Saint Bernardino Realino by Ermes Dovico

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The Eucharist: true Body born of the Virgin Mary

The Eucharist: true Body born of the Virgin Mary

"Ave verum Corpus natum de Maria Virgine" (Hail,  O true Body, born of the Virgin Mary). These are the words of the famous Eucharistic hymn that reminds us of the special bond that exists between the Son of God and His Mother Mary. As, Benedict XVI explained, Mary "was the living 'tabernacle' of the Eucharist." St. John Paul II recalled the inseparable union between the Incarnation and the Eucharistic mystery. Mary's "yes" guarantees that the Christian faith is not some vague spiritualism, because from her womb, the Body, the true Bread of Life, is born.


Saint John Paul II and Polish cuisine

Saint John Paul II and Polish cuisine

Karol Wojtyła always had a special relationship with food, an almost spiritual relationship: sharing, communication, joy. He spent part of his life eating simple, modest and frugal food. He loved traditional Polish cuisine, from pierogi to delicious paczki and the famous kremowka, later called Kremówka Papieska (the Pope's Cream Cake).


The German Church: «Marx is responsible for the failure»
Interview with Cardinal Müller

The German Church: «Marx is responsible for the failure»

On the same day that Cardinal Marx resigned from his position as Archbishop of Munich, Cardinal Gerhard L. Müller was interviewed on La Nuova Bussola Quotidiano weekly webcast. “This so-called synodal path has failed because it goes against divine law and Marx is responsible. Now, he wants to delegate to the pope, who is his friend, the task of solving the problems its caused. What’s more, “these bishops do not want a schism, they want to set themselves up as leaders of a nationalistic Church, convinced they are the future of the universal church. The pope has to do more for the unity of the faith, climate and migrants are important but secondary issues.” And on the subject of Covid, “it was a grave error to allow the state to dictate the line to take on the Sacraments and the Eucharist”.

Let’s save ourselves from this horizontal Church.

Let’s save ourselves from this horizontal Church.

Pastors have penned us in an asphyxiating, overly materialistic enclosure, where only migrants, the unemployed, and the poor are also found. They tell us that the true Christian is one who uses air conditioning sparingly in the summer, who pays their taxes and gets vaccinated. They have replaced charity with solidarity, justice with pietism. Thus our life’s purpose has the taste of a bitter end. But we can save ourselves by building Noah's arks to take on board those who want to live for Eternity.

LGBT index of churches now published (thanks to George Soros)

LGBT index of churches now published (thanks to George Soros)

The very first "Rainbow Index of Churches in Europe" has been published, ranking 46 churches in 32 countries according to their degree of “LGBT inclusiveness". In Catholicism, the country having the most gay-friendly church is Germany while Italy ranks fifth (17th overall). The initiative was spearheaded by the so-called "European Forum of LGBT Christian Group” which has the explicit support of George Soros' Open Society. It aims to subject the Catholic Church and other Christian denominations to the wishes of gay ideology. An overview is given herein.

Wyszyński, Primate of Millennium, future Blessed

Wyszyński, Primate of Millennium, future Blessed

“People see in him a martyr and a victor...a good fighter who is always in the trenches...and find they are led to impetuously bear witness to him,” wrote the Vaticanist Silvio Negro of the cardinal who sustained the Polish Church during the persecution by the Communist regime. At his death John Paul II repeated: “The Cardinal Primate teaches that this strength comes from Mary, Mother of Christ”. Ambassador Kotański paid homage to him in Rome.

A guide to avoiding harmful children’s books

A guide to avoiding harmful children’s books

The habit of telling stories to children is dying out, as people forget the great function of traditional tales. But the enemies of the Logos continue to churn out children’s stories. How can we understand what sort of book we have in our hands? Here are some questions to consider: Who is the enemy? How do you beat the enemy? Is there growth and change? How does the story end? The answers will help you to get your bearings.

Latin Mass, the Pope's clampdown: protests on the way

Latin Mass, the Pope's clampdown: protests on the way

While a schism is underway in Germany, there are protests against the Latin Mass inside the Vatican. Rumours of a restrictive revision of Summorum Pontificum have filtered through the latest Italian Bishops' Conference assembly after the Pope's speech. Confirmations of this are coming from France. It would be a slap in the face of Benedict XVI who signed the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, but behind the scenes tug-of-war is happening between the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Vatican Secretariat of State. Faithful from well-formed groups supporting the Latin Mass stand ready to descend on Rome and for what would be a clamorous protest.

Horse meat, a taboo rooted in history

Horse meat, a taboo rooted in history

In Judaism, horse meat is considered “impure”. For Christians, however, the roots of this prohibition go back to the 8th century, when Gregory III, following the victory of Charles Martel in the Battle of Poitiers, banned the consumption of horse meat. His successor, Pope Zacharias, confirmed the ban for reasons related to the pagan sacrifices of the Germans. Traces of this aversion to horse meat remain in many Christian areas.

UNICEF doesn’t recognise that pornography is evil

UNICEF doesn’t recognise that pornography is evil

A UNICEF report - first published, then withdrawn due to protests and resubmitted with minor changes - supports the idea that pornography is not always harmful to children and adolescents. And that they should not be denied ‘vital sex education’, including abortion and LGBT issues. A scandalous approach that fails to recognise the objective evil of pornography.

Disarming Hamas in Gaza: just wishful thinking

Disarming Hamas in Gaza: just wishful thinking

In the wake of the recent Gaza ceasefire, Israel is aiming to reach an international agreement to disarm Hamas militias. However, the only realistic way to achieve this would involve an all-out Israeli military strike in Gaza, one that would totally annihilate Palestinian forces and then cede the territory to the Palestinian Authority and Egypt.

German schism widens: Communion to Protestants

German schism widens: Communion to Protestants

In Germany open warfare is now being waged to break down the bastions of faith and doctrine. After the blessings to homosexuals and women “priests” preaching, it is now the turn of so-called intercommunion. The leaders of the Eucharistic committees take part in the Protestant Eucharistic Service and the Lutheran leaders in the Catholic Mass. Both approach their respective communions under the eyes of the Bishop of Limburg. In the background there are accusations against St John Paul II and the attitude of the Holy See, which has condemned the blessings of gays. Meanwhile, with this huge liturgical abuse, the divine law has been violated.