Saint Bernardino Realino by Ermes Dovico

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The pro-communion offensive for Biden

The pro-communion offensive for Biden

The assembly of U.S. bishops to decide on a common position concerning the Eucharist to pro-abortion politicians begins today. But according to the New York Times, the Vatican has already decided the outcome. Fr. Antonio Spadaro and the New York Time contradict themselves by providing political "motivations" regarding an issue that concerns the heart of the Catholic faith and which is well-defined by both canon law and Ratzinger's 2004 CDF memorandum: the Eucharist should be denied to those in grave and manifest sin.

Killed to donate their organs: euthanasia upsurges

Killed to donate their organs: euthanasia upsurges

Candidates for euthanasia and organ donors, the so-called "Good Samaritan euthanasia" is currently practised in Belgium, the Netherlands and Canada. Now a scientific article explains that there is the possibility this practice will be expanded to increase the availability of organs for transplantation. First of all by starting the euthanasia process at home to facilitate potential donors; then by targeting the mentally ill and depressed: healthy and young bodies, excellent for transplantation, of little use in an insane person.

Movements short leashed, freedom in the Church at all-time low

Movements short leashed, freedom in the Church at all-time low

With the new papal decree imposing their democratisation, ecclesial movements are now reduced to associations and their charisms demeaned. This is a further stage in the process of constriction and standardisation that has already affected cloistered convents and even parishes. The large movements are now being regularised. Meanwhile, those movements that are nonconforming are under pressure and those that resist are being openly fought. Never before has there been such a wide range of organisations placed under external oversight, apostolic visits, centralisation of ecclesial power and fears of retaliation.

Research on aborted foetuses is not a remote evil

Research on aborted foetuses is not a remote evil

The epidemic has revealed hidden realities, even though there have been those who have been denouncing the relationship between abortoirs and medical experimentation for years. It is enough to recall the CMP enquiry, in which the employee of an intermediary company between Planned Parenthood and the research laboratories described little bodies, in some cases still viable, dismembered with forceps and sold. “The foetus’s heart was beating. We tore out its brain. I realised I could no longer work for the company... even if it could be instrumental in curing some diseases”. Even Fauci is now funding studies in which the scalps of tiny murdered foetuses are placed on the backs of rats. Can we accept all this in the name of health?

Teresa of Ávila and Castilian cuisine

Teresa of Ávila and Castilian cuisine

Despite the universal character of her work, the life of Saint Teresa began and ended in the same place, the region of Castile and Leon. A place known for its quality wines, the variety of sweets, its roasts, cold meats and cheeses. Simple but delicious dishes, from the Chuletón de Avileño to the Conejo escabechado. The Carmelite reformer herself, although very austere, loved good food and rewarded her sisters with sweets that became known as Yemas de Santa Teresa.


Yemas de Santa Teresa

Yemas de Santa Teresa

Culture 12_06_2021

Marx: farcical resignation in the footsteps of Luther
the german crisis

Marx: farcical resignation in the footsteps of Luther

The path marked out by Cardinal Marx to support the German synod follows the route already taken by Luther, with its well-known results. And now that the Pope has rejected his resignation, his position in the German Church is strengthened.

Merkel's deputy entrusts Islamic education to Erdogan

Merkel's deputy entrusts Islamic education to Erdogan

Armin Laschet, Angela Merkel's possible successor, has decided to entrust the Turkish-German association Ditib with authoring school textbooks as well as the management of Islamic religious education in schools. Ditib is a veritable Turkish government association. Will new generations of German Muslims place their trust in Erdogan?

CIA report on UFO’s: is it a social experiment?
Socialism and aliens

CIA report on UFO’s: is it a social experiment?

The CIA has stated it’s publishing its investigations on UFOs. What is happening recalls the US broadcaster CBS strange "joke" when it panicked the American population by staging ‘The War of the Worlds’ by HG Wells, honorary vice-president of the Portman Clinic, arm of the Tavistock Institute that conducted research on the "change of paradigm" which studied the drastic and complete change of thought following a psychological shock. It raises suspicions about the motives for the disclosure of the secret material.

Cardinal Zen, Tienanmen doesn’t go away

Cardinal Zen, Tienanmen doesn’t go away

World 08_06_2021 Joseph Zen

The sacrifice of the young people who died 32 years ago for freedom and democracy in China is evermore relevant today. As long as the regime does not recognise that crime, it means it believes it is right to kill defenceless people in the name of an alleged “general interest”. But, we won’t lose hope. This is the homily Cardinal Zen gave in Hong Kong last June 4, during the memorial mass to remember the victims of Tienanmen Square.

Abortion-derived vaccines, the forgotten truths

Abortion-derived vaccines, the forgotten truths

There are twelve cell lines which have been taken from aborted foetuses, and we must not forget the excruciating way these babies are killed in order to use their tissues. The Church says that morally problematic vaccines  can only be accepted in situations of grave necessity and only on a temporary basis, while protesting against the production of such vaccines and the use of aborted foetuses in medical research. There are no circumstances where the use of these vaccines can be recommended as a moral duty, instead there is a duty to lobby for ethical vaccines.

Kremówka Papieska

Kremówka Papieska

Culture 06_06_2021