Saint Bernardino Realino by Ermes Dovico

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The Afghanistan that persists: tribal practices adopted into Islamic religion

The Afghanistan that persists: tribal practices adopted into Islamic religion

World 09_09_2021 Anna Bono

The Taliban might allow women to study, but their husbands of arranged marriages, will forbid it. The Taliban could also not impose the burqa by law, but families will require it to be worn. The Taliban might refrain from reintroducing the stoning of adulterous women, but it will be their families to kill them. These are the ancient, tribal traditions that Islam has reinforced in Afghan society.

Horror film Gothic depicts the first sexual revolution

Horror film Gothic depicts the first sexual revolution

The British director's film recounts the first sexual revolution in history, which - not by chance - ends in death and gives birth to horror literature. It all revolves around the stay of five English people at Villa Diodati on Lake Geneva in Switzerland in the summer of 1816. Among them were the poets Percy Bysshe Shelley and Lord George Byron....

As Big Tech censures Christians, Europe winks

As Big Tech censures Christians, Europe winks

Europe, invaded by the overwhelming power of the Big Tech lobbies, knowingly winks at all lobbies opposed to the Christian vision. Alarm bells have been sounded by intellectuals, legal experts, and heads of NGOs who have drawn up a number of defensive measures to overcome Big Tech censorship.

Biden bragging about the withdrawal from Kabul is indefensible

Biden bragging about the withdrawal from Kabul is indefensible


Joe Biden publicly boasts, he’s ended the war in Afghanistan, even though the scenes of the disastrous withdrawal are there for all to see. Biden has probably made use of the behavioral scientist Sunstein, theorist of the "nudge" to  tailor his rhetoric. But, the Americans are not fooled and the president has lost credibility.

John of Capistrano, icon of the Battle of Belgrade

John of Capistrano, icon of the Battle of Belgrade

At the invitation of Pope Callistus III, St John of Capistrano recruited 35,000 Hungarian Christians, ordinary citizens, to fight the Turks besieging Belgrade. Joining the soldiers led by John Hunyadi, on 22nd July 1456, they defeated a much larger army. And the evening before, John had blessed a meal....



Culture 04_09_2021

Vaccines, aborted fetuses and other drugs: a guide to the issue

Vaccines, aborted fetuses and other drugs: a guide to the issue

A strong argument from those who consider it unproblematic to use aborted fetuses cell lines for making vaccines goes like this: if we ban vaccines, then we should also ban a host of other common drugs that use the same cell lines. Not only is the matter a bit more complex than this, above all, it is not right to tolerate any evil just because it is found to be widespread. What follows is a recommendation for Christians....

Hurricane Ida debunks environmentalism

Hurricane Ida debunks environmentalism

A major hurricane hits Louisiana and the refrain of climate change warnings begins again. But all the data show that there is no increase in extreme events, while a comparison with the past shows how important adequate development is to minimise the damage of such events.

Governments told spend £11 billion climate fund on abortion to save the planet

Governments told spend £11 billion climate fund on abortion to save the planet

Sixty international abortion NGOs are launching an appeal to governments ahead of this November's climate conference in Glasgow. Their aim is to include contraception and abortion programmes among the measures to be funded in the fight against climate change. This is not a new narrative...

European countries build walls to protect their borders

European countries build walls to protect their borders

Along the length of Europe’s borders, no one intends to wait for the next wave of migrants. Spain already has its wall with Morocco, Lithuania has built one on the border with Belarus, Greece on the border with Turkey, and Turkey on the border with Iran. Only Italy welcomes everyone from the Mediterranean.

Resignation and Pope Emeritus, another mess is brewing

Resignation and Pope Emeritus, another mess is brewing

A new Motu Proprio to regulate the "emeritus papacy", a canonical problem effectively left open by Benedict XVI, is expected soon. What according to his predecessor was to remain an exception, for Francis it would become an institution along with all the problems that this entails because by its very nature only one person can assume the title of “pope.” The proposed hypothesis of retirement at 85 would be a blow to the heart of the Petrine office.

Esicia (lobster rissoles)

Esicia (lobster rissoles)

Culture 28_08_2021