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UN-aid for Covid is blackmail to advance abortion policies

UN-aid for Covid is blackmail to advance abortion policies

Ecuador is the first country that has officially bowed to UN blackmail. In exchange for financial aid to battle COVID-19, the United Nations is demanding that Ecuador liberalize its anti-abortion laws, promote gender ideology in schools as well as legalize cannabis and surrogate pregnancies. This shameful negotiation demands attention from the international community. Vatican diplomacy must take decisive action.

Paglia’s Revolution: How to Destroy Catholic Morality

Paglia’s Revolution: How to Destroy Catholic Morality

In an interview with the American website Crux, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, denies the existence of non-negotiable moral principles and accuses those who use the right to life as a voting criterion of political exploitation. The implicit reference is to the American elections, but Paglia’s affirmations are consistent with an approach, by now consolidated, that distorts the fundamental foundations of Catholic moral theology.

Montessori, an “educative method” that does not educate

Montessori, an “educative method” that does not educate

On August 31, 1870, 150 years ago, Maria Montessori was born in a little town in Central Italy. She was a doctor, a pedagogist, a child neuropsychiatrist, educator and philosopher, a committed feminist, and is universally known for the educative method based on spontaneity that bears her name. There are more than 20,000 schools named after her throughout the world, above all in the United States, Germany, and Great Britain. The author of numerous essays, she nearly won the Nobel Peace Prize. But in reality the Montessori approach is destructive for the education.

Kenosha: inevitable conclusion of 3 months of lawlessness

Kenosha: inevitable conclusion of 3 months of lawlessness

America has just been struck by another emotional blow to its conservative “heartland”, perhaps with historical consequences this November, following the August 23 shooting of a black man, Jacob Blake, Jr, by a white Kenosha, Wisconsin police officer. This incident is causing a new uprising which peaked when a counter-protestor shot and killed two protestors. In the run up to the U.S. presidential elections on November 3, resolving racial tension among citizens, government, and police, will be the biggest influencer of ballots cast for Donald Trump or Joe Biden, surpassing the handling of ongoing troubles with COVID containment and economic woes.

The “Time of Creation” – or better said the “Time of Pantheism”

The “Time of Creation” – or better said the “Time of Pantheism”

From September 1 to October 4 it is again the “Time of Creation,” an ecumenical initiative calling people to reflection on creation. In reality, it is the celebration of a new pantheism that is in vogue today among Christians, including within the Catholic Church.

"Nicaragua, where the pandemic is persecuting the Church"

"Nicaragua, where the pandemic is persecuting the Church"

Following an attack on a Nicaraguan cathedral, hatred towards the Church is growing. Recently, the shrine of St. Rita of Cascia at Teustepe has been the target of violence, with the saint’s image being defaced. The Daily Compass conducted an interview with the Archdiocese of Managua’s Vicar for the Family, Msgr. Silvio Fonseca: "Here we have witnessed a full frontal attack by the state on the Church. The president has insulted us and it seems to be an open war against the Church. It is as if their objective were ‘to get rid of her’.” Fonseca’s appeal to the international community: "The priests here feel threatened. Gangs of hooded men are running around with impunity."

China "normalizes" Hong Kong and Mongolia

China "normalizes" Hong Kong and Mongolia

As this article demonstrates, the Chinese authorities are now rewriting the history books in Hong Kong, even eliminating any mention of Tienanmen Square. Meanwhile, in Inner Mongolia they are replacing the Mongolian language with Chinese in all the schools.

Venezuela, Where the Doctors Die from Covid or are Arrested

Venezuela, Where the Doctors Die from Covid or are Arrested

More than 25% of the deceased from Covid-19 are health care workers. The number has already jumped to 82. Yet the Maduro regime imposes censorship and repression to attempt to hide the human catastrophe that is unfolding: 12 doctors have already been arrested. The denunciation of Amnesty International to The Daily Compass: “90% of those who are hospitalized do not have water, soap, detergent, glasses, or special surgical masks.”

Jesus Christ’s great absence in today’s Church

Jesus Christ’s great absence in today’s Church

The idea that there can be Christianity without Christ is creeping more and more into general acceptance. After all, secular power likes a religion that cares for the poor, the environment and that obscures the burdensome figure of Christ as the one and only Truth to follow. Just read what Luigi Giussani and Romano Amerio have to say in this regard.

And they call it science: now Covid is also racist

And they call it science: now Covid is also racist

“The Coronavirus is also racist: it has led to racial disparities between whites and blacks.” The accusation arrives from prestigious scientific reviews like the New England Medical Journal and The Lancet, according to which there is a need to speak of structural racism because the virus has produced racial disparities that have struck ethnic minorities. But this is ideology rather than racism. In reality, what is involved is the social factor that concerns economic conditions, the level of education, and the possibility of having access to healthcare. If we take a state with a high concentration of African-Americans like Louisiana as a model, the data is obvious. In fact, it is enough to go to other countries like Italy to discover that racism has nothing to do with it.

The liberal religious who support Democrats

The liberal religious who support Democrats

The Democratic Convention opened in Milwaukee to formalize Biden's candidacy. Progressives who espouse the cause of "new rights" will be at the convention. The American bishops call for a choice based on non-negotiable principles

Weak and endemic Covid: The pandemic is running out

Weak and endemic Covid: The pandemic is running out

The government is using the latest data to relaunch the campaign of terror and float the possibility of new lockdowns. But the data actually say just the opposite. For weeks now Covid has ceased to be an epidemic and has instead become endemic: it has entered into its homoplasia phase, that is, it has lost its power and essentially exhausted itself, even if not completely. Creating a media panic over young people testing positive makes no sense: the greatest concern should be keeping the elderly and those in poor health safe. Instead, cancer patients and those at risk of heart attack are being neglected, as shown by the data from the Italian Cardiology Society on the decline in hospitalizations