life support is suspended. An urgent appeal to the UN is the last hope in a race for time.

Another "unworthy" life in England. This time the clash is with Poland

Another "unworthy" life in England. This time the clash is with Poland

Another victim has fallen foul of the UK’s principle of "best of interests". A Polish citizen residing in the United Kingdom, in a vegetative state, has received the death sentence from doctors and judges. The government in Warsaw has appealed to the European Court, which must decide by January 7. The case raises serious issues about patients' rights abroad.


Vaccine and aborted fetuses, the Vatican’s betrayal

Vaccine and aborted fetuses, the Vatican’s betrayal

Inside the Vatican, a health official has announced the distribution of a Covid vaccine, for which its research utilised cell lines from aborted fetuses. Just yesterday the Pontifical Academy for Life’s president, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, lauded the European Union’s Vaccine Day, saying there was now “a light shining in a tunnel that, until now, has been very dark." This is a vaccination campaign involving a concerted decision to not deny the media’s interpretation of  the “Note” released by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, a document which has proven to be a turning point in the moral debate. Now the Church accepts vaccines derived from cells of aborted fetuses. This is a very grave decision which will have dramatic repercussions for the defence of life.

The ‘holy’ vaccine, a leap into the void that won’t save us

The ‘holy’ vaccine, a leap into the void that won’t save us

27 December 2020 will go down in history as V-Day, Vaccination Day: the day when the vaccine counter-offensive was unleashed against Covid across Europe. Announced in emphatic and rhetorical terms for a colossal propaganda operation, the antidote became ‘light and hope’. But none of the Phase III studies have been structured to prove the effectiveness of the vaccines in reducing serious outcomes such as hospitalisations, intensive care need, or deaths. Their isn’t   sufficient evidence to assess their benefits and damages.

No justification yet for compulsory vaccination

No justification yet for compulsory vaccination

There are many indications that suggest we are moving toward mandatory vaccination, either explicitly or through forms of discrimination for those who refuse it. But morally speaking, there are no requirements that legitimise it being obligatory. Indeed, the vaccine should not even be commercialised. Here's why.