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The “Love Jihad”: 4000 forced “brides” of violent Islam

The “Love Jihad”: 4000 forced “brides” of violent Islam

They are young girls who are Christian or Hindu. They are approached by peers, who kidnap and rape them, and then after threatening to publish the rape video on social media force them to convert. All of them are victims of the “love jihad,” the “holy war of love” that is upsetting Kirala. The Indian Catholic Church denounces ISIS’s method of recruiting, but even among Catholics there are progressive groups that deny or minimize.

“I’ll tell you about some intimate details” about Karol Wojtyla and Padre Pio

“I’ll tell you about some intimate details” about Karol Wojtyla and Padre Pio

Nine years ago on September 3, cardinal Andrzej Maria Deskur passed away. He was a close friend of Karol Wojtyla, ever since his days in seminary where the Polish saint manifested the gift of "infused prayer." Few people know that Deskur played an important role in the relationship between the future pope and Padre Pio. Nor is it very known at all that Deskur was commissioned by John Paul II to meet Sr. Lucia of Fatima to find out whether the 1984 Marian consecration had taken place as requested by Our Lady. The Daily Compass interviewed the director of Padre Pio TV, Stefano Campanella, who has gathered and studied Deskur's confidendential conversations with John Paul II.

African Bishops Denounce the Corruption of Their Governments

African Bishops Denounce the Corruption of Their Governments

World 11_09_2020 Anna Bono

The bishops of Kenya, South Africa and Nigeria are denouncing the corruption of their governments. The occasion was given by the mismanagement of international aid to face the Covid-19 pandemic. In Kenya the bishops and leaders of other denominations are denouncing the theft of medical and financial aid, while in South Africa they denounce the misuse of funds. In Nigeria an omnipresent corruption is threatening local health. Is this the West’s fault?

A group of Catholic intellectuals against PAL on abortion

A group of Catholic intellectuals against PAL on abortion

A group of Catholic intellectuals complain that the Pontifical Academy for Life uses ambiguous language in its criticism of the new Italian guidelines on day hospital abortion and altogether omits condemnation of abortion.



Culture 09_09_2020

One of the many recipes born in the monasteries is for leftover bread cake, an example of a clever way of making the most of all the food available and avoiding waste.

You want to learn about tasty and healthy eating? Get thee to a monastery

You want to learn about tasty and healthy eating? Get thee to a monastery

The secret of a healthy and tasty cuisine that avoids the cardinal sin of gluttony was already found in the Rule of St Benedict and also features in the work of St Hildegard of Bingen. Hundreds of recipes created in European monasteries have now become commonplace: vegetables, charcuterie, cheese, but also sweets and beers and liqueurs. The monastic culinary tradition is still very much alive and hundreds of monasteries in Europe and the USA sell their products online.

For the Italian Church and the Vatican, Abortion Is a Bit Less Bad

For the Italian Church and the Vatican, Abortion Is a Bit Less Bad

The recent articles in Avvenire, the news service of the Italian bishops, and the interview given to Crux by Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, are signs of a disturbing change in the Church in its attitude towards pro-abortion laws.

Inflation, a hidden tax and no help to any crisis

Inflation, a hidden tax and no help to any crisis

Those who live on fixed incomes - wages, salaries, pensions – during times of high inflation, see their purchasing power erode over time. And yet the central banks, starting with the United States Federal Reserve, are definitely aiming at inflationary models, believing that they can help the state and companies overcome crisis by devaluing their debts. Unfortunately this is a tragic illusion and we will pay dearly for it.

Chile: The Revolts, the Government, and the Communist Infiltration

Chile: The Revolts, the Government, and the Communist Infiltration

Andrés Montero,an expert in international relations at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and a member of the advisory committee of the School of Administrative and Economic Sciences at the University of Chile, explains to The Daily Compass the reasons for protests that were all but criminal and similar in their methods to what is happening in the United States.

Just like China, WHO controls information

Just like China, WHO controls information

The WHO has launched a campaign against Covid-19 “misinformation”, using artificial intelligence and modern data collection techniques to track down on-line hoaxes and fabrications. This strategy, ironically, has already caused enormous damage in the fight against the pandemic, precisely because it limits comparisons and debate over theories in the face of a new disease. It smacks of censorship methods employed by the Chinese totalitarian regime.

The cardinal tortured who opposed Vatican compromises

The cardinal tortured who opposed Vatican compromises

The Hungarian Cardinal Jozsef Mindszenty, who today has been declared Venerable, opposed the Nazi regime, so he was captured, stripped, and beaten. He was then liberated by insurgent soldiers in Budapest, but he had to take refuge in the American embassy because he was also hostile to communism. When the Vatican began to make compromises with the regime, as it is doing today in China, the primate opposed it.