Saint Joseph of Cupertino by Ermes Dovico

"Ode to life", where beauty meets sacred

"Ode to life", where beauty meets sacred

The biennial contemporary sacred art exhibition titled ‘Ode to Life,’ is currently being held at the Grand Hôtel des Ambassadeurs in Menton, on the French Riviera. It is the first of its kind and well worth a detour. Curated by Liana Marabini, it runs to the end of October.

Pollution news: life is better in developed countries

Pollution news: life is better in developed countries

If there is an argument that today seems indisputable, it is that the world is increasingly polluted and that developed countries are the cause of this pollution. But this is only another deception because reality demonstrates exactly the opposite: there has been a drastic reduction in pollution in industrialised countries, thanks to the research, development and marketing of innovative and less polluting technologies. Instead, it is underdevelopment which is the real threat to the environment.


Stop worrying, the climate has always changed

Stop worrying, the climate has always changed

Our investigation continues into how the incessant propaganda campaign on climate change has distorted the public’s perception of reality. The first victim of climate change is nature, or to be exact, what we think about nature. We have been to led believe that nature is static and its equilibrium is destroyed exclusively by human presence and activity. We are under the illusion that no change is the norm, like a frozen image that persists to infinity. But this is not the case, nature is dynamic, it is constantly changing. We are being brainwashed by a vision rooted in atheism. Regrettably, the Catholic Church has now joined in the chorus.

CO2 trial verdict: acquitted

CO2 trial verdict: acquitted

Whenever there is a discussion on the connection between climate change propaganda and the distorted idea the public have on reality, carbon dioxide (CO2) is demonised as the principle cause of global warming. And this is despite the fact that, CO2 is an indispensable gas for human life.

Amazon Synod, four theses that are unacceptable

Amazon Synod, four theses that are unacceptable

Documents 01_10_2019

"We, numerous bishops, priests, and Catholic faithful from all over the world, hereby affirm that the Instrumentum Laboris prepared for the coming Synodal assembly raises serious questions and very grave reservations, because of its contradiction of individual points of Catholic doctrine which have always been taught by the Church".

"If you believe in life stand now to save Tafida and all disabled"

"If you believe in life stand now to save Tafida and all disabled"

"If the doctors say that Tafida could live for another 20 years and I say that I am happy to sacrifice my career to look after my daughter, why are the doctors trying to stop me? Just because she is disabled? " Shelina Begum is the mother of the little English girl living in a state of minimal consciousness at the Royal London Hospital which wants to switch off her life-support and prevent her from being transferred to the Gaslini hospital in Genoa. She was interviewed by the Bussola and launches an appeal to all religions to unite and fight for the disabled. Today marks the beginning of the week, according to the last hearing, when Judge MacDonald will issue his  ruling on Tafida’s life.

"Obedience to the Pope requires us to say the truth about faith"

"Obedience to the Pope requires us to say the truth about faith"

Documents 24_09_2019

"No honest person can anymore deny the almost general doctrinal confusion which is reigning in the life of the Church in our days." "In view of this reality, our conscience does not allow us to be silent"

Burke: our task is to announce Christ and defend the faith

Burke: our task is to announce Christ and defend the faith

“The Lord instructed us to go forth into the whole world to baptise all peoples, it is very clear, this is our task.” “ If a missionary has the sole intention of appreciating native culture, not only he won’t evangelise, he risks losing his own faith.” “ The preparatory document (Instrumentum Laboris) cannot be accepted, we must do everything we can to defend the integrity of the Catholic faith.” “It is also dishonest to present a Synod supposedly for the evangelisation of the Amazon, when the true objective is to revolutionise the whole Church.” “I am not an enemy of the Pope and there is no American complot.” Bannon? “I am not involved with people who act to destroy the Church.” These are statements by Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke who will give the main lecture at the Giornata della Bussola, 6 October.

Are resources running out? It’s propaganda to impose a Green Deal

Are resources running out? It’s propaganda to impose a Green Deal

A false idea on the topic of resources has also emerged in public opinion. As usual, the target is the human race: everyone believes the earth’s resources are petering out because of over consumption, but this is not the case. The human race produces much more than it consumes: in fact, resources are not defined simply by their natural state, as we are led to believe, but by how human intelligence and creativity develop ways to use nature’s elements.

Sustainable development, a world living in deception

Sustainable development, a world living in deception

The term sustainable development is commonly used to mean economic growth that conserves the environment, an outcome which sounds beneficial and desirable, but the real goal of that concept is to demonstrate that population growth is the real cause of underdevelopment and environmental degradation.

Hong Kong: the Catholic-led protest that challenges Beijing

Hong Kong: the Catholic-led protest that challenges Beijing

A conversation with Steven Mosher (Population Research Institute) on the events in Hong Kong. "The discontent over Beijing's multiple violations of the Sino-British Agreement has been building for many years.  Public anger boiled over with the introduction of the extradition bill, which puts everyone in Hong Kong at risk of being "shanghaied" over the border to China.  But even the promised withdrawal of the bill will not resolve the deeper underlying grievances of the Hong Kong people". "The demonstrations were started and led by Hong Kong's Catholics, who are roughly 8 percent of the population. But to this number must be added the many non-Catholic students who attend Hong Kong's many Catholic high schools and colleges".

Crusade of prayer and fasting to stop heresies in the Amazon Synod

Crusade of prayer and fasting to stop heresies in the Amazon Synod

A "crusade of prayer and fasting" to prevent the Amazon Synod approving the errors and heresies in the Instrumentum Laboris. This is the appeal launched by Cardinal Raymond L. Burke and the auxiliary bishop of Astana (Kazakhstan) Athanasius Schneider