Saint Vincent Martyr by Ermes Dovico


The Daily Compass brings us back to the catechism

The Daily Compass brings us back to the catechism

From today, the first Sunday of Advent and the start of the liturgical year, the Daily Compass will dedicate every Sunday to the catechism. Lessons will be  taught by Professor Luisella Scrosati which are introduced today with a reflection written by Cardinal Robert Sarah.

Popular movements and the ambiguous ‘theology of the people’

Popular movements and the ambiguous ‘theology of the people’

Popular movements, encouraged by Francis, are a heterogeneous galaxy bringing together socialism, ecologism, feminism, 'cancel cultures', etc. Their new pastoral approach presupposes doctrinal convictions often at odds with the SDC. The 'theology of the people' is an ambiguous category, and the Catholic who participates in such movements errs on two counts.

Vaccines and abortion, how Church teaching is being mystified

Vaccines and abortion, how Church teaching is being mystified

In newspapers and on TV it has become fashionable to deride and demonise Catholics who refuse to be vaccinated, while several bishops and priests are adamant that the Church is calling for compulsory vaccination. But the document of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith places very clear conditions on the moral legitimacy of the use of these vaccines, including pressure on pharmaceutical companies and governments to ban the use of cell lines from aborted foetuses. On this point, however, the silence of the bishops is deafening.

US Bishops on the Eucharist, nice words contradict practice

US Bishops on the Eucharist, nice words contradict practice

The long-awaited and widely discussed document by the US bishops on the Eucharist correctly re-proposes the Church's doctrine which is its treasure, but contradicts itself in not foreseeing  ways to defend it. It privileges the unity of the episcopate as a facade and the will to avoid political tensions in respect to Christ and the lives of millions of children.


St Joseph’s all-powerful intercession

St Joseph’s all-powerful intercession

Over the last century and a half, the Magisterium has honoured the role of St Joseph in salvation history several times, stating what is implicit in Holy Scripture and inherent in the sensus fidei. Not only was Mary's spouse recognised (under Blessed Pius IX) as the Patron of the Church, but his intercession was also described by Pius XI as “omnipotent”.

Traditional Latin Mass: Roche contradicts Benedict XVI

Traditional Latin Mass: Roche contradicts Benedict XVI

The reply sent by Msgr. Roche’s to Cardinal Nichols at his request for clarification on aspects of Pope Franciss motu proprio on the Latin Mass, especially for the administration of the sacraments, has been made public. The prefect for Divine Worship considers the ancient rite contrary to "ecclesiology", contradicting Benedict XVI who emphasized its dignity and made clear that the 1962 Missal has never been repealed. Roche even forgets the 1971 indult, indicating the way Vetus Ordo will ultimately die a death.

The Vatican plays Sachs

The Vatican plays Sachs

The appointment of economist Jeffrey Sachs as an ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences is unquestionably scandalous. But what it signifies is even worse: rather than the world being swayed by the Gospel, the Church is adopting the criteria of the world.

Woelki’s salary under threat by leftist Church

Woelki’s salary under threat by leftist Church

The spokesman for "We are the Church" has asked that the Archbishop of Cologne, Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki, be deprived of his salary, although it is his legal entitlement and despite having emerged completely innocent from the accusation that he had covered up the abuses described in the Cologne report. Moreover, attacks against the bishop have multiplied recently,  "guilty" of not supporting the new path of the German Church.

“I witnessed Pope John Paul I’s miracle”

“I witnessed Pope John Paul I’s miracle”

July 22, 2011: Candela Giarda, an eleven year old Argentine, is in intensive care on life support, she weighs just 19 kilos and for months has been suffering from acute epileptic encephalopathy, aggravated by a septic state of bronchopneumonia. “The doctors warn Candela’s mother that she won’t survive the night and that her  death is imminent.” The Daily Compass interviewed Father José Dabusti, the priest who on that evening of July 22, in Buenos Aires, invited Candela's mother to pray at her daughter’s bedside, to ask Pope Albino Luciani’s intercession. 

Let those who seek purity invoke Saint Joseph

Let those who seek purity invoke Saint Joseph

Sins of the flesh are a great danger to the soul and, in spite of today's permissiveness, enslave man. In contrast, chastity, to which each person is called according to his or her state of life, is based on self-control and makes us free. It is linked to charity. And it has its natural patron in St Joseph, who is to be invoked against all carnal temptations.

Betraying the Seal of Confession, betrays Christ

Betraying the Seal of Confession, betrays Christ

If the French bishops had read the best fairy tales, they would never have made the fatal mistake of asking the "dragon's" allies to "help" them eradicate the scourge of child abuse. Priests in confession are not conducting a profession, but are part of a sacrament. To betray the Seal of Confession means to betray the sacrament and to betray the sacrament means to betray Christ Himself. Of course, the Church has few weapons to defend her libertas, but she still has martyrdom. Benedict XVI pointed to Saint Anselmo as an example.

French Church abuse: the assault on the Confessional seal begins

French Church abuse: the assault on the Confessional seal begins

The meeting between the French Interior Minister and the president of the Bishops' Conference concluded with a directive: "Catholic priests must report the allegations of abuse they have heard in confession". The priestly vocation is defined as a profession and therefore the seal of Confessional is considered a professional secret. But, this is not the case. Rather what is emerging is that with the excuse of the report, totally ambiguous in the numbers and cases cited, an assault on the Church has commenced. Unfortunately, its response is weak.