Saint Rupert of Salzburg by Ermes Dovico

The Synodal Tower of Babel: Daily Compass Rome conference

On the eve of the Synod on Synodality, apparently orchestrated to guarantee a desired outcome, the Daily Compass is holding a conference in Rome to lay bare what’s at stake. The conference takes place on October 3, in the Ghione Theatre, at 16:00. The distinguished speakers are Cardinal Raymond L. Burke, Father Gerald Murray and Professor Stefano Fontana. Its open to the public and entrance is free.

Ecclesia 07_09_2023 Italiano Español

In the press conference during the return flight from Mongolia, Pope Francis was clear: communication on what happens at the Synod on synodality will be tightly guarded. Journalists will only have access to official daily communiqués. This is clearly to preempt attempts to report on what is really happening behind closed doors, including the different positions that might emerge, which according to the pope amount to "gossip", "political chatter".

With this arguably original idea of journalism, it’s increasingly apparent that the Synod will be anything but open and synodal. Instead, it is well-armoured and already directed towards a desired result, even more so than previous Synods. Moreover, any questions or doubts about the coherence of the aims to be achieved bearing in mind what the Church has taught for two thousand years has already been branded as "ideology" (see again the press conference mentioned above). In fact, both in the preparation and in the composition of the synodal assembly, Pope Francis has ensured that - from the speakers to the participants - a solid majority predominates in favour of the "novelties suggested by the Spirit" which, coincidentally, coincide with the old demands of pastors and liberal theologians who hate conflicting positions with the world.

Even if the majority of the faithful don’t consider the debate on the Synod, its contents and the meaning of synodality of pressing relevance, what will take place in Rome from October 4 to 29, will have important effects on the life of the Church, on Her understanding of Herself, on Her mission in the world. And this armouring of the Synod, together with the gag on communication, is certainly not a good omen. There is an evident contradiction with the conference’s alleged intentions. If synodality also means openness to the contribution of all who live in the Church and an open and frank dialogue, then what is happening is exactly the opposite.

This is the reason the Daily Compass has organised an international conference in Rome, to take place on the eve of the opening of the Synod. The choice of title, "The Synodal Tower of Babel", is to recall the confusion (this is the original meaning of the word Babel in Hebrew) which the Church is suffering today and which is the most evident trait that characterises this Synod and it’s intention to replace the doctrine of God with doctrines created by man. Moreover, it is difficult to recognise any continuity between this Synod and Paul VI’s intention when he instituted it, not to mention even the synods celebrated throughout the history of the Church.

The Daily Compass conference, therefore, will be an opportunity for an in-depth study on what is at stake in the Synod on Sinodality.

The Synodal Tower of Babel takes place on October 3, beginnng at 16:00 in Teatro Ghione, in via delle Fornaci 37, a short distance from Piazza San Pietro. The distinguished speakers are Cardinal Raymond L. Burke, canonist Father Gerald Murray and Professor Stefano Fontana editorialist for the Daily Compass.

In addition, the conference will mark the launch of a new monthly apologetic magazine in Italian, La Bussola. Its first issue, this October, is dedicated entirely to the Synod. A courtesy copy will be available to all conference participants and there will be the possibility to subscribe to future editions.

Entrance to the conference on October 3 is free for the public.  Members of the Press and TV can be accredited by writing to


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