Saint Bernardino Realino by Ermes Dovico

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Father Jean Pierre, man of peace and prophecy

Father Jean Pierre, man of peace and prophecy

The death and funeral in Morocco of the 97-year-old Trappist monk who escaped the massacre in Tibhirine (Algeria) in 1996 showed how friendship can be born between Christians and Muslims when faith is lived in daily fidelity to the Gospel, without compromise, even at the cost of one's life. The embrace of Christians and Muslims around his tomb was the miracle of a friendship possible when the sincere search for God inhabits the human heart.

It’s time for the Church to consider  the 'deep state' exists

It’s time for the Church to consider the 'deep state' exists

At a time, when it is becoming increasingly evident that an international “deep state” is piloting governments and various emergencies, the support for global governance by many in the Church appears naive. Instead, this reality of intertwining interests and objectives hidden from public view deserves serious consideration.

Hubert of Liège, a Good Friday conversion

Hubert of Liège, a Good Friday conversion

He had decided to go deer hunting, his great passion, rather than go to church for the Good Friday services. At that point, he had no idea what was about to happen to him. Or that he would become St Hubert, the first bishop of Liège.


Wild boar stew

Wild boar stew

Culture 29_11_2021

The Daily Compass brings us back to the catechism

The Daily Compass brings us back to the catechism

From today, the first Sunday of Advent and the start of the liturgical year, the Daily Compass will dedicate every Sunday to the catechism. Lessons will be  taught by Professor Luisella Scrosati which are introduced today with a reflection written by Cardinal Robert Sarah.

The Catechism prepares us to meet Jesus

The Catechism prepares us to meet Jesus

There is an urgency to go back to the Catechism and teach it again, because too often today, the faith is reduced to a personal feeling. By saying, "I believe" means to open up under the influence of grace to the objective content that God reveals, to which we give our assent. Today, teaching is considered the opposite of experience, but it’s impossible to experience God except through teaching.

Black Friday offers outrageous sale on babies

Black Friday offers outrageous sale on babies

Among the discount proposals that are flooding the web recently, customers can also find a gruesome baby discount by BioTexCom, a Ukrainian centre that offers wombs for rent and artificial insemination. The marketing gimmick and promises of happiness, conceal a world of suffering and exploitation. Melanie's story: Ukraine costs less and offers more choice.

Popular movements and the ambiguous ‘theology of the people’

Popular movements and the ambiguous ‘theology of the people’

Popular movements, encouraged by Francis, are a heterogeneous galaxy bringing together socialism, ecologism, feminism, 'cancel cultures', etc. Their new pastoral approach presupposes doctrinal convictions often at odds with the SDC. The 'theology of the people' is an ambiguous category, and the Catholic who participates in such movements errs on two counts.

Vaccines and abortion, how Church teaching is being mystified

Vaccines and abortion, how Church teaching is being mystified

In newspapers and on TV it has become fashionable to deride and demonise Catholics who refuse to be vaccinated, while several bishops and priests are adamant that the Church is calling for compulsory vaccination. But the document of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith places very clear conditions on the moral legitimacy of the use of these vaccines, including pressure on pharmaceutical companies and governments to ban the use of cell lines from aborted foetuses. On this point, however, the silence of the bishops is deafening.

Covid, a pretext to induce totalitarian control

Covid, a pretext to induce totalitarian control

Totalitarianism always begins with "mass formation" of the population. It is not the same as a dictatorship: in a dictatorship, people obey, out of fear, the dictator at the top. Totalitarianism is the opposite: people are hypnotised by obedience "for the good of the community." Four conditions are needed for "mass formation" to take place: social isolation and lack of ties; lack of meaning in life; the presence of fluctuating anxiety and strong psychological discontent. Here is The hypnosis of society that Professor Desmet theorised, with a few clarifications to explain how this theory applies to what we are experiencing today.

US Bishops on the Eucharist, nice words contradict practice

US Bishops on the Eucharist, nice words contradict practice

The long-awaited and widely discussed document by the US bishops on the Eucharist correctly re-proposes the Church's doctrine which is its treasure, but contradicts itself in not foreseeing  ways to defend it. It privileges the unity of the episcopate as a facade and the will to avoid political tensions in respect to Christ and the lives of millions of children.




Culture 20_11_2021