The Seven Holy Founders by Ermes Dovico


ISIS rears its head again in Syria and Iraq

ISIS rears its head again in Syria and Iraq

In the first quarter of 2021 there were 566 ISIS attacks in Iraq alone, and in Syria things are no better. While NATO and Western countries pay lip service to fighting Islamic terrorists, in reality they are in retreat from all the battles fronts. And the US is only fighting pro-Iranian militias.

Italiano Español

In Africa jihadist groups grow and supplant governments

In Africa jihadist groups grow and supplant governments

World 01_07_2021 Anna Bono

The death of Boko Haram's leader, following a violent clash with ISWAP Islamists, is a sign of the internal competition for jihadism taking place on African soil. ISIS-affiliated groups are attempting to impose their control over vast swaths of Africa by filling vacuums left by governments. To counter  jihadists, what is needed above all is a new social contract between politicians and citizens.


Merkel's deputy entrusts Islamic education to Erdogan

Merkel's deputy entrusts Islamic education to Erdogan

Armin Laschet, Angela Merkel's possible successor, has decided to entrust the Turkish-German association Ditib with authoring school textbooks as well as the management of Islamic religious education in schools. Ditib is a veritable Turkish government association. Will new generations of German Muslims place their trust in Erdogan?


CIA report on UFO’s: is it a social experiment?
Socialism and aliens

CIA report on UFO’s: is it a social experiment?

The CIA has stated it’s publishing its investigations on UFOs. What is happening recalls the US broadcaster CBS strange "joke" when it panicked the American population by staging ‘The War of the Worlds’ by HG Wells, honorary vice-president of the Portman Clinic, arm of the Tavistock Institute that conducted research on the "change of paradigm" which studied the drastic and complete change of thought following a psychological shock. It raises suspicions about the motives for the disclosure of the secret material.

Italiano Español

Cardinal Zen, Tienanmen doesn’t go away

Cardinal Zen, Tienanmen doesn’t go away

World 08_06_2021 Joseph Zen

The sacrifice of the young people who died 32 years ago for freedom and democracy in China is evermore relevant today. As long as the regime does not recognise that crime, it means it believes it is right to kill defenceless people in the name of an alleged “general interest”. But, we won’t lose hope. This is the homily Cardinal Zen gave in Hong Kong last June 4, during the memorial mass to remember the victims of Tienanmen Square.

Italiano Español

Disarming Hamas in Gaza: just wishful thinking

Disarming Hamas in Gaza: just wishful thinking

In the wake of the recent Gaza ceasefire, Israel is aiming to reach an international agreement to disarm Hamas militias. However, the only realistic way to achieve this would involve an all-out Israeli military strike in Gaza, one that would totally annihilate Palestinian forces and then cede the territory to the Palestinian Authority and Egypt.

Italiano Español

Biden is obsessed with abortion. But pro-lifers are mobilizing

Biden is obsessed with abortion. But pro-lifers are mobilizing

Biden is committed to cancelling any protection to the right to life. Just a few days after he moved into the White House, he signed a Memorandum on "reproductive rights" which amounts to an integral abortion program, and is to be applied also abroad. Pro-lifers are not sitting on the fence. Also former Vice President Mike Pence has founded a non-profit organization. It’s first concern is the cause for pro-life.

Italiano Español

“May Day” for the United States: The First 100 Days of Biden and Harris

“May Day” for the United States: The First 100 Days of Biden and Harris

The first 100 days of the Biden-Harris Administration brings us close to “May Day.” Appropriately, may day (m’aidez) is the distress call sent out by those facing dire circumstances. The United States today finds itself at a difficult crossroads. This Administration is not only against life but the President does not appear to be in control. Whereas, Vice President, Kamala Harris, stands ready to step in should the occasion warrant. 

Italiano Español

Qatari women sacrificed in the name of the World Cup

Qatari women sacrificed in the name of the World Cup

World 22_04_2021 Souad Sbai

It is a disgrace that in order to hold the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, blatant violations of human rights are being overlooked, starting with the status of women, who are prevented from having a life that is not dependent on a man.

Italiano Español

Second Amendment threatened as toll of gun violence rises in the U.S.

Second Amendment threatened as toll of gun violence rises in the U.S.

America has always has had a bittersweet relationship with guns. The Second Amendment protects the right to bear arms, including to defend against external and internal tyrannies. But the mass shootings and police violence in recent weeks are calling into question all certainty. A lucid analysis is needed to understand the reasons. Because it is people who kill, not the guns.


Withdrawing troops from Afghanistan spells defeat for the West

Withdrawing troops from Afghanistan spells defeat for the West

The U.S. has apparently taken the final decision to withdraw all its armed forces from Afghanistan. The symbolic date to complete the operation is September 11, 2021, the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington. Meanwhile on the ground, the Taliban are not defeated and local armed forces are not prepared. Therefore, this spells defeat.


Johnson&Johnson vaccine suspended, yet another blow to vaccine Messianism

Johnson&Johnson vaccine suspended, yet another blow to vaccine Messianism

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has decided to suspend the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. The cause: dangerous reactions linked to blood clots that occurred within two weeks of its being administered to six women aged 18-48. In Europe, the EMA is stalling any pronouncements on the causal connection, as it had initially done with AstraZeneca. The reality is that for commercially-developed Covid vaccines, normal approval times have gone into "warp speed." Better pharmacovigilance is needed while Australia’s University of Queensland  has issued a warning about vaccine-centric strategies.
