Saint Bernardino Realino by Ermes Dovico

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Vices contrary to faith

Vices contrary to faith

Faith can be weakened or destroyed by vices, which are divided into three groups. General unbelief, heresy and apostasy are the three categories of the first group and consist of resistance to preaching about faith or contempt for this preaching. This is an important issue because today those who don’t believe, who have doubts, are considered virtuous.

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light

Christmas is an event of light, it is the feast of light: in the Child of Bethlehem the primordial light once more shines in humanity’s heaven and dissipates the clouds of sin. The radiance of God’s definitive triumph appears on the horizon of history in order to offer a new future of hope to a pilgrim people.

Ancient Mass, another axe in the answers to the dubia

Ancient Mass, another axe in the answers to the dubia

The Congregation for Divine Worship has published the Responsa ad dubia on the interpretation of Traditionis Custodes: further restrictions, with respect to Pope Francis' motu proprio, on the Sacraments, an ultimatum for those who do not want to concelebrate, and the centralisation of decisions (to the detriment of the bishops). In short, they want to bury the traditional Latin Mass.

Abortionist fury engulfs Ireland

Abortionist fury engulfs Ireland

Parliament has just rejected an amendment to guarantee palliative care for foetuses which have survived late abortions, whereas abortion groups are pushing for easier access to abortion in a country that already guarantees one of the most liberal legislations in Europe.

Fact checking, opinion without facts

Fact checking, opinion without facts

"Who controls the controllers?" It’s a question everyone should be asking themselves, especially at the moment when information is under strict surveillance including by Facebook's "independent" fact-checking.

Caravaggio’s Nativity, a masterpiece stolen by the mafia

Caravaggio’s Nativity, a masterpiece stolen by the mafia

On the night between 17 and 18 October 1969, a magnificent Nativity painted by Caravaggio was stolen from the Oratory of San Lorenzo in Palermo. Despite the efforts of investigators, who took statements from various mafia defectors, all trace of the painting (estimated value €35 million) has been lost. The painting, depicting the birth of Jesus, impresses with its realism.

Stuffed capon Milanese style

Stuffed capon Milanese style

Culture 20_12_2021

Being disposed to the act of faith

Being disposed to the act of faith

Even if Grace is preeminent, the will and intellect dispose mankind to the act of faith or ensure that faith grows. Apologetics plays a fundamental role for the intellect; whereas for the will, it is necessary to cultivate virtues and fight vices.

Notre Dame or Disneyland? French identity at stake

Notre Dame or Disneyland? French identity at stake

The contested restoration of Notre Dame in kitsch-Disneyland style is affecting the electoral campaign. Zemmour and French intellectuals, including non-Catholics, see the protection of Notre Dame as an opportunity to defend Christianity and French identity. The dispute is no longer between secularists and Catholics, since the defenders of tradition also include secularists, agnostics, Protestants and Jews, while Macron and the progressive French clergy have sided with those who want to "deconstruct". But the project conceals the goal of deconstructing everything: nation, gender, and family. This is a risk that the entire West runs.

LGBTQ lobby has already triumphed at the Synod

LGBTQ lobby has already triumphed at the Synod

The wrestling match over a link to an American LGBTQ organisation on the Synod website - put, removed, put back - reveals just how influential the gay lobby is today at the top of the Church. It amounts to the official recognition of a group disavowed by the American bishops, condemned by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith 22 years ago, but now promoted by Pope Francis.

"Christians displaced and churches destroyed, Turkish jihad in Cyprus"

"Christians displaced and churches destroyed, Turkish jihad in Cyprus"

After the invasion in 1974, "Turkey’s ethnic cleansing in northern Cyprus resulted in the displacement of some 200,000 Greek Cypriots". Women and children were raped, detained and killed. More than 500 churches and monasteries were looted or destroyed and toponyms changed to Turkish, for a "cultural genocide" aimed at erasing the Greek-Christian identity of Cyprus. The Daily Compass interviewed Uzay Bulut a Turkish journalist.

"Science says so": a materialistic and anti-scientific cult

"Science says so": a materialistic and anti-scientific cult

"Science says so": this is just one of several phrases that have become common usage in recent years. From a scientific point of view, there is no such thing as 'science', rather there are scientists. Scientists, precisely because they adopt a scientific method, are always ready to question themselves. Scientists are humble by nature, and an assertion is only scientific if some time in the future it can be proven false. Since the time of Bacon, however, there has been an idea of science replacing religion as the explanation for everything. And it is this view that prevails, both among communists orphaned of communism, and among Christians who consider themselves 'liberal'.