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The present and future of Jihadist groups is in Africa

The present and future of Jihadist groups is in Africa

World 04_12_2020 Anna Bono

The 2020 Global Terrorism Index reveals a significant decrease in terrorism worldwide, with significant drops in the number of victims in Afghanistan and Nigeria. The region most affected by the Islamic State and affiliated jihadist groups is sub-Saharan Africa. Sub-Saharan Africa is now the main front, with seven out of ten countries registering the highest increases in deadly attacks.

Christmas Masses under attack in Europe and USA

Christmas Masses under attack in Europe and USA

The European Commission's anti-Covid guidelines recommend EU Member States limit the celebration of Christmas Masses with the faithful and encourage religious ceremonies on TV. At the same time Christmas masses have been prohibited in Belgium, in France the government and the bishops are engaged in a tug-of-war and in Italy an obligation to anticipate midnight masses has been imposed. This amounts to an unprecedented attack on the freedom of the Church. We now await a response from Pope Francis. Until now he has openly supported government-imposed lockdowns and his addresses are used in the United States by Jeffrey Sachs, for years one of the principal advisors of Santa Marta, to support church closures.

Poland and Hungary allied against EU interference

Poland and Hungary allied against EU interference

The EU is attacking Hungary and Poland against the spirit of its own Treaties. The European Parliament wants to impose "LGBT rights" on Hungary and is now challenging Poland’s ban on selective abortions, which are matters of national jurisdiction. The two Central European nations have formed a coalition in the Budapest Pact in order to be respected by Brussels. Viktor Orban responds in tone to George Soros who is a great proponent of the EU.

China shuts its doors to foreign religious

China shuts its doors to foreign religious

China is becoming increasingly closed, especially with regard to religions. The draft of the new bill regulating "foreign religious activities in the People's Republic of China" spells further crackdown measures. New rules make entering China  even more difficult. Whoever doesn’t respect the spirit of  “sinicization” of religions in China is treated as a spy.

Documentary on womb-for-rent, silences the voices of the children

Documentary on womb-for-rent, silences the voices of the children

Ghosts of the Republique narrates the experience of two men whose parental aspirations were blocked by French law and therefore sought haven in Las Vegas, where, thanks to Crystal, the surrogate mother, they became the parents of two “children”.  The directors leave out children’s rights and admit wanting to create an advertisement to change the way people think, and hence change society.

Advent. Christ knocks at the door of our hearts

Advent. Christ knocks at the door of our hearts

In the same way Saint John the Baptist prepared the way for the coming of the Messiah, after four thousand years of expectancy, so the four weeks of Advent are our opportunity to receive Jesus into our life today. The Lord never stops knocking on the doors of our hearts and by welcoming Him now we can rejoice fully with Him at the end of time. Advent calls us to purification through prayer and sincere confession, so that we may be filled with the grace of Christ.

Chocolate, centuries of ups and downs

Chocolate, centuries of ups and downs

Pre-Columbian civilizations considered Theobroma cacao divine and used it to prepare a drink comparable to chocolate. The first European to mention the fact was the conquistador Cortés. For a period of time, certain churchmen remained wary of the food, both because of its aphrodisiac character and because of the exploitation of slaves for its production. Thanks to 19th century innovations, chocolate became the most widely consumed product we know.

Chocolate-dipped strawberries

Chocolate-dipped strawberries

Culture 28_11_2020

Kamala and Doug, the couple who’ll remould America’s soul

Kamala and Doug, the couple who’ll remould America’s soul

If Biden makes it to the White House, Vice President Harris and in particular her husband Douglas Elmhoff will be the real drivers of change. They will stage the new happy normal of gender equality and extended broken families.

Here's the damage from online distance learning. And they call it "normal."

Here's the damage from online distance learning. And they call it "normal."

Studies from Gaslini Children’s Hospital in Genoa, Scotland, France, and the Italian Journal of Pediatrics conclude that young students and children are developing behavioral and regression problems during lockdowns and because of online distance learning. In addition, there is evidence of depression, stress, breathlessness , sleep deprivation, separation anxiety, and reduced interaction with parents. Parents are inclined to accept this "sacrifice" thinking it will soon pass. But it's shameful the mass media are relentlessly reporting this situation as the "new normal."

Shock in Ireland: from defending life to abortion atrocities

Shock in Ireland: from defending life to abortion atrocities

An Irish survey has doctors talking about a “terrible” procedure much like “sticking a knife in a baby”, and afterwards “feeling so bad”. The injection of potassium chloride directly into the heart causes a baby great pain and performed without sedation ( forbidden when euthanasia is practiced on animals).  What’s more, when babies are born alive, doctors refuse to take care of them. Nonetheless, after voting ‘yes’ to abortion, the country was supposed to have embarked on an era of progress due to the elimination of its obscurantist Catholic heritage.

Environmentalism and Globalism, the two most dangerous ideologies

Environmentalism and Globalism, the two most dangerous ideologies

Environmentalism is an enormous ideological bubble, globalism is an ethics of humanity with few and generic moral principles for a universal religion without dogmas and doctrines. This alarming project is also being supported by the Catholic Church. The XII Report of the Cardinal Van Thuân Observatory is dedicated to ‘Environmentalism and Globalism’, the two most dangerous ideologies of the moment, which aim to converge on one single world political programme.