Saint Pantaleon by Ermes Dovico

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Why the Italian Bishops can still save Italy from grave danger

Why the Italian Bishops can still save Italy from grave danger

May 1, at the height of the Covid-19 epidemic, an Act of Entrustment to the Immaculate Heart of Mary was celebrated in Italy, after the solicitation of the faithful. But the event, transmitted by the Bishop Conference media channels, wasn't live as announced, but recorded five days earlier. Many Catholics expressed disappointment for the "farce". The Bishops could show their regret by granting the original request: a real Act of Consecration.

“From Fatima to Civitavecchia, we are living in the Third Secret”

“From Fatima to Civitavecchia, we are living in the Third Secret”

“The apostasy within the Church is the most serious and shocking element” that emerges from the Marian revelations of the 20th century. “Cardinal Ciappi, who had read the Third Secret of Fatima, specified that the Virgin had said that the apostasy would be initiated from the top of the Church.” “We are governed by Masonry, because many politicians and unfortunately various bishops and cardinals are affiliated with it,” and “Italy was warned” of this by the Blessed Mother in her revelation at Civitavecchia in 1995. The suspension of public Masses can be considered “a practical apostasy.” The Daily Compass interviews Father Flavio Ubodi, a Capuchin theologian, for the 103rd anniversary of the beginning of the apparitions at Fatima.

Obamagate: the suspicion Obama was spying on Trump

Obamagate: the suspicion Obama was spying on Trump

In the United States, Donald Trump has accused Barack Obama of conspiring against his administration in the final two weeks of the former president transitioning out of the White House. The closure OF the Michael Flynn case may mark the opening of a new one: Obamagate. The year that began with Trump's impeachment attempt is now evolving in ways no one would have imagined.

Coronavirus: billions of people will go back to poverty

Coronavirus: billions of people will go back to poverty

At least one thing is certain in the world economy and is evident now that the peak of the coronavirus pandemic has been reached: 22 years of rapidly growing global economic prosperity have been wiped out in just two months. Does it mean this is the end of the free market, theorized by Adam Smith since 1776? Will it be the start of a New Chinese Order?

Benedict, spiritual papacy vs. an antichrist dictatorship

Benedict, spiritual papacy vs. an antichrist dictatorship

Ratzinger's responses in Seewald's book, "Benedikt XVI: Ein Leben" tell us much more of the retired pope’s thinking than what has been anticipated. The power of the Antichrist is demonstrated not only by legalized abortion and gay unions, but also by a "world dictatorship of apparently humanistic ideologies" which excludes the Christian faithful from social acceptance. All this is tied to his renunciation of the papacy and his title of "Pope emeritus" with which Benedict XVI intended to strengthen the spiritual power of the Church, which is based on prayer.

The Church’s freedom is under attack and she cheers on her enemies

The Church’s freedom is under attack and she cheers on her enemies

The story of government-ordered suspension of public Masses is a clear demonstration of just how seriously the Church has lost her Libertas Ecclesiae. For centuries there has been conflicts over the Church’s religious freedom, but she has fought back hard.  Many heroes and saints came to her defence: the Cluny monks, Boniface VIII, St. Catherine, the French Vendeans, Pius IX, and the Polish Catholic Church. Today, however, the Church seems content with her own lack of freedom and is not eager to increase it. The Church even goes so far as to praise those who take her freedom away.

Why God hides his face

Why God hides his face

Sin can make the face of God be hidden, which He shows to us in the Sacraments. We think of the many social injustices, the sacrilegious Communions, the many people who skip Sunday Mass for the sake of work or entertainment, sexual deviations, abortion, euthanasia, doctrinal laxity, the absolutions of non-repentant sinners, liturgical abuses. Probably God has said: “Enough!” All this has also involved innocent people, but not by chance...

Hoping for a messianic vaccine is dangerous, immoral, and anti-scientific

Hoping for a messianic vaccine is dangerous, immoral, and anti-scientific

If it is possible to develop a vaccine for Covid-19, it should be done respecting the criteria that guarantee the absence of toxicity and harmfulness. The failure of similar efforts to create a vaccine for SARS should lead to prudence. From this point of view, developing a vaccine that is safe requires at least five years of testing, not five months. Then there is the question of the use of aborted fetuses in vaccine development and an unacceptable utilitarian logic. The very strong media pressure in favour of the vaccine cannot become an alibi for superseding non-negotiable moral principles.

The (real) FBI plot against Donald Trump

The (real) FBI plot against Donald Trump

There is a conspiracy that oddly does not make the headlines, even though it is shocking and reasonably well documented. It’s about a plot hatched in the upper levels of the FBI, the America’s federal police, to frame President Donald Trump at the start of his administration while ruining the life of his former national security advisor, General Michael Flynn.

«No Bishop has the right to prohibit public masses»

«No Bishop has the right to prohibit public masses»

“The Church is not dependent on the state, it must defend its freedom and independence”. “Suspending Masses is an abdication of the task it has, which includes reading the sufferings of this period in the light of the faith, the mystery of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus”. “Jesus became flesh, we believe in the resurrection of the flesh: therefore bodily presence is indispensable”. “The Eucharist is the only true form of adoration of God, it is the reason for the existence of any other liturgical form. It is scandalous that there are bishops who say the Eucharist is overrated.” Cardinal Gerhard L. Müller, former prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, speaks to the Daily Compass.

Saint Paul teaches that an Empire should repair its injustices

Saint Paul teaches that an Empire should repair its injustices

The coronavirus crisis has brought about a focus on freedom and its relationship with the law, a theme that seems inopportune to bring up right now, even for many Catholics. And yet in the Acts of the Apostles we find a very clear example that speaks to our situation when Saint Paul calls for the public reparation of an injustice. This is why Christians ought to act in defence of their own freedom and rights for the good of the entire society.

How will they find the courage to again speak of God as Savior?

How will they find the courage to again speak of God as Savior?

At this dramatic and historical moment, it is disconcerting to hear bishops and theologians considering faith as secondary with respect to science and treating God as if he was a “guru” whom we don’t really need at the moment. This is not what the Church has professed for centuries.