Life and Bioethics

Pfizer-Vatican connection

Pfizer-Vatican connection

A mini-investigation by the National Catholic Register reveals private meetings in the Vatican of Pfizer's CEO, while the Secretary of State, Cardinal Parolin, singles out the Pfizer vaccine for exclusion from possible conscientious objection. This contradicts the famous Note of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

Viruses, Bacteria and Vaccines: Montagnier's ignored truths

Viruses, Bacteria and Vaccines: Montagnier's ignored truths

Recently Professor Luc Montagnier addressed  a demonstration in Milan against the green pass and health dictatorship. According to the Nobel laureate, a huge strategic mistake has been made. One of these is the failure to take into account that the virus also enters the human body through bacteria.

Xenotransplantation and pig hearts, the answers to ethical doubts

Xenotransplantation and pig hearts, the answers to ethical doubts

The world witnessed the first pig heart transplant in Maryland last week, but is it legitimate to put an animal heart in a person? It is, if certain conditions are respected. In fact, not all animal organs are morally transplantable because, in addition to the possible negative side effects, there is the identity of the person to be considered. The Magisterium comes to our aid on the subject.

After abortion, Ireland gets ready for euthanasia

After abortion, Ireland gets ready for euthanasia

Media and intellectuals have started a campaign in Ireland to introduce "assisted dying", as "necessary". It’s a case of déjà vu. And the Church immediately becomes a target, due the value it gives to suffering and its network of hospices that house the dying.

Abortionist fury engulfs Ireland

Abortionist fury engulfs Ireland

Parliament has just rejected an amendment to guarantee palliative care for foetuses which have survived late abortions, whereas abortion groups are pushing for easier access to abortion in a country that already guarantees one of the most liberal legislations in Europe.

Men with wombs? A prospect to be rejected

Men with wombs? A prospect to be rejected

Uterus transplantation is still rare but gaining ground. In an article in Acta Biomedica, two researchers from the Sapienza University of Rome endorse the idea that such a practice can contribute to "improving the lives" of men who feel like women. But the desire to 'change' sex is not ethically acceptable. And a possible womb transplant would not heal the unhappiness, but increase it. Not to mention the impact on the hypothetical offspring.

Black Friday offers outrageous sale on babies

Black Friday offers outrageous sale on babies

Among the discount proposals that are flooding the web recently, customers can also find a gruesome baby discount by BioTexCom, a Ukrainian centre that offers wombs for rent and artificial insemination. The marketing gimmick and promises of happiness, conceal a world of suffering and exploitation. Melanie's story: Ukraine costs less and offers more choice.

Covid, a pretext to induce totalitarian control

Covid, a pretext to induce totalitarian control

Totalitarianism always begins with "mass formation" of the population. It is not the same as a dictatorship: in a dictatorship, people obey, out of fear, the dictator at the top. Totalitarianism is the opposite: people are hypnotised by obedience "for the good of the community." Four conditions are needed for "mass formation" to take place: social isolation and lack of ties; lack of meaning in life; the presence of fluctuating anxiety and strong psychological discontent. Here is The hypnosis of society that Professor Desmet theorised, with a few clarifications to explain how this theory applies to what we are experiencing today.

Lessons to be learned from Texas and its halved abortion

Lessons to be learned from Texas and its halved abortion

It’s called the “Initial impact of Law no. 8 of the Texas Senate on abortions in Texas and in out-of-state facilities” and it is a piece of research developed by the Texas Policy Evaluation Project of the University of Austin. The research informs us that abortions in September 2021 were half those compared to September 2020

The vaccine provokes paraesthesia: EMA breaks the taboo

The vaccine provokes paraesthesia: EMA breaks the taboo

They were taken for neurotics, filled with anxiolytics, when their pain is real. In an update of Comirnaty Pharmacovigilance, the EMA has inserted almost 22 thousand cases of parestesia as a possible post vaccine connection. They are “mysterious" burning sensations reported by many - especially women - who in these months have had their lives turned upside down and have been ignored without receiving a diagnosis.The pathologist Dr. Bellavite told the Daily Compass: «It’s an important recognition in order to verify the adverse event, now it is necessary to find the causes of these symptoms to understand if they are of a vascular or a neurological nature». 

Modern thought is making human beings obsolescent

Modern thought is making human beings obsolescent

The use of robots, and of technology in general, makes human beings "obsolescent", as in the title of Günther Anders’ book. But the problem, rather than technology, is modern thought that denies their likeness to God and equates them to an ape. If human beings are guided by their passions rather than by reason, then whatever is done to animals can be done to them.

Repentant trans belies pro gender psychiatrist

Repentant trans belies pro gender psychiatrist

In 2019 she stopped taking testosterone. And now Sinead Watson criticises the Stanford psychiatrist, who according to her is guilty of unilaterally embracing the "sex change" practice and of being contemptuous of those who have abandoned the "transition". Her testimony reminds us of the damage caused by the transsexualist ideology.