Saint Scholastica by Ermes Dovico


«No to Card. Kung »: Beijing decides who to beatify

«No to Card. Kung »: Beijing decides who to beatify

Asia‘s Catholic news agency, UcaNews, has denounced the Holy See for failing to open the process of beatification of Cardinal Kung Pinmei in order not to displease Beijing. Meanwhile, dozens of British signatories are petitioning the Holy See for an immediate end to its agreement with China.


Being prepared for death… is what we need

Being prepared for death… is what we need

It is being said that anyone who is asking for the celebration of Mass to be reinstated, anyone who is going to church to pray, anyone looking for a priest to ask for confession and the Eucharist, is a selfish person. And yet, whether we are thinking of ourselves, of people dear to us or who are more at risk, what should make us most afraid is not death but rather leaving this world in fear and without being well-prepared for death. Death must not become something taboo for the Church: it is what we most need to hear about, as well as hope for eternal life.

Italiano Español

Rome reopens its churches. Pope and Cardinal Vicar blame one another

Rome reopens its churches. Pope and Cardinal Vicar blame one another

A new decree by the Cardinal Vicar of Rome, Angelo De Donatis, revokes the decision made just a few hours earlier to close the churches of Rome, after the pope thundered at his morning Mass in Santa Marta against “drastic measures.” And so the churches in Rome are reopening, but Cardinal De Donatis wrote to the pastors of Rome and revealed that the decision to close churches was made by the Pope. The protests by many of the faithful and alarmed phone calls from bishops and cardinals convinced him to make a U-turn. A disturbing spectacle of a church hierarchy in a state of confusion. And now may the bishops have the courage to reinstate public Masses with the faithful (obeying all security and health directives).

Italiano Español

When the going gets tough… pastors get weak

When the going gets tough… pastors get weak

The disturbing story of Romes churches – first ordered closed and then reopened  –  clearly reveals a Church bent on living for today and unaware that Gods is worth more than our present lives. Precisely because of the seriousness of the epidemic, it is necessary to lift suspensions on public Masses, even if it means taking necessary precautions.

Italiano Español

Dialogue and action: that’s not synodality

Dialogue and action: that’s not synodality

There is no common understanding of what the concept of synodality means. It was once thought that synodality meant walking together believing in the same truths of faith. Today synodality is considered taking action together. The model of synodality was a monarchical church, today it is a democratic church.

Italiano Español

The Mass is essential for the common good

The Mass is essential for the common good

Every Mass, as the Council teaches, has by its very nature a “public and social disposition.” The sacrifice of Christ that is renewed in the Mass is universal – it is offered for the salvation of the entire world. Benedict XVI has said that the Eucharist has such a public significance that it impels people to a courageous commitment to serving the structures of this world through the social doctrine of the Church.


The capitulation of Faith to the coronavirus

The capitulation of Faith to the coronavirus

With due respect and understanding for the decisions of the bishops, the suspension of Masses with the faithful has given the message that Faith, God, are no longer able to respond to our needs.

”The Catholic Church makes the world a better place”

”The Catholic Church makes the world a better place”

Education, health, poverty reduction: no other organization in the world does more than the Catholic Church to respond to people's needs. This was confirmed by a research group based at Georgetown University (USA), which quantified the amount of good that Catholic charities contribute to the world. This is in addition to the amount of spiritual good she provides by bringing to the Gospel to humanity.

Italiano Español

Cardinal Kung, heroic defender of the religious freedom in China

Cardinal Kung, heroic defender of the religious freedom in China

Here it is the sermon of Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke for the Pontifical Requiem Mass celebrated in Stamford (Connecticut) for the eternal rest of Cardinal Ignatius Kung Pin-Mei in observance of the 20th anniversary of his death on March 12, 2000.

«Pius XII, instrumental controversies. His sanctity is evident.”

«Pius XII, instrumental controversies. His sanctity is evident.”

"To declare that Pope Pacelli had no intention of saving the Jews is very serious, because it is also a moral judgment." "All the existing documentation denies the alleged insensitivity to the suffering of the Jews." "Ideological reasons behind the black legend on Pius XII." "The beatification process has never stopped, there are some presumed miracles under study." Emilio Artiglieri, president of the Pope Pacelli Committee - Pius XII Association, speaks.

Italiano Español

We want to read the China-Holy See Agreement

We want to read the China-Holy See Agreement

The letter Cardinal Re sent to his brother cardinals of the Sacred College, aimed at censoring Cardinal Zen on the question of the Church in China, contains astounding affirmations concerning doctrinal changes that are implied by the Agreement between the Holy See and China – and not only for China but for the entire Church. This is the main reason that the cardinals must now forcefully demand that the contents of the Agreement be revealed.

Italiano Español

The text of the letter of Cardinal Re on Cardinal Zen

The text of the letter of Cardinal Re on Cardinal Zen

Ecclesia 29_02_2020

Lord Cardinal,
With reference to the various public interventions of Card. Joseph Zen Ze-kiun, S.D.B., and in particular to the letter of 27 September 2019 that the Bishop emeritus of Hong Kong sent to us members of the College of Cardinals, I feel the need to share some considerations...
