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Totalitarian Spain cancels Francoism, expels monks

Totalitarian Spain cancels Francoism, expels monks

Spain’s government has given the go ahead for a new “Historical Memory Law”. In Orwellian language, this means establishing a system of "democratic pedagogy" by adapting history to anti-Francoist ideology. This also means an attack on Christianity, with the expulsion of the monks from Basílica de la Santa Cruz del Valle de los Caídos, a  Civil War sanctuary-mausoleum, and placing restrictions on other state cemetery chapels. Spain’s Observatory on Religious Freedom has denounced the situation to the Daily Compass as an act of “barbarism” which calls for the“bishops to take a stand.”

"Total opposition" attempts to destabilise Poland

"Total opposition" attempts to destabilise Poland

"Total opposition" is a political term which originated in the Polish liberal circles which lost the 2015 elections after years in power. Their goal is to provoke social conflict and portray Poland in a negative light abroad. The Daily Compass interviewed Jacek Karnowski, editor-in-chief of "Sieci", to discuss the matter.

Euthanasia, the Holy See makes matters clear. At last

Euthanasia, the Holy See makes matters clear. At last

The dignity and sacredness of life always remain, even in vegetative states or with minimal conscience; assisted suicide is never permissible; no absolution to those who practise it, and those who participate or help are complicit. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith publishes a document on the end of life which goes against the trend of the Pontifical Academy for Life. It belies false compassion and the concept of best interest. And an admonishment: the first cause of this death mentality is the lack of faith.

Shrimp and pike, Saint Francis’ favourite dishes

Shrimp and pike, Saint Francis’ favourite dishes

Contrary to what many people think, St Francis of Assisi was not a vegetarian and invited his friars to use “all foods people eat”. But his favourite dish was shrimp pie, and he also loved some sweets such as almond ‘mostaccioli’.

A Counter-revolutionary Talks About the Hell of Venezuelan Prisons

A Counter-revolutionary Talks About the Hell of Venezuelan Prisons

Vasco Da Costa, a Venezuelan dissident, winner of the 2017 Sakharov prize, calls himself a counter-revolutionary, a traditionalist. His ideas have evidently caused fear in the regime started by Hugo Chavez and inherited by Nicolas Maduro, who has had him arrested eight different times. Just as a recent UN report has  revealed the horrors of the Venezuelan regime, Da Costa talks about the abuses and tortures he personally endured in the military prisons and secret camps where the the DGCIM services freely torture political prisoners.  They are part of a repressive system put in place by those who support 21st-century socialism, part of an international revolutionary project that is communist with a dose of liberation theology, born in Cuba and exported to Venezuela.

Order of Malta: Becciu stops the German “coup”

Order of Malta: Becciu stops the German “coup”

A fierce clash over the religious nature of the Order of Malta in the face of its secularization: less power to its religious members and more to the pro-UN faction led by Baron Boeselager. The German governing group has attempted a putsch by calling for an extraordinary Chapter, but in so doing has gone against the rules. The Holy See, which intervened in 2017 in favor of Boeselager who was hit with the condom affair, has picked up on the maneuvers of the German group and stopped them.

Abortionists, LGBT groups in Brussels move against religious freedom

Abortionists, LGBT groups in Brussels move against religious freedom

The September 14 letter, addressed to EU Commissioner Margaritis Schinas and published exclusively by the Daily Compass, bears the signatures of 48 European Parliamentary Forum MEPs (including three Italians). It is proof of ongoing plotting against the confirmation of Jan Figel as Special Envoy of Religious Freedom or Belief and against EU diplomatic efforts to promote religious liberty in general. For the liberal signatories, religious freedom is an obstacle to abortion and LGBT rights and its protection should be subordinated to them and, thus, delegated to the tasks of the EU’s Special Representative for Human Rights. This is a policy position that coincides with the one expressed by Brussels last June 4 and which undermines European credibility.

“Dear Pope, Help Nicaragua: Ortega Oppresses the People and the Church.”

“Dear Pope, Help Nicaragua: Ortega Oppresses the People and the Church.”

Abuses in Nicaragua by the Ortega-Zambrana regime continue: 18 policemen dressed in black kidnapped the owner of an anti-communist farm, along with his son and two other youths. This action has been denounced by the lawyer and political exile Álvaro Leiva, the executive secretary of the Nicaraguan Association for Human Rights. Leiva also wrote a letter to Pope Francis denouncing the threats and persecutions executed by the dictatorship, which politicizes religion in order to intimidate the Church. The Daily Compass exclusively publishes this letter here.

Cinnamon Biscuits

Cinnamon Biscuits

Culture 16_09_2020

Health comes from nature, Hildegard’s lesson

Health comes from nature, Hildegard’s lesson

Saint Hildegard of Bingen, who lived in the 12th century, was one of the most complex and eclectic figures in history, not only of the Church. She was also a herbalist and naturalist and left a large number of recipes based on herbs, grains, spices, seeds, capable of restoring the balance between soul and body.

"No more streamed Masses nor bowing to governments."

"No more streamed Masses nor bowing to governments."

There’s urgency to return to the normalcy of Christian life. The Eucharist needs to be celebrated inside churches. Televised and streamed Masses are a far cry from a personal encounter with God. Liturgies should be respected in their entirety despite health directives, including the distribution of Communion. We must promote Eucharistic adoration and emphasize the primacy of eternal life over that of earthly life. These are the fundamental points of a letter addressed to the presidents of bishops’ conferences around the world and written by Cardinal Robert Sarah, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and with the approval of Pope Francis. But will it be enough to jump start the Catholic community after months of abuse and attention only to the anti-Covid safety regulations?