Saint Bernardino Realino by Ermes Dovico

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McCarrick on trial, but it's not Benedict XVI's fault

McCarrick on trial, but it's not Benedict XVI's fault

Theodore McCarrick is to take the stand for pedophilia. He had already resigned as a cardinal in 2018, after Pope Francis suspended him from exercising any public ministry. It’s wrong to insinuate a sort of impunity guaranteed with previous pontificates. Here's why.

Immigrationists should brush up on the Refugee Convention

Immigrationists should brush up on the Refugee Convention

World 03_08_2021 Anna Bono

On July 28, 1951 a special UN Conference approved the Geneva Refugee Convention. It clearly defines the rights and obligations of refugees and host states. Today, these terms are confused and also apply to economic migrants.

UN: Here’s how Soros, Gates and Ford decide human rights

UN: Here’s how Soros, Gates and Ford decide human rights

The Eclj is publishing  a 92-page report showing how the majority of experts of the UN Human Rights Council are conditioned by the funding of certain states and organizations such as the Ford and Gates foundations and Soros' Open Society, with an anti-life and family agenda. Available online, the report is full of figures, facts and names.

Benedict XVI shows the Church the way (not just in Germany)

Benedict XVI shows the Church the way (not just in Germany)

In an interview with the periodical Herder Korrespondenz, Benedict XVI highlights the growing distance between the authentic ecclesial mission and the “institutional Church”, made up of bureaucracy and documents without “the heart and the spirit”. A situation that does not only concern the Church in Germany, but is more general and feeds “the exodus from the world of faith”. Recalling his precious year as chaplain in Bogenhausen, Ratzinger reminds us that God alone is the answer against totalitarianism, past and present.

Anthropology turned upside down by Pixar-Disney

Anthropology turned upside down by Pixar-Disney

A 2015 cartoon, Inside Out, which was a worldwide success, is an example of the current educational model: a life totally driven by passions. Reason – which discerns right from wrong, useful from harmful, and which decides the direction to give to life – does not exist.

UK cuts UNFPA abortion funds

UK cuts UNFPA abortion funds

The UK has cut its budget due to the economic crisis caused by Covid-19. The cuts also include a drastic reduction in the funds allocated to UNFPA, the UN agency for population. And among these, funding for reproductive health programs for developing countries is especially reduced. Explicitly speaking this means less money for abortion. The reason for the Johnson government’s decision, in contrast to the Biden administration in the US, has not yet been explained. But the UK has nonetheless set an important example, to other lenders.

Canada, euthanasia comes with an algorithm

Canada, euthanasia comes with an algorithm

A group of researchers has developed software capable of predicting death six months in advance, a tool that will serve to increase pressure on patients and family members to remove the disorder prematurely or push for therapeutic abandonment. It is not by coincidence that this diabolical discovery occurred in Canada, a country at the forefront in euthanasia.

Coal is life, energy transition can wait

Coal is life, energy transition can wait

The G20 environment ministers have failed in their attempt to ban coal by 2025. The reason is simple: coal is the main source of electricity for developing countries (and will be for a long time to come) and without electricity there is no economic growth.

The Church raises a wall against non-vaccinated persons

The Church raises a wall against non-vaccinated persons

Access to Masses celebrated by the Pope in Slovakia is prohibited to those who are not vaccinated. And in Italy, the bishop’s daily newspaper launches a crusade against those who oppose mandatory vaccination. Fully espousing the pro-vaccination cause and the adoption of the Green pass, the Church of mercy that advocates tearing down all walls,  is building one around the Mass.

Anthony Abbot, patron saint of farmers

Anthony Abbot, patron saint of farmers

After the death of his parents, inspired by the words of Jesus in the Gospel, Anthony sold everything to give it to the poor. He retired to live in the desert and the devil tempted him in vain several times, even in the guise of a pig, from which he later emerged. Young men gathered around the saint and became his disciples, giving an impetus to monasticism. His monks became accustomed to rearing pigs.


Fresh Ham in Cider

Fresh Ham in Cider

Culture 24_07_2021

Africa looks to the Chinese model. Not a good example

Africa looks to the Chinese model. Not a good example

World 23_07_2021 Anna Bono

Africa wants China as a partner because it expects nothing in terms of transparency and human rights. Now the African Union is pointing to China as a model for development. This is not a good example: China is still a poor (as well as repressed) country. On the other hand, the major Chinese investments in Africa risk being lost in collapsing states.