Saint John Paul II by Ermes Dovico

Interpretation of the Scriptures

Interpretation of the Scriptures

For a true understanding of the Scriptures, the literal meaning and the spiritual meaning must be kept together. Yet, the historicist tendencies that have emerged since the sixteenth century onwards have undermined their unity. The correct interpretation of the Scriptures cannot be separated from the Tradition of the Church, from which the canon of Scriptures is also derived.

The myth of synodality is a return to Babel

The myth of synodality is a return to Babel

The preparatory document speaks of a synod aimed at a new humanism and “to plant dreams, draw forth prophecies and visions” with absolutely no mention of conversion and mission. The focus thus shifts from faith (and reason) to "democratic" reforms. It is the collapse of Catholic culture.

Catholic journalists or vaccine salesmen?

Catholic journalists or vaccine salesmen?

The Consortium of Catholic media, “Catholic Fact-checking” received formal recognition last Friday from Pope Francis, who granted it an audience. It is the consecration of an unprecedented commitment to the spread of vaccines, but we can't help wondering whether this is the Church's mission.

The inspiration of Sacred Scripture

The inspiration of Sacred Scripture

Sacred Scripture is truly the Word of God, but the language used is totally human. Inspiration signifies God acts through people: He makes use of human faculties to the fullest, not merely as His scribes, but by elevating mankind’s abilities, not distorting them. There is no error in the Scriptures, but in reference to supernatural truths.

Living Tradition and the misunderstanding about Vincent of Lérins’ position

Living Tradition and the misunderstanding about Vincent of Lérins’ position

Fidelity to Tradition is the principle for all true progress in the Church. Synodality, on the other hand, represents a break in continuity. Francis reveals a misunderstanding of "living tradition" when he uses a famous quotation from St. Vincent of Lérins, whose thought, when taken as a whole, however, referred to dogma.

No one defends Benedict XVI, he’s a nuisance

No one defends Benedict XVI, he’s a nuisance

Benedict XVI’s inconvenient presence has become even more vexing today. Just his very existence is a reminder of many troublesome matters. The advocates of the current "driving force", who from their various positions guide the Church, fear its lost momentum recently, and cannot but consider Benedict XVI a considerable nuisance.

Sources of Revelation

Sources of Revelation

Sacred Scripture and Church Tradition are the two means by which Revelation is transmitted and are closely bound together. Christ founded the Church but He did not write a book. Revelation is entrusted to the Church to safeguard. And as it is to the Church that the Scriptures and Tradition are entrusted, likewise it is in the Church that they are to be evaluated and made comprehensible. There is no division in the content of the two, but Tradition has the chronological precedence.

Supernatural Revelation

Supernatural Revelation

Although Supernatural revelation, allows mankind to know with absolute certainty even those things that with the effort of his own reason he is capable of knowing, all the same it is essential because God wants mankind to be in communion with Him. Nonetheless, this vision is denied by rationalism and modernism. Revelation reaches its culmination in Jesus while historicity and the anthropological aspects are its important modes.

Pro-vax Catholic media being paid by Soros and Gates

Pro-vax Catholic media being paid by Soros and Gates

The consortium of Catholic media,, led by Aleteia and linked to the Holy See, is a project to silence non-aligned Catholic journalists. It is financed by large international anti-life and anti-family lobbies, in cahoots with the big pharmaceutical companies that produce vaccines. This explains a lot....

The mudslinging against Ratzinger resumes

The mudslinging against Ratzinger resumes

Ratzinger has been accused by the weekly magazine Die Zeit of covering up for a paedophile priest. The facts date back to 1980, when the Pope Emeritus was archbishop of Munich and Freising. But the issue is already well known and came under the spotlight in March 2010. What is behind this umpteenth attack on the Pope Emeritus?

Objective Faith: Divine Revelation

Objective Faith: Divine Revelation

God reveals Himself in a free act that manifests Himself, His will, His decrees and His works to all peoples, with the aim of uniting them to Himself. It is crucial that all these elements are always kept together, because over the centuries many heresies developed when one or other element of Revelation was isolated from the others.

Pell's revenge against Becciu shakes the Vatican

Pell's revenge against Becciu shakes the Vatican

A poisonous exchange has taken place between the Australian cardinal and the former substitute of the Secretariat of State, asked to explain why payments amounting to millions of dollars were made to Australia. Pell suspects the money played a role in the charges that led to his detention. It’s an unlikely hypothesis and Becciu responds in kind.