The three black holes of the Synod that endanger the Church
The path that will culminate in 2023 with the Synod of Bishops has at least three black holes. The first is that there is nothing synodal about the way it is being conducted, which confirms Pope Francis' imperative attitude. The second black hole concerns listening, flawed by the fact that it has already been decided what to listen to and what not to. The third is the idea of introducing liberal democracy into the Church which distorts the Church itself.

The power of the Hail Mary explained by the saints
The ordinary faithful and the saints of all times have found inspiration, joy, and comfort from the recital of the Hail Mary. Its first part is all in the Gospel of Luke, the second part was added by the Church. She teaches us to honour the Mother of God with the Rosary, first of all, and other devotions dear to Her, such as the three Hail Marys.

"My mother, Saint Gianna, God's answer to the world’s attack on life"
For the 100th anniversary of Gianna Beretta Molla's birth, the Daily Compass spoke to her fourth child, the daughter who was born thanks to her sainted mother’s heroic sacrifice. Today Saint Gianna is "a precious gift from God for everyone", together with her husband Pietro: a married couple and parents who represent "Our Lord's answer to today's world" which continues to attack marriage, family, and life.

Cardinal Eijk: stop Flemish bishops from blessing gay couples
The declaration of the Flemish Belgian bishops with their ad hoc liturgy for gay couples contradicts the Church’s teaching on homosexuality and a recent Vatican declaration. It’s necessary for the competent authorities to intervene now so the document is withdrawn and the Belgian bishops to obey. Cardinal Eijk Archbishop of Utrecht speaks out.

Flemish Bishops allow gay couples blessing applying Amoris Laetitia
The decision of the Flemish-speaking bishops to make public a 'liturgy' for the blessing of same-sex couples stands in open schism with the Church but is justified via Amoris Laetitia. Now Pope Francis will have to determine whether the Flemish bishops' interpretation of AL and the synodal process has gone too far or not. It is assumed, he will not take a position of 'disarmed neutrality'.

Pope Francis at the 'Supermarket of Religions'
The Holy Father's participation in the Congress of Religious Leaders feeds the widespread idea that in essence every religion is as good as the other: an indifferentism alien to the Church and to reason, since if all are true, none is. Archbishop Athanasius Schneider says this in no uncertain terms, and reminds us that bishops must speak frankly, including to the successor of Peter.

Pope's 'odd' words on China and Cardinal Zen
When Pope Francis' spoke about Cardinal Zen, on the return flight from Kazakhstan, it sounded like he preferred to abandon him to his fate in order to save diplomatic relations with China. Moreover, he took a strictly political and unreligious approach to Vatican relations with China.

Vatican stamps celebrate Luther not Lepanto
The Vatican Philately has made a few strange choices and omissions by recalling Charlie Chaplin and the Protestant Reformation, yet stepping over the 450th anniversary (2021 edition) of the battle of Lepanto, which marked the end of the Islamic threat in Europe, and (2022 edition) of the death of Pope St. Pius V: a holy and courageous pontiff, perhaps too far from current "standards".

Congress of World Religious Leaders: an atheistic project
The Pope’s participation in the Congress of World and Traditional Religious Leaders, which is taking place from today in Kazakhstan, cannot fail to raise questions and perplexity. The pretext is working for world peace, but in this way the Church participates in the new syncretistic civil morality, which necessarily puts the truth or non-truth of religions in brackets.

"My uncle Albino, the Pope who considered himself ‘God's delivery man’"
On the eve of Pope John Paul I’s beatification in Saint Peter’s, the Daily Compass reports his nephew’s testimony, son of the Pope’s brother Edoardo: «He was a person who lived between heaven and earth, eager to evangelise, to communicate Christ to everyone. This is why he put the teaching of the Catechism first, he believed it was the basis of faith ". "His life teaches us that it is possible to live as Christians even in very difficult times".

Bavarian woman builds a church to fulfil a promise
A beautiful chapel gives visible and concrete form to a Bavarian woman's prayer for the healing of her son. It took Rosa Mühlberg three years to build it including parts built with her own hands. And it is more beautiful than many modern cathedrals. It’s proof that authentic sensus fidei also inspires true beauty.

For the Church the daily news is the new Revelation
It is the daily news, current events, what history tells us that is the new Revelation. With the Church of Pope Francis, the 'prophecies' of Hegel, Martini, and Sartre are fulfilled: existence precedes essence and the press review is the new morning prayer. Migrations, globalism, ecologism, transitions, UN agenda, Chinese model, family planning, abolition of private property, homosexualism. There is no topical issue on which the Church today maintains a tough and antithetical position to that of the world, of resistance and opposition.