Padre Pio Brings Us Into the Mystery of the Baby Jesus
For the Saint of Pietrelcina, Christmas was the most beautiful feast of the entire liturgical year. Through his writings and the testimonies of those who experienced it with him, we discover the reason for his ineffable love, which led him to live the Holy Night completely taken up into an ecstasy of love. Beginning with the novena of Advent, which inflamed his spirit, to the procession with the Holy Infant caressed by his wounded hands, we also prepare ourselves with Saint Pio for the coming of the Lord.
“Those Poor Clares pray too much.” Expelled from the monastery
The incredible story of Sister Maria Giuliana and five other nuns of the Convent of Porto Viro (Veneto, Italy) who saw their community destroyed two years ago, commissioned by the Vatican at the request of the Bishop of Chioggia and the Franciscan Provincial: the Mother Superior was publicly accused of plagiarism of the sisters and of financial scandals, but the roots of the problem lie in the long resistance of Sister Maria Giuliana against the effort to distort the contemplative life and the Rule of Saint Clare. Among the charges: the presence of statues of Saint Michael the Archangel in the convent.
Assaulting the Catechism with nuclear weapons
The manifest intention of the Pope to update the Catechism by declaring immoral not only the use but also the possession of nuclear weapons creates various perplexities, not only on the merits of the argument, but also for the fact that this is already the fourth time in just under two years that the Catechism is being changed or pressure is being applied to do so.
“Let me tell you about my friend Saint Josemaría Escrivá”
Pippo Corigliano, a former spokesman of Opus Dei, tells us what it means to have lived alongside a saint and how this encounter completely changed his life. He reveals to us the most fascinating parts of Saint Josemaría, the things that won thousands of souls to the love of God. Because this was Escrivá: “A father who taught us to love the world like Jesus, to call God ‘Daddy’ and to laugh at life to the point of tears.”
«That's why I burned the Pachamama idol»
«The proper place of the Pachamama is in the fire of hell». Father Hugo Valdemar, a famous Mexican priest, explains to Daily Compass why he decided to hold a prayer service of expiation in his parish and a public burning of the Pachamama. The video of the burning went viral on social media. «Many people were shocked, hurt, and angered by the various acts of idolatrous adoration that were carried out in Rome during the Synod». «We need a deeper evangelization in order to return to the Catholic faith in its entirety. Liberation theology is guilty of the secularization of many nations».
Burke: our task is to announce Christ and defend the faith
“The Lord instructed us to go forth into the whole world to baptise all peoples, it is very clear, this is our task.” “ If a missionary has the sole intention of appreciating native culture, not only he won’t evangelise, he risks losing his own faith.” “ The preparatory document (Instrumentum Laboris) cannot be accepted, we must do everything we can to defend the integrity of the Catholic faith.” “It is also dishonest to present a Synod supposedly for the evangelisation of the Amazon, when the true objective is to revolutionise the whole Church.” “I am not an enemy of the Pope and there is no American complot.” Bannon? “I am not involved with people who act to destroy the Church.” These are statements by Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke who will give the main lecture at the Giornata della Bussola, 6 October.
Crusade of prayer and fasting to stop heresies in the Amazon Synod
A "crusade of prayer and fasting" to prevent the Amazon Synod approving the errors and heresies in the Instrumentum Laboris. This is the appeal launched by Cardinal Raymond L. Burke and the auxiliary bishop of Astana (Kazakhstan) Athanasius Schneider
The paradox of Medjugorje
The go-ahead for pilgrimages to Medjugorje and the large presence of cardinals, archbishops and bishops at the youth festival in Medjugorje recently, doesn't mean Rome intends to recognise the Marian apparitions, instead tends towards their obscuration.
Bishop Paglia’s summer coup demolishes the Institute for Family
With a summer coup Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia has succeeded in getting the statutes approved of the Giovanni Paolo II Theological Institute for Marriage and Family Sciences which assign the control over what is taught and who teaches it, to himself. He now has the power to definitively distort the purpose of the institute desired by St. John Paul II, to purge unwanted teachers, and to reset teachings in line with Amoris Laetitia.
The Church needs the “combat rosary” not pink quotas
The Church is undergoing a process of feminisation and at the same time it’s deleting all traces of masculinity. It has abandoned the use of military references such as calling its followers "soldiers of Christ.” Father Richard Heilman has found a solution by discovering that during the First World War, the United States government provided a "rosary for combat.” Look who’s using it now
The solution to sexual abuse is not civil justice
The growing pressure from the sexual abuse scandal appears to have led the Church to look to civil justice as a solution. A dangerous road to take, considering it permits state interference in the life of the Church and at the worst could bring it to bankruptcy. This is because the Church has lost its sense of divine justice.
Wanted: A Church of believers, not a believable Church
On the issue of sexual abuse we often hear that the Church’s credibility is at stake. But this expression is actually the most evident sign that a secularized way of thinking permeates the Church today. It denies that the Church is objectively credible because it is Christ’s will.