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Semeraro & Co. The gay lobby in pursuit of power at St. Peter's

Semeraro & Co. The gay lobby in pursuit of power at St. Peter's

As a slap in the face for those who still want to believe that the pope is not actually in favour of civil unions, Francis shows his indifference by his choice of new cardinals, three are well known for their positions openly in favour not just of same-sex civil unions but the legitimisation of homosexuality.

“How Bergoglio fought for gay unions, but lost”

“How Bergoglio fought for gay unions, but lost”

Bishop Aguer shares an anecdote with the Daily Compass that explains the phrase of Pope Francis, “I fought for that” , during an interview about civil unions for homosexuals: “In 2010 we Argentinean bishops took a position on egalitarian marriage proposed by the Kirchner administration. Bergoglio proposed the civil union regulatory solution, but we opposed it and voted against his proposal. According to the bishop emeritus of La Plata, this is an opinion embedded in Bergoglio’s mind, but it cannot become Magisterium, and accepting it out of papolatry is neither sound nor right  for Catholics”. 

British Medical Journal guidelines treat Covid

British Medical Journal guidelines treat Covid

Many are the therapies for the Coronavirus, and the British Medical Journal has updated the guidelines on how to manage the various situations that arise. Often lacking, however, are those who put them into practice, beginning with the oft lamented non availability of many general practitioners, who should be the first dyke to staunch the epidemic.

Cardinal Bo wants the Church not to be the Church

Cardinal Bo wants the Church not to be the Church

​​​​​​Cardinal Charles Maung Bo, in an interview published in Matteo Matzuzzi's blog,  speaks in clear words that reveal confusion . The Church can no longer serve a bold mission because it must remain a feeble minority. The Church must be content to dwell inside the catacombs and with the intention of remaining there. The Church is the one who must be baptized and no longer the one that baptize others. But is this still the Church?

The Lady of All Nations case, Bishop Punt reconstructs the facts

The Lady of All Nations case, Bishop Punt reconstructs the facts

A private letter (given to a journalist) signed by the Apostolic Nuncio in Lebanon quotes a document from 1974 from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which, it maintains, now makes inappropriate to venerate Mary as “The Lady of All Nations”. Obvious bewilderment among those devoted to her. But the Bishop emeritus of Amsterdam, J. M. Punt, who approved the apparitions in 2002, reconstructs the principal parts of the story and demonstrates that during the 1980s and 90s Rome had already given permission for the title and its public veneration. Will the CDF intervene again to clarify the question?

Vatican duty to clarify Civil union and adoptions

Vatican duty to clarify Civil union and adoptions

News of the documentary film by Evgeny Afineevsky has reached the four corners of the earth because of the statements made by Francis contrary to the Magisterium of the Church: even if the phrase about “civil unions” were removed,  it would still be very grave, to say nothing of what it is reported that the pope said about two homosexuals raising children. If the Holy See does not disavow this, the result is a massive problem.

Inventive cheesemaking by the monks

Inventive cheesemaking by the monks

In the Middle Ages cheese was the food of the humble par excellence. Benedictines, Cistercians, Trappists, Franciscans and Dominicans have created many legendary cheeses, especially in France (from Munster to Maroilles), but also in other parts of Europe. The pride and joy of Italy, Parmigiano, is also monastic in origin. Here is an overview of the most famous products.

Faithful obliged not to follow Pope’s opinion on gay civil unions

Faithful obliged not to follow Pope’s opinion on gay civil unions

What Pope Francis said about homosexual civil unions is devoid of truth and, therefore, false. It does not force believers to accept what he said, even if coming straight from the pope himself. Quite the contrary: faithful are obliged to think the opposite, even if the current pope does not say so, because every other pope before him has said so. Catholic faithful must not feel uneasy about refusing this erroneous teaching which upends natural and divine law, rejects natural ethics, and upsets notions of law and authority by confusing them with power.

Pope's declarations on gay unions demand Bishops clarify Catholic teaching

Pope's declarations on gay unions demand Bishops clarify Catholic teaching

A statement of Cardinal Leo Burke. "The worldwide communications media have reported with strong emphasis, as a change of course, the news that Pope Francis has declared that persons in the homosexual condition, as children of God, 'have a right to have a family' and that 'no one should be thrown out or be made unhappy because of it'. Moreover, they write that he has declared: 'What we have to create is a civil union. In this way they will be legally covered. I have defended this'. The context and the occasion of such declarations make them devoid of any magisterial weight. They are rightly interpreted as simple private opinions. It is a source of deepest sadness and pressing pastoral concern that the private opinions reported with so much emphasis by the press and attributed to Pope Francis do not correspond to the constant teaching of the Church".

Attacks in Chile “a blow to the hearts of Catholics”

Attacks in Chile “a blow to the hearts of Catholics”

"The burned down churches are a blow to the hearts of Catholics: protestors draw blasphemous graffiti and incite violence" the Archbishop of Santiago de Chile spoke to the Daily Compass following the Sunday fires. "It would be foolish to deny that the inspiration for these attacks on the Church and religion are the errors of our Church and the sins we have committed and are ashamed of."

Statism, globalism, ecologism: ideologies that destroy people

Statism, globalism, ecologism: ideologies that destroy people

Catholic Social Doctrine is a veritable antidote to the ideologies currently dominating economic policies. This is also true in terms of how the Covid pandemic has been handled, giving rise to both a new form of centralised government and an "open society". It is true also in terms of the ecological movement, which has now become a new religion and the cause of injustices harming the poor. It also holds true for economic "degrowth" which smacks of dangerous utopian ideals and reminiscent of centuries-old heresies involving pauperism. Finally, Catholic Social Doctrine is an antidote to globalism, a distortion of true fraternity. Below, we publish some the main points from Archbishop Giampaolo Crepaldi's talk given at the third annual Catholic Social Doctrine conference in Lonigo (Northern Italy).