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The Dreams of Melinda Gates for Covid and women

The Dreams of Melinda Gates for Covid and women

An essay by Melinda Gates in the international review Foreign Affairs reveals the humanist and elite ideology that is behind the philanthropy of the major Foundations. They claim to fight for women’s health, but lament the scarce availability of contraceptives. And what emerges in the end is that the true goal is control.

The future of Europe threatened by the "pro-Europeans"

The future of Europe threatened by the "pro-Europeans"

It is precisely the pro-European states that are threatening the European future. Europe will have a budget of 1,074 billion for seven years and 750 billion for the Recovery Fund, but the five "frugal/stingy" countries will have very significant discounts on their contributions to the European budget, and will be able to play this card to contribute less money to Europe and European countries in difficulty. But their real victory lies in the right of veto by each country on the expenses and implementation of the projects financed by the Recovery Fund. This is a sign of mutual distrust and diffidence between the 27 countries, the tip of the iceberg of the European crisis.

Covid has exposed our lack of faith

Covid has exposed our lack of faith

The most incredible phenomenon of the Covid period is the worldwide restrictions on masses and access to churches. The fact of having accepted without even fighting to renounce what we hold dearest, the Eucharist, adds to the astonishment. It calls us to recognize our misery and embrace conversion. This is the only way to ensure that this time will not have been in vain.

Covid Vaccine Without Testing? Too Risky

Covid Vaccine Without Testing? Too Risky

The European Medicines Agency’s request to be able to use the vaccine against the coronavirus as early as this autumn, without proper testing, is extremely dangerous: it runs the risk of worsening the effects of the coronavirus rather than preventing it and also of causing serious brain damage.

The World on course for a Demographic Catastrophe

The World on course for a Demographic Catastrophe

An American study foresees that by the end of the century there will be a general decline in the world population, with the populations of 23 countries reduced by more than 50%. The researchers say that a major social reorganization is needed or it will be a disaster. But rather than seek real solutions, they want to continue with the same anti-human ideologies that have brought us to this point of crisis. The Holy See also deserves an admonishment.

Erdogan intends to restore the Caliphate

Erdogan intends to restore the Caliphate

World 17_07_2020 Souad Sbai

Today Hagia Sophia has once again been transformed into a mosque, as was Erdogan’s intention from the beginning of his career. But where does this policy lead? Erdogan makes no secret of his plan to restore the Ottoman Empire. He has already presented himself as the protector of the mosques of Jerusalem. What if one day he does restore the Caliphate?

The Scapular: Mary’s way of clothing us with Christ

The Scapular: Mary’s way of clothing us with Christ

The devotion of the Carmelite scapular has its roots in the 13th century, a gift of the Blessed Mother to offer protection from the fires of hell. Saint John Paul II was wearing it on the day of the assassination attempt on his life, and that scapular, soaked in blood, has become a relic.

Large families are discriminated against. Here’s why

Large families are discriminated against. Here’s why

A report examined 1,100 articles published in German newspapers between 2011 and 2012: families with a large number of children were the subject of criticism. Why is this? Another survey demonstrated that the greater the increase in the number of family members, the more probable it is, that its members will take a distance from liberal bioethical positions. This means that large families have led to an increase in the number of opponents of abortion and LGBT rights.

Printing money kills enterprise

Printing money kills enterprise

Monetary expansion distorts entrepreneurial competitiveness because it concedes enormous power to companies that have easier access to liquidity. This is why entrepreneurs tend to disappear and why companies in the hands of finance tend to multiply.

Expansive monetary policies kill savings and responsibility

Expansive monetary policies kill savings and responsibility

For years, it seems that the only way to resolve economic crises is by central banks issuing new liquidity. However, this continuous creation of money “out of thin air” has negative ethical implications. It damages individuals and social cooperation.

Poland: What’s at stake in the Presidential Election

Poland: What’s at stake in the Presidential Election

On Sunday, July 12, Poland will hold the second round of its presidential election. The contenders are the incumbent President Andrzej Duda and Rafał Trzaskowski. The stakes are enormous: the election will decide whether Poland will remain a nation faithful to traditional values centered on the family or become another country subjected to the dictatorship of the politically correct.

Pedophilia: "A satanic cult spread in the centers of power"

Pedophilia: "A satanic cult spread in the centers of power"

«Thousands of children are kidnapped, abused, killed and sacrificed to the devil for reasons of power. The victims say it and all the evidence"; "We have collected testimonies that speak of the link between pedophilia and Satanism"; "The phenomenon is left uncontrolled by the police who are subjected to blackmail and because it is the drug of the elite"; "The battle between good and evil is waged with the innocent." Robert David Steele, chief consultant of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse, a former officer of the Marines, a former member of the CIA and candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017, speaks to the Daily Compass.