Saint Vincent Martyr by Ermes Dovico

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Development: UN cares about the planet, not people

Development: UN cares about the planet, not people

World 31_12_2020 Anna Bono

The new United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Report adds environmental parameters to the Human Development Index. An ideological change that leads to a new conception of development, which requires sacrificing humanity.

Vaccine and aborted fetuses, the Vatican’s betrayal

Vaccine and aborted fetuses, the Vatican’s betrayal

Inside the Vatican, a health official has announced the distribution of a Covid vaccine, for which its research utilised cell lines from aborted fetuses. Just yesterday the Pontifical Academy for Life’s president, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, lauded the European Union’s Vaccine Day, saying there was now “a light shining in a tunnel that, until now, has been very dark." This is a vaccination campaign involving a concerted decision to not deny the media’s interpretation of  the “Note” released by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, a document which has proven to be a turning point in the moral debate. Now the Church accepts vaccines derived from cells of aborted fetuses. This is a very grave decision which will have dramatic repercussions for the defence of life.

The ‘holy’ vaccine, a leap into the void that won’t save us

The ‘holy’ vaccine, a leap into the void that won’t save us

27 December 2020 will go down in history as V-Day, Vaccination Day: the day when the vaccine counter-offensive was unleashed against Covid across Europe. Announced in emphatic and rhetorical terms for a colossal propaganda operation, the antidote became ‘light and hope’. But none of the Phase III studies have been structured to prove the effectiveness of the vaccines in reducing serious outcomes such as hospitalisations, intensive care need, or deaths. Their isn’t   sufficient evidence to assess their benefits and damages.

Milk, mankind’s first nourishment

Milk, mankind’s first nourishment

For every latitude and religion, mother's milk is an extension of the special relationship between the child and the mother. In the Holy Scriptures, milk is mentioned several times, as in the theophany at the Oaks of Mamre, where Abraham serves the Lord milk and meat together, implicitly giving an answer on the Jewish dispute between what is allowed (kosher) and forbidden (terefah) to eat. In reality, food prohibitions are primarily cultural.


Crème caramel

Crème caramel

Culture 28_12_2020

«The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light»

«The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light»

«Christmas is an event of light, it is the feast of light: in the Child of Bethlehem the primordial light once more shines in humanity’s heaven and dissipates the clouds of sin. The radiance of God’s definitive triumph appears on the horizon of history in order to offer a new future of hope to a pilgrim people». We propose the homily of Saint John Paul II at Christmas Midnigh Mass, 2001.

No justification yet for compulsory vaccination

No justification yet for compulsory vaccination

There are many indications that suggest we are moving toward mandatory vaccination, either explicitly or through forms of discrimination for those who refuse it. But morally speaking, there are no requirements that legitimise it being obligatory. Indeed, the vaccine should not even be commercialised. Here's why.

Joseph’s marriage to Mary, a mystery of salvation

Joseph’s marriage to Mary, a mystery of salvation

From his marriage to Mary, Joseph derives his participation in “her sublime dignity” (Leo XIII) and his paternal rights over Jesus. The two holy spouses, both virgins, by their obedience to divine will and their acceptance of the Saviour, become the couple which, unlike Adam and Eve, “constitutes the summit from which holiness spreads over the whole earth” (Paul VI). A true catechesis on the family must start from their marriage.

Pope’s message for peace 2021, some positive aspects

Pope’s message for peace 2021, some positive aspects

In his message for the World Day of Peace, Pope Francis, in addition to some of the social themes he has repeated several times, departs somewhat from previous documents by placing greater emphasis on the primacy of God, and with an explicit reference to the Church’s social doctrine.

Pornhub promotes pedophilia, but exonerated by the media

Pornhub promotes pedophilia, but exonerated by the media

Pornhub has removed nearly 70 percent of its content in which minors appear raped and abused, sometimes even by their adoptive parents. 40 victims have denounced the website while a New York Times investigation has exposed the scandal. It's a shame the mass media have exonerated the pornography giant by shifting the focus to privacy issues of the footage. But The Guardian has taken a stand, explaining that pornography incites pedophilia.

Bread, symbol of life

Bread, symbol of life

Today we begin a long journey into food in biblical times. Food in general and meals in particular play an important role in human history and thus in biblical history. We will start with bread, food par excellence: it is mentioned 361 times in the Bible, and Jesus himself self-identifies with bread.

Cheese-Filled Bread

Cheese-Filled Bread

Culture 19_12_2020