
The Magisterium

The Magisterium

The Magisterium of the Church has an interpretative role, it is not a third source of Revelation, which concluded with the death of the apostles. The development of the doctrine is to explore further the contents of Revelation and cannot be a source of discontinuity. The object of the Magisterium is the depositum fidei and the truths of the faith and morals closely connected to it.

Barbarin: false accusations against me are an attack on the Church

Barbarin: false accusations against me are an attack on the Church

"Even though I was acquitted for events that happened long before I arrived in Lyon, my name will remain linked to the priest paedophilia scandal." "They may have made me pay for the Manif pour Tous victory, but a parliament does not have the right to change the natural order." "I managed to get back on my feet thanks to the prayers of many friends." "The Notre Dame fire changed the attitude of the French towards the Church." These are the words of cardinal Barbarin, former archbishop of Lyon, now chaplain of the Little Sisters of the Poor in a small diocese.

Tradition and Scripture

Tradition and Scripture

Do the Scriptures suffice in order for Revelation to be accepted, as a certain theological approach would like to suggest? Revelation is found in the Scriptures but Tradition is still necessary for Revelation to emerge fully and be understood. Scripture and Tradition should not be counterposed nor separated to their detriment.

The LGBT lobby is behind the attacks on Benedict

The LGBT lobby is behind the attacks on Benedict

The attack on Pope Benedict XVI comes with the Rome-Germany axis at a time of maximum pressure to promote the LGBT agenda in the Church, also in view of the Synod. And in the background is the opposing position on the sexual abuse scandal: Benedict is not forgiven for having denounced the crisis of faith that lies at the root of moral corruption. The paradox is that those who are trying to frame him on abuse are precisely those who favour and promote it.

The Sacred Tradition

The Sacred Tradition

References to Tradition were already present in the Scriptures. Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition are closely united because they come from God and tend towards the same end. The transmission of Tradition includes both actions and content. The Fathers of the Church bear witness to the existence of Tradition.

The Church must resume proclaiming Jesus Christ crucified and risen

The Church must resume proclaiming Jesus Christ crucified and risen

The adaptation to the world has produced an irrelevant Church with a tendency to disappear. The work of the Synod, to be useful to the Church and the world, should promote a great mission to the people in every nation, because salvation from sin is the reason for Christ. And the heart of the mission is the liturgy.

Right to forgiveness? This is how mercy is cancelled

Right to forgiveness? This is how mercy is cancelled

During an interview on an italian channel, the Pope speaks of a universal right to forgiveness. But how can one claim the right to a gift? Forgiveness is the prerogative of the merciful God, who goes above and beyond the measure of justice and law. The command to forgive stems from the knowledge that we ourselves have been forgiven by mercy, not by right. The words of Francis have a paradoxical effect: by affirming the 'right to forgiveness', they negate the role of mercy.


Hollerich on homosexuality: the Cardinal’s many errors

Hollerich on homosexuality: the Cardinal’s many errors

In an interview with KNA, Hollerich makes several statements on homosexuality, hoping for a change in doctrine. But the cardinal is wrong. He forgets that the Church's teaching is based on natural morals and that there is full agreement between the Old and New Testaments in judging negatively the homosexual condition and acts.

Interpretation of the Scriptures

Interpretation of the Scriptures

For a true understanding of the Scriptures, the literal meaning and the spiritual meaning must be kept together. Yet, the historicist tendencies that have emerged since the sixteenth century onwards have undermined their unity. The correct interpretation of the Scriptures cannot be separated from the Tradition of the Church, from which the canon of Scriptures is also derived.

The myth of synodality is a return to Babel

The myth of synodality is a return to Babel

The preparatory document speaks of a synod aimed at a new humanism and “to plant dreams, draw forth prophecies and visions” with absolutely no mention of conversion and mission. The focus thus shifts from faith (and reason) to "democratic" reforms. It is the collapse of Catholic culture.

Catholic journalists or vaccine salesmen?

Catholic journalists or vaccine salesmen?

The Consortium of Catholic media, “Catholic Fact-checking” received formal recognition last Friday from Pope Francis, who granted it an audience. It is the consecration of an unprecedented commitment to the spread of vaccines, but we can't help wondering whether this is the Church's mission.

The inspiration of Sacred Scripture

The inspiration of Sacred Scripture

Sacred Scripture is truly the Word of God, but the language used is totally human. Inspiration signifies God acts through people: He makes use of human faculties to the fullest, not merely as His scribes, but by elevating mankind’s abilities, not distorting them. There is no error in the Scriptures, but in reference to supernatural truths.