
Venezuela, Where the Doctors Die from Covid or are Arrested

Venezuela, Where the Doctors Die from Covid or are Arrested

More than 25% of the deceased from Covid-19 are health care workers. The number has already jumped to 82. Yet the Maduro regime imposes censorship and repression to attempt to hide the human catastrophe that is unfolding: 12 doctors have already been arrested. The denunciation of Amnesty International to The Daily Compass: “90% of those who are hospitalized do not have water, soap, detergent, glasses, or special surgical masks.”

The liberal religious who support Democrats

The liberal religious who support Democrats

The Democratic Convention opened in Milwaukee to formalize Biden's candidacy. Progressives who espouse the cause of "new rights" will be at the convention. The American bishops call for a choice based on non-negotiable principles

Peace between Israel and the Emirates, while Palestine troubles remain

Peace between Israel and the Emirates, while Palestine troubles remain

It is no exaggeration to speak of an "historic" agreement between the United Arab Emirates and Israel. So what happens now? The Palestinian Authority is against it. It will never accept the presence of the Jewish nation of Israel. And all it needs is EU aid and UN legitimacy

Egypt and Turkey challege each other for the Mediterranean

Egypt and Turkey challege each other for the Mediterranean

Egypt opposes Turkey’s hegemonic designs in the Eastern Mediterranean. The challenge is also religious: Hagia Sophia is reconverted into a mosque, while the monastery of Saint Catherine is being restored by Al-Sisi

Hong Kong: the new law to squash the press

Hong Kong: the new law to squash the press

In a spectacular raid, broadcast live on video, a hundred Hong Kong police officers entered the Apple Daily’s headquarters, which has lead the way for the island’s democratic uprisings. The newspaper’s publisher, Catholic entrepreneur Jimmy Lai, was arrested under China’s new National Security Act

The future of Europe threatened by the "pro-Europeans"

The future of Europe threatened by the "pro-Europeans"

It is precisely the pro-European states that are threatening the European future. Europe will have a budget of 1,074 billion for seven years and 750 billion for the Recovery Fund, but the five "frugal/stingy" countries will have very significant discounts on their contributions to the European budget, and will be able to play this card to contribute less money to Europe and European countries in difficulty. But their real victory lies in the right of veto by each country on the expenses and implementation of the projects financed by the Recovery Fund. This is a sign of mutual distrust and diffidence between the 27 countries, the tip of the iceberg of the European crisis.

The World on course for a Demographic Catastrophe

The World on course for a Demographic Catastrophe

An American study foresees that by the end of the century there will be a general decline in the world population, with the populations of 23 countries reduced by more than 50%. The researchers say that a major social reorganization is needed or it will be a disaster. But rather than seek real solutions, they want to continue with the same anti-human ideologies that have brought us to this point of crisis. The Holy See also deserves an admonishment.

Erdogan intends to restore the Caliphate

Erdogan intends to restore the Caliphate

World 17_07_2020 Souad Sbai

Today Hagia Sophia has once again been transformed into a mosque, as was Erdogan’s intention from the beginning of his career. But where does this policy lead? Erdogan makes no secret of his plan to restore the Ottoman Empire. He has already presented himself as the protector of the mosques of Jerusalem. What if one day he does restore the Caliphate?



Beijing's military exercises in the South China Sea are yet another provocation leading to a rise of tensions in the region. Archipelagos in this area are disputed by 5 other nations, in addition to the U.S. and Japan. Another test of China’s strength against Taiwan is now planned for August.

Libya, Erdogan content. Russians and Turks work for peace

Libya, Erdogan content. Russians and Turks work for peace

The withdrawl of Haftar's LNA troops from the entire Tripoli front rewards Erdogan's unscrupulous military tactics. This, thanks to an accord struck with al-Sarraj, undermines Italy in terms of any remaining influence it might still have over its former colony. An end to all armed conflict hinges upon an agreement drafted along the same lines of the peace accord struck in Syria between the Turks and Russians. The deal will ensure certain privileged positions in Libya, a nation that effectively ends up being split in two.

Here's what Obama would have done with today’s riots

Here's what Obama would have done with today’s riots

“What would Barack Obama have said or done today for the George Floyd crisis to restore order, justice and healing?” This is the question many people have wondered in these days of fierce criticism of President Trump. In fact, a similarly tragic incident took place during Obama's presidency, in 2015 with violent protests in Baltimore. You would be surprised to know that Obama acted quite like Trump but with one big difference: the current Republican president has done much more to help the African American community.

Is  life difficult for blacks in the USA? In Africa, it’s worse

Is life difficult for blacks in the USA? In Africa, it’s worse

World 09_06_2020 Anna Bono

African countries have now joined the crusade against racial discrimination in the United States, but they are actually in a much worse state. Since March 25, Kenyan police have fired shots into crowds killing 15 people and injuring 31 others in an effort to enforce curfews enacted to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the victims in Nairobi was a 13-year-old boy, Yassin. Nobody knelt for him. Then there is what footballer Kei Kamara had to say while supporting the American protests: "Being black in the United States is very difficult." Yet, he came with his family to the USA seeking asylum in 2000 at age 16. Kamara and his family had fled a bloody and cruel civil war which turned children into soldiers and resulted in 70,000 deaths as well as 2.5 million refugees.