Saint Pantaleon by Ermes Dovico


Biden’s exit puts Harris “gamble” under scrutiny

Biden’s exit puts Harris “gamble” under scrutiny

Biden has endorsed his vice-president to replace him for the nomination. A choice that represents continuity. But until now she is noted only for her support for abortion and her failure in the one task entrusted to her: resolve America’s illegal immigration problems.

Double standards: environmentalists ignore $600 million wedding pollution

Double standards: environmentalists ignore $600 million wedding pollution

World 17_07_2024 Anna Bono

The Indian billionaires Anat Ambani e Radhika Merchant, not only celebrated the wedding of the year, but also the most polluting. $600 million spent, thousands of planes and unbridled opulence. Silence from those who constantly accuse only the West of consuming the planet's resources.”

China bans "Taiwan" and "independence" word combination 

China bans "Taiwan" and "independence" word combination 

Approved new guidelines severely punish up to the death penalty anyone, including abroad, who asserts Taiwan's independence or its entry into international organizations.

NATO summit puts Europe on warpath

NATO summit puts Europe on warpath

The balance of the Atlantic Alliance summit seems to confirm the West's inclination to seek military confrontation with Russia and that of the United States' to leave Europe increasingly weak politically, militarily, socially and economically.

The Search for New Candidates?

The Search for New Candidates?

In one of his comments Trump said he was running for president again to get rid of Joe Biden. If Biden steps down will Trump follow? There is now some possibility of having two younger politicians competing for votes on November 5th.

New Israel-Vatican fallout

New Israel-Vatican fallout

Nine months since the beginning of the war between Hamas terrorists and Israel, the population of the Gaza Strip is at breaking point. The Israeli ambassador to the Holy See responds sharply to a document by the Justice and Peace Commission.


France, immigration strengthens Muslim presence

France, immigration strengthens Muslim presence

According to the Ined-Insee surveys, 91 percent of immigrants raised in Muslim families claim the religion of their parents, compared to 67 percent of Catholics. And children with a Muslim name account for 21.73 percent while 57 percent of Muslims consider shari'a more important than the law of the republic.

Kenyan police add violence to ongoing chaos

Kenyan police add violence to ongoing chaos

World 02_07_2024 Anna Bono

The Church has been assisting the people of Haiti in total chaos for three years. But even religious are victims of atrocious gang violence. Kenya sends in the police, notorious for its violence

“Lebanon is on verge of abyss” bishop says

“Lebanon is on verge of abyss” bishop says

A war between Israel and Hezbollah would be disastrous, and yet we are on the verge of a conflict starting that no one wants. Msgr. Cesar Essayan's raises the alarm to the Daily Compass, "It is time to lay down arms and start a lasting peace process."

USA puts Pfizer on trial for vaccine “falsehoods”

USA puts Pfizer on trial for vaccine “falsehoods”

The Attorney General of Kansas is suing the pharmaceutical giant: "It deceived on efficacy and adverse effects". Accusations include damage to pregnant women, myocarditis and deaths, as well as censorship on social media to hide criticism.

Xi Jinping like Mao: Chinese forced to spy on each other

Xi Jinping like Mao: Chinese forced to spy on each other

In Xi Jinping's China, Mao's Cultural Revolution methods are seeping back. In order to prevent dissent, the 'Fengqiao experience' system is reintroduced: volunteer vigilantes who incite citizens to denounce one another.  

All the pitfalls of Putin's proposed peace plan

All the pitfalls of Putin's proposed peace plan

Putin proposes peace to Ukraine. The problem is on what terms? The terms are so harsh they amount to surrender. An analysis is required that goes beyond the usual simplification of the facts.