
Bishop Ipolt: some German clergy are confused

Bishop Ipolt: some German clergy are confused

"In Germany the entire Christian anthropology is on the brink. It is regrettable that St. John Paul II's  theology of the body of is hardly known in Germany. We also need a new language and a new profile for our ethical positions in order to guide people and save them from confusion." This is what Wolfgang Ipolt, the Bishop of Görlitz has to say.

Canon law denies Communion to abortionist politicians

Canon law denies Communion to abortionist politicians

Regarding the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on Holy Communion to abortionist politicians, what does Canon Law say? Excommunicated persons, among others, are not admitted to Communion. Also excommunicated are those who collaborate in abortion with a necessary contribution: hence abortionist politicians. Who, moreover, obstinately persist in a grave and manifest sin.

“How I diverted the shots against John Paul II”

“How I diverted the shots against John Paul II”

For the first time, after a thorough investigation, a magistrate affirms the plausibility of Sister Rita Montella’s statement that by supernatural intervention, in bilocation, together with Our Lady, she had diverted Ali Agca’s hand while he was shooting to kill John Paul II on May 13, 40 years ago. The Daily Compass has read a preview of the exceptional document.

Germany set for a soft schism. While the Pope watches

Germany set for a soft schism. While the Pope watches

The 10th of May has arrived, tension has already mounted around the dreaded German schism, and appeals to Rome to intervene and curb the schismatic drift have multiplied. But the notion of schism today is not really clear because of the role of the Pope, the doctrinal competence of the Bishops' Conferences and the widespread crypto-schismatic situation. The feeling is that nothing will happen, misunderstandings will continue and schismatic practices will be implemented. Just like a crime with no culprits.

Mass banned, what happened to "Catholic" Ireland?

Mass banned, what happened to "Catholic" Ireland?

Ireland will be allowed to celebrate Mass again from May 10, that is after the total closure of all churches for seven months, including sanctions for "rebel" priests. It’s a unique case in Europe, which combines a contemptuous government and submissive bishops. This is the story of what happened.

Pro-vax Vatican creates a kit to indoctrinate priests and the faithful

Pro-vax Vatican creates a kit to indoctrinate priests and the faithful

The Church subjugated to vaccinism trots out, through the Dicastery of Cardinal Turkson, a kit on anti-Covid vaccines to transform the ambons of our churches into places of vaccinist propaganda, providing guidance for homilies, in order to turn every priest into an official of the Super-Ministry of Health, to put themselves at the service of the main political ideology of the moment and present it as evangelical. The kit, truly embarrassing in its clichés, exposes a sycophantic Church that spouts about things it doesn’t know and panders to those in charge. Alas!

No more Justice and Peace in the Vatican

No more Justice and Peace in the Vatican

The Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace has not only been absorbed by the new Dicastery for Integral Human Development, but its legacy has been erased altogether. What used to be a feather in John Paul II's cap for promoting the Church's social doctrine has been transformed into a sort of welfare advocacy.

Germany, 10 May: the schism begins with gay unions

Germany, 10 May: the schism begins with gay unions

Already 2,500 German parish priests and deacons have signed up for the day of the blessing of all lovers, including homosexual couples. And some bishops have already made known that do not intend to impose any sanctions on the "rebel" priests. This is the gauntlet that the German Church has thrown down to Rome after its "No" to the blessing of gay unions.

The Shroud that wrapped Jesus: the latest discoveries

The Shroud that wrapped Jesus: the latest discoveries

The Shroud is a relic for believers, while for scientists it is a mysterious object that animates their continuous debate. For years Emanuela Marinelli has been dealing with it, as an expert but also as a believer who reminds us of the history of the cloth and the latest discoveries, indicating the Crucifix made by Monsignor Giulio Ricci as one of the most "truthful" representations.

Why workers must look to St Joseph

Why workers must look to St Joseph

Contrary to ideologies (Marxism first and foremost) that have instrumentalised workers, the Church’s Magisterium teaches that work must be done according to God’s will. In the Christian sense, it makes man a participant in the work of the Creator and in the plan of salvation. This is why Pius XII pointed to Saint Joseph as a model.

Poverty in a communist sauce is not Christianity

Poverty in a communist sauce is not Christianity

On Mercy Sunday Pope Francis delivered a homily about how early Christians in the Acts of the Apostles pooled their wealth. The media then "flavoured up" what the pope preached by saying that anyone who does not share their possessions with the poor is not a true Christian. Certainly Christians have a moral obligation to help the needy, but Christianity calls for detachment of the heart from material goods, but it is not a call to poverty. St. Thomas teaches us his evaluation of  "what is necessary."

Hans Küng, the theologian who sowed the seeds for Vatican III

Hans Küng, the theologian who sowed the seeds for Vatican III

The Swiss theologian Hans Küng has died. His name often made front page headlines when he fired hard at Catholic doctrine. A Hegelian by training, Küng wanted the ecumenical and democratic reform of the Church. While he sowed in silence, there are fruits we reap today: many think that we are already in the era of the Vatican Council III that he dreamed of.