Saint John Paul II by Ermes Dovico

How Taiwan, boycotted by the WHO, beat the virus. And without a lockdown

How Taiwan, boycotted by the WHO, beat the virus. And without a lockdown

Despite being internationally isolated, unacknowledged and boycotted by the WHO to curry favour with Beijing, Taiwan has managed to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus and contain the epidemic more successfully than any other country in the world. Taiwan took countermeasures when China still didn’t admit to the epidemic. As of Today, Taiwanese authorities have registered a mere 6 deaths out of a total population of 23 million without ever forcing the island’s inhabitants (except those infected) to stay at home. In the following interview, Andrea Sing-Ying Lee, the Taiwan (Republic of China) diplomatic representative in Italy, reveals his small democratic nation’s secrets of success in containing the coronavirus.

What will poor countries do if the “rich” ones get sick?

What will poor countries do if the “rich” ones get sick?

World 15_04_2020 Anna Bono

Even in the midst of the pandemic Oxfam hasn’t changed its tune: it is asking rich countries to help poor countries fight the coronavirus. But the NGO doesn’t ask why poor countries are poor. The answer lies in the tribalism, corruption and violence of their ruling classes. It would do better to ask them for the necessary funds.

It’s time to reconsider what the Magisterium has taught about globalization

It’s time to reconsider what the Magisterium has taught about globalization

Everything that is happening as a result of the coronavirus necessitates a reconsideration of globalisation, including what the Magisterium has said about this theme. John Paul II and Benedict XVI were prudent, but the present pontiff has thrown himself fully into globalism. The next pope will need to review the entire file. Here’s how.

If Ireland is anti-Catholic, the Church is also to blame

If Ireland is anti-Catholic, the Church is also to blame

The origin of the Irish Church's crisis of credibility is not due to the sexual abuse scandal, but of a moralistic and sentimental conception of faith inculcated in the distant past. And by an educational system that disembodied faith from reality. Catholic writer John Waters describes what took Ireland to secularisation at lightning speed.

Today’s coronavirus crisis means future change

Today’s coronavirus crisis means future change

When the coronavirus emergency is over, nothing will ever be the same again. The present crisis reveals the emptiness of ideologies like naturalism and globalism and the disintegration of the European Union; it asks us to reconsider our concept of the common good, the subsidiary function of credit, and the relationship between Church and State. What is happening today should become a reflection on how to reconstruct the world after the crisis. Here is a broad reflection by Msgr. Crepaldi based on the social doctrine of the Church.

Taiwan, Singapore and S. Korea: virus is contained not personal freedom

Taiwan, Singapore and S. Korea: virus is contained not personal freedom

Totalitarian China is increasingly referred to as an example for how to contain the coronavirus epidemic.  While wanting to remain a democratic country, Italy is nevertheless is trying to imitate the Chinese. Never mind that China is a highly questionable model, it is not the only Asian nation to have effectively tackled the epidemic. Other Asian countries, such as Taiwan (Democratic China) and Singapore have managed to stymie further infections. Meanwhile South Korea, one of the hardest hit countries, has managed to slow down outbreaks like, if not more than, China. Yet, none of these governments have used totalitarian methods nor have they have blocked entire regions or entire economic sectors as is happening in Italy.

The government wants money the Church receives from its citizens

The government wants money the Church receives from its citizens

The more the Church is attacked, the more support it receives from its citizens. This is the case in Spain where 32.32% of recent tax returns showed contributions made to the Catholic Church for a total of 284 million euros. This record amount has proven intolerable to Sánchez-Iglesias’s socialist-communist government, now resorting to the Court of Auditors to cast suspicion on the Church’s funds received from taxpayers.

Coronavirus statistics, food for thought

Coronavirus statistics, food for thought

The Coronavirus cases in Europe have moved the focus away from China, but the news coming from there is interesting: outside Hubei province, the Covid-19 epidemic is in a downward phase. The study by a scientific journal confirms the mortality rate (about 2% of those infected), which increases with age and the presence of chronic diseases, and is more lethal for males (2.8% vs 1.7% of females) and smokers.

Africa spared by COVID-19, but floored by locusts

Africa spared by COVID-19, but floored by locusts

World 28_02_2020 Anna Bono

So far only one recorded case of Chinese flu in the Black Continent. But the locust invasions in many countries are cause for serious concern. The locusts are destroying the crops and the people are responding by eating the locusts. But it's a mistake because they're contaminated with pesticides.

Exercise prudence, not panic

Exercise prudence, not panic

Semi-deserted streets, cafes closed, supermarkets taken by storm, canceled public and private meetings: there is now the Coronavirus panic. But the reality of the facts does not justify this hysteria. The epidemic is very limited and there is currently no prediction of an uncontrollable spread. Being cautious and avoiding unnecessary risks is an obligation, but widespread panic is also a sign of widespread personal fragility.

The real problem with the coronavirus is the Chinese regime

The real problem with the coronavirus is the Chinese regime

Xi Jinping has made a Maoist-style announcement of a “war of the people” against the coronavirus, in order to impress international public opinion. The Chinese authorities are now declaring that the contagion can be spread through paper money: the material of science fiction novels. The door has been opened for the communist party to use brutal means of repression against the people, along with other devices. Does the West really have no objection?

This is Why Jihad is Winning in Africa

This is Why Jihad is Winning in Africa

World 03_02_2020 Anna Bono

For the last two months there has been an increase in Islamist attacks in Africa, despite 18 years of military efforts, including Western intervention, to defeat the terrorists. At fault is poor governance, corruption, and tribalism that all hinder the development of Africa. The United States has given up and has abandoned the continent.