Saint Vincent de Paul by Ermes Dovico

Ten commandments for Catholics facing green alarmism

Ten commandments for Catholics facing green alarmism

How should a Catholic respond to an event like the current United Nations climate summit in Madrid (COP 25)? Here is a list of ten commandments on how to react to the ecological alarmism on global warming, the policies of supra-national states, street demonstrations, climate strikes and the student movements that characterise this new millenarianism. Policies, rather than being based on science are more like a pagan cult.

“Those Poor Clares pray too much.” Expelled from the monastery

“Those Poor Clares pray too much.” Expelled from the monastery

The incredible story of Sister Maria Giuliana and five other nuns of the Convent of Porto Viro (Veneto, Italy) who saw their community destroyed two years ago, commissioned by the Vatican at the request of the Bishop of Chioggia and the Franciscan Provincial: the Mother Superior was publicly accused of plagiarism of the sisters and of financial scandals, but the roots of the problem lie in the long resistance of Sister Maria Giuliana against the effort to distort the contemplative life and the Rule of Saint Clare. Among the charges: the presence of statues of Saint Michael the Archangel in the convent.

Assaulting the Catechism with nuclear weapons

Assaulting the Catechism with nuclear weapons

The manifest intention of the Pope to update the Catechism by declaring immoral not only the use but also the possession of nuclear weapons creates various perplexities, not only on the merits of the argument, but also for the fact that this is already the fourth time in just under two years that the Catechism is being changed or pressure is being applied to do so. 

Vietnam, the murky truth about human trafficking to the UK

Vietnam, the murky truth about human trafficking to the UK

“No-one wants to live in a communist state and Vietnam’s economic boom is fake news. That's why people escape. Don’t believe the government, only certain party members and officials are getting richer, ordinary people are becoming poorer.” A representative of the Vietnamese community in the UK speaks out.

“Let me tell you about my friend Saint Josemaría Escrivá”

“Let me tell you about my friend Saint Josemaría Escrivá”

Pippo Corigliano, a former spokesman of Opus Dei, tells us what it means to have lived alongside a saint and how this encounter completely changed his life. He reveals to us the most fascinating parts of Saint Josemaría, the things that won thousands of souls to the love of God. Because this was Escrivá: “A father who taught us to love the world like Jesus, to call God ‘Daddy’ and to laugh at life to the point of tears.”

«That's why I burned the Pachamama idol»

«That's why I burned the Pachamama idol»

«The proper place of the Pachamama is in the fire of hell». Father Hugo Valdemar, a famous Mexican priest, explains to Daily Compass why he decided to hold a prayer service of expiation in his parish and a public burning of the Pachamama. The video of the burning went viral on social media. «Many people were shocked, hurt, and angered by the various acts of idolatrous adoration that were carried out in Rome during the Synod». «We need a deeper evangelization in order to return to the Catholic faith in its entirety. Liberation theology is guilty of the secularization of many nations».

Ecocide: A Word to Avoid

Ecocide: A Word to Avoid

Even the Pope is calling in a loud voice for “ecocide” on the global level to be prosecuted. But this word implies a vision that reduces man to the same dignity as animals and plants, and makes all human activity potentially criminal…

Environment and Creation, opposites in the climate debate

Environment and Creation, opposites in the climate debate

The Amazon Synod  has highlighted one more point of great confusion in public opinion, it involves the environment and climate. The problem lies with the terms "environment" and "creation” which are interchanged as if they mean the same thing although they are two opposing and irreconcilable terms. 

"Ode to life", where beauty meets sacred

"Ode to life", where beauty meets sacred

The biennial contemporary sacred art exhibition titled ‘Ode to Life,’ is currently being held at the Grand Hôtel des Ambassadeurs in Menton, on the French Riviera. It is the first of its kind and well worth a detour. Curated by Liana Marabini, it runs to the end of October.

Pollution news: life is better in developed countries

Pollution news: life is better in developed countries

If there is an argument that today seems indisputable, it is that the world is increasingly polluted and that developed countries are the cause of this pollution. But this is only another deception because reality demonstrates exactly the opposite: there has been a drastic reduction in pollution in industrialised countries, thanks to the research, development and marketing of innovative and less polluting technologies. Instead, it is underdevelopment which is the real threat to the environment.


Stop worrying, the climate has always changed

Stop worrying, the climate has always changed

Our investigation continues into how the incessant propaganda campaign on climate change has distorted the public’s perception of reality. The first victim of climate change is nature, or to be exact, what we think about nature. We have been to led believe that nature is static and its equilibrium is destroyed exclusively by human presence and activity. We are under the illusion that no change is the norm, like a frozen image that persists to infinity. But this is not the case, nature is dynamic, it is constantly changing. We are being brainwashed by a vision rooted in atheism. Regrettably, the Catholic Church has now joined in the chorus.

CO2 trial verdict: acquitted

CO2 trial verdict: acquitted

Whenever there is a discussion on the connection between climate change propaganda and the distorted idea the public have on reality, carbon dioxide (CO2) is demonised as the principle cause of global warming. And this is despite the fact that, CO2 is an indispensable gas for human life.