The Seven Holy Founders by Ermes Dovico

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Attack against John Paul II: that’s the purpose of the McCarrick Report

Attack against John Paul II: that’s the purpose of the McCarrick Report

From the National Catholic Reporter to the New York Times: the campaign has been launched to discredit St. John Paul II and cast doubts on his holiness. In fact, the error made in McCarrick’s appointment as archbishop of Washington, D. C., in the absence of proof substantiating the rumors, was induced by the opinion of two trusted advisors. This is what the Report states. Oddly enough, this circumstance is ignored in the synopsis of the McCarrick Report. Thereby the Vatican Report makes the cultural operation against St. John Paul II all the easier.

Thanks to Trump: 17 uncompromising pro-lifers elected

Thanks to Trump: 17 uncompromising pro-lifers elected

Out of the recent elections, a not so obvious victory emerges: (as of Friday) the number of pro-life women in the U.S. House of Representatives has doubled. There are 17 (with 5 more are still in the running) new pro-life warriors among congresswomen. Half of them have flipped seats previously held by Democrats, all the while underscoring their opposition to abortion and socialism.

Leukaemia, an Angel, and a family saved by Mary

Leukaemia, an Angel, and a family saved by Mary

The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is already happening now, in each individual heart. As the story of Simona demonstrates, by saying yes to the Blessed Mother, she saw heaven revealed on earth, not only with miracles of conversion and healing within herself but also in her entire family, like the time that an Angel saved her youngest child. But before seeing the light of a new life, Simona had to walk the Way of the Cross, right to the very end.

Two Europes face off on anthropology and family

Two Europes face off on anthropology and family

The European Commission is beginning to limit the allocation of funds from its multi-year budget only to countries that respect the “new LGBT rights.” Poland and Hungary refuse to accept this blackmail. Indeed, in Hungary new amendments have been proposed for the protection of the natural family and even in Holland there is some opposition.

North Korea: Auschwitz rebooted against Christians

North Korea: Auschwitz rebooted against Christians

While the West is isolated at home out of fear, Christians in North Korea prefer freedom of the soul to physical safety. A document of the Korea Future Initiative is really an interview of about a hundred former inmates of labor camps, narrating the atrocities committed against women, elderly persons and children, but also offering the response of believers, who do not fear their persecutors, before whom they pray and smile.

How Egyptians, abbesses and saints honoured beer

How Egyptians, abbesses and saints honoured beer

Beer is believed to be more than six thousand years old. The most ancient remains have been found in Mesopotamia (the oldest recipe we know of is 3,900 years old). The oldest monastery that brewed beer is the Italian Monastery of Montecassino. The monks considered beer an actual medicine. The addition of hops was a monastic invention due to Hildegard of Bingen, while a poem that sings its praises is attributed to Saint Bridget of Kildare.

Beer-Braised Beef

Beer-Braised Beef

Culture 14_11_2020

Here’s the agenda of “peacemaker” Biden: priority is abortion

Here’s the agenda of “peacemaker” Biden: priority is abortion

The candidate-democrat’s pro-abortion priorities have been made public. While certain Catholics are worried about justifying their vote for a radical party, arguing that Biden is open to the dialogue needed to restore peace to a divided America, they do not understand that the war broke out with abortion and egoism by law ( as Mother Teresa of Calcutta explained). Trump just decided to respond to the attack, and this is the reason why the foe is openly revealing its violence.

McCarrick, the gay lobby scores again

McCarrick, the gay lobby scores again

The McCarrick report reveals a substantial degree of tolerance towards homosexual conduct by the clergy, which is punished only if minors are the persons abused. This report also ignores the fact that the McCarrick case is only the tip of the iceberg of a power system controlled by the gay lobby.

Hurrah for Biden the Catholic: now the Church accepts abortion

Hurrah for Biden the Catholic: now the Church accepts abortion

Upon the American Catholic bishops sending a note of congratulations to abortion advocate Joe Biden, the Church now accepts abortion. One’s position for or against life is no longer a criterion for evaluating political behaviour. In short: abortion is no longer an issue for the Catholic Church. Today, we must sadly take note of this. Whoever has lived through the era of John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae and the battle against the "culture of death" will definitely feel a chill run down their spine.

US presidential elections confirm the end of democracy

US presidential elections confirm the end of democracy

What is happening in the U.S. presidential elections is beyond belief. Since Trump is the quintessential villain and since every means is legitimate to get rid of him, we have witnessed a steady rise of "irregularities" at the polling stations. Above all, we have seen an alliance between the mass media and the powers that be to cover them up and legitimise them. Indeed, St. John Paul II’s prophecy, and reiterated not so long ago by Benedict XVI, is now being fulfilled:  “As history demonstrates, a democracy without values easily turns into an open or thinly disguised totalitarianism."

Wanda Poltawska, the anti-abortion champion and her sad birthday

Wanda Poltawska, the anti-abortion champion and her sad birthday

St. John Paul II’s friend and Polish concentration camp victim of  Nazi abortion experiments said: "I saw Nazis tossing newborn babies into crematoriums: for all my life I’ve had these harrowing images before my eyes...I promised myself, if I survived, to study medicine and to defend life." Today Wanda Poltawska celebrates her 99th birthday while witnessing the latest attack on life in her native Poland.