Saint John Paul II by Ermes Dovico

“Satan reigns, Our Lady calls us to conversion”

“Satan reigns, Our Lady calls us to conversion”

Satan's plan has already been implemented; the false religion of man who has replaced God rules the world”. Our Lady has a plan to save humanity; this is the time of the spiritual battle that prepares the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary”. Terrible things will happen, everyone will have to decide whether to entrust themselves to God or not, eternal salvation is at stake”. The Coronavirus comes from the devil, it is a test: the solution is to renounce Satan and return to God”. The cult of Mother Earth is one form of false religion; it's terrible and ridiculous”. Father Livio Fanzaga, Director of Radio Maria, explains to the Daily Compass the present times according to Our Lady's messages in Medjugorje, the historical turning point announced, and the prophecies: We have entered the time of the ten secrets”.

Archbishop Kocsis: “Faith is our real weapon against Covid”

Archbishop Kocsis: “Faith is our real weapon against Covid”

Fülöp Kocsis, metropolitan archbishop of Hungary’s Greek Catholic Church, tells the New Daily Compass about how Hungarians have overcome the coronavirus pandemic thanks, in part, to good government intervention. Above all, he speaks about how Catholics have an edge: “Can the pandemic be considered as a gift?”, he asks. “Yes, with the eyes of faith it is. Moreover because it teaches us a lot.”

LGBT Leader was the communist spy who betrayed Wojtyla’s priest friend

LGBT Leader was the communist spy who betrayed Wojtyla’s priest friend

She is often seen today at the side of Warsaw’s Mayor Rafał Trzaskowski, a candidate of the left running for president of Poland. Her association, Pro Humanum, which promotes LGBT ideology, has received almost two million złoty in support from the City of Warsaw. Her name is Jolanta Lange, but it was recently discovered that her true surname is Gontarczyk. She is a former communist spy who, together with her husband, betrayed the trust of Father Franciszek Blachnicki (1987), who died in forced exile in very strange circumstances and who was persecuted throughout his life first by the Nazi and then by the Soviet totalitarianisms. Today an investigation seeks to shed light on his death and on the role played by Gontarczyk, who was the last one to see him alive.

Jesus is Truly Present in the Eucharist, Just as 2000 Years Ago He Was On The Cross
The Feast of Corpus Christi

Jesus is Truly Present in the Eucharist, Just as 2000 Years Ago He Was On The Cross

On the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of the Lord we especially exalt what is celebrated in every Mass: the truth of the presence of His Body offered in sacrifice for us and of His Blood shed on the Cross for the forgiveness of our sins. Today, in many parts of the world, the obligation to attend Mass is dispensed, processions are prohibited, Communion is given in the hand, desacralizing the Eucharistic mystery. It is urgent, more than ever before, to return to adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament to make reparation for the outrages against this infinite gift of Love.

From Fatima to Brescia, the story of a special statue of Mary

From Fatima to Brescia, the story of a special statue of Mary

The statue of Our Lady of Fatima which has been on loan to the The Daily Compass tells a largely untold story that exudes both mystery and faith. It has been treasured by a family in Brescia for 55 years and was brought to Italy by a spiritual son of Padre Pio who held a particular devotion to the Blessed Virgin. He obtained the statue after making an “ardent” request to the rector of the Shrine at the Cova d’Iria in Fatima. This is the story....

Bianchi and the Bose Community, the real scandal is not having stopped him earlier

Bianchi and the Bose Community, the real scandal is not having stopped him earlier

Everyone wonders what happened inside the Bose Community (Northern Italy) to cause the Holy See to intervene so heavily. But the real question should be why the Holy See has allowed Enzo Bianchi's heterodox theses to circulate inside the Church all over the world for so many years. And why a dosssier of 2004 in the Vatican has been covered up.

Catholic-gay Connection: how to promote homosexuality

Catholic-gay Connection: how to promote homosexuality

Avvenire (the main Italian Catholic daily newspaper), Cardinal Zuppi, the publisher San Paolo are  joining forces to launch a new offensive for the legitimisation of homosexuality in the Church. The Archbishop of Bologna has given his blessing to a book  which gathers together the voices of theologians and psychologists, who are pushing everyone in the same direction. With the excuse of welcoming people, the difference between sexual orientation and homosexual acts is erased, going so far as to open up to some recognition of gay unions. Ratzinger had already warned 34 years ago: in the Church a gay lobby wants to subvert the teaching on sexuality.

“Take me to Golgotha” – The “Holy Stubbornness” of Wojtyla to Complete His Mission

“Take me to Golgotha” – The “Holy Stubbornness” of Wojtyla to Complete His Mission

March 26, 2000 – the final day of John Paul II’s Jubilee Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Everything was ready for his departure to go to the airport. But the Holy Father, who already had Parkinson’s disease, insisted on going to Calvary. There was a long wait, the security services were in turmoil making arrangements while the Holy Father remained immersed in prayer. Finally, Wojtyla returned to the place of the Crucifixion, to unite his sufferings to those of Jesus, and to lead humanity into the Third Millennium with renewed hope. Here for the first time an eyewitness recounts the story of John Paul’s ascent to Golgotha.

«Let me tell you about Saint John Paul II, the mystic and prophet»

«Let me tell you about Saint John Paul II, the mystic and prophet»

One hundred years ago on May 18, Karol Wojtyla  was born in Wadowice, Poland. Even when he was on vacation” in the mountains as Pope, he continued to be a mystic and contemplative,” Bishop Alberto Maria Careggio, who used to organize his summer vacations in Valle dAosta, told The Daily Compass. He suffered greatly because the Christian roots [of Europe] were not recognized and he prophetically foresaw what the consequences would be for Europe if it became atheist.” And one day, during the civil war in the former Yugoslavia, he suffered his own little Passion,” embracing a large Cross in the rain in order to pray for peace.

Why the Italian Bishops can still save Italy from grave danger

Why the Italian Bishops can still save Italy from grave danger

May 1, at the height of the Covid-19 epidemic, an Act of Entrustment to the Immaculate Heart of Mary was celebrated in Italy, after the solicitation of the faithful. But the event, transmitted by the Bishop Conference media channels, wasn't live as announced, but recorded five days earlier. Many Catholics expressed disappointment for the "farce". The Bishops could show their regret by granting the original request: a real Act of Consecration.

“From Fatima to Civitavecchia, we are living in the Third Secret”

“From Fatima to Civitavecchia, we are living in the Third Secret”

“The apostasy within the Church is the most serious and shocking element” that emerges from the Marian revelations of the 20th century. “Cardinal Ciappi, who had read the Third Secret of Fatima, specified that the Virgin had said that the apostasy would be initiated from the top of the Church.” “We are governed by Masonry, because many politicians and unfortunately various bishops and cardinals are affiliated with it,” and “Italy was warned” of this by the Blessed Mother in her revelation at Civitavecchia in 1995. The suspension of public Masses can be considered “a practical apostasy.” The Daily Compass interviews Father Flavio Ubodi, a Capuchin theologian, for the 103rd anniversary of the beginning of the apparitions at Fatima.

Benedict, spiritual papacy vs. an antichrist dictatorship

Benedict, spiritual papacy vs. an antichrist dictatorship

Ratzinger's responses in Seewald's book, "Benedikt XVI: Ein Leben" tell us much more of the retired pope’s thinking than what has been anticipated. The power of the Antichrist is demonstrated not only by legalized abortion and gay unions, but also by a "world dictatorship of apparently humanistic ideologies" which excludes the Christian faithful from social acceptance. All this is tied to his renunciation of the papacy and his title of "Pope emeritus" with which Benedict XVI intended to strengthen the spiritual power of the Church, which is based on prayer.