Saint Bernardino Realino by Ermes Dovico

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Oliver Plunkett, the last Irish martyr in England

Oliver Plunkett, the last Irish martyr in England

Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of Ireland, he lived through the English persecutions in Ireland in the 17th century and was condemned in England to a death of horrific cruelty. Beatified by Benedict XV in 1920, he was later canonised by Paul VI in 1975, and is an example of fidelity to one's vocation and task.

Brussels wants the heads of Christian governments

Brussels wants the heads of Christian governments

Christian nations are under fire. Guillotine fantasies are sprouting everywhere in Brussels. Is the Slovenian Prime Minister proposing to restore the EU's original values and preserve national autonomy? Is this why, accusations of authoritarianism are immediately levelled against him? Orban's Hungary and conservative Poland are under harsh attack, the former especially over its anti-pedophilia legislation.

Gates’anti-life billions cast a dark shadow over vaccines

Gates’anti-life billions cast a dark shadow over vaccines

On July 2, at the conclusion of the Generation Equality Forum, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced a pledge of $2.1 billion in grants over the next five years. The bulk of the funds will go to contraception and "reproductive health and rights" (abortion) projects. This is part of an ongoing anti-life commitment and which raises serious questions about the funds invested in Covid vaccines. Are we really sure that the real objective is health?

Iceberg report, the ridiculous attempt to discredit pro-lifers

Iceberg report, the ridiculous attempt to discredit pro-lifers

The report by the abortionist NGO EPF, in which many MEPs participate, has been published in Brussels. It accuses the pro-life movements of having received 707 million dollars in 10 years. It’s virtually nothing, considering the billionaire funding abortion NGOs receive.

"The abortion of Down babies is discriminatory". British government stands trial

"The abortion of Down babies is discriminatory". British government stands trial

Today the hearing begins which challenges the law that allows abortion up to 24 weeks, but in the case of disabilities such as Down syndrome up to nine months. The courageous action of two women: "Once a diagnosis for Down syndrome is confirmed, there’s tremendous pressure to have an abortion. It's an offensive law "

ISIS rears its head again in Syria and Iraq

ISIS rears its head again in Syria and Iraq

In the first quarter of 2021 there were 566 ISIS attacks in Iraq alone, and in Syria things are no better. While NATO and Western countries pay lip service to fighting Islamic terrorists, in reality they are in retreat from all the battles fronts. And the US is only fighting pro-Iranian militias.

Kateri Tekakwitha, an unusual saint

Kateri Tekakwitha, an unusual saint

Kateri Tekakwitha is the first Native American to be canonised. Among the miracles attributed to her intercession is the inexplicable healing in 2006 of Jake Finkbonner, a child suffering from necrotizing fasciitis. When she was already orphaned of her parents, she discovered Christ thanks to the Jesuit missionaries and decided to dedicate herself to Him, imitating His sufferings. The documentary “In Her Footsteps” tells her story.



Mohawk Cake

Mohawk Cake

Culture 03_07_2021

"Psychologists and exorcists united against demonopathy"

"Psychologists and exorcists united against demonopathy"

The murders of two women in Italy are drawing attention to an unknown phenomenon: severe demonopathy. The perpetrators of the crimes have confessed that they killed on the impulse of a "voice". It’s necessary for psychologists and psychiatrists to work together in teams with exorcists. In Italy, the first interdisciplinary group is bearing fruit. Psychotherapist Dr. Fabrizio Penna told the Daily Compass: "We need both a psychological diagnosis and a spiritual discernment. We cannot say that everything depends on the devil, but neither can we state the contrary. If we were to ascertain the spiritual disturbances experienced by these killers, we would discover serious forms of diabolical obsession".

In Africa jihadist groups grow and supplant governments

In Africa jihadist groups grow and supplant governments

World 01_07_2021 Anna Bono

The death of Boko Haram's leader, following a violent clash with ISWAP Islamists, is a sign of the internal competition for jihadism taking place on African soil. ISIS-affiliated groups are attempting to impose their control over vast swaths of Africa by filling vacuums left by governments. To counter  jihadists, what is needed above all is a new social contract between politicians and citizens.

Fake penises for newborn trans girls, the latest LGBT madness

Fake penises for newborn trans girls, the latest LGBT madness

Padded polyester penises to put into little girls' panties so they can experience what it's like to be a boy is only the extreme tip of an LGBT industry for infants which - with toys, food, clothes and books - is booming.

Medjugorje, another world is possible

Medjugorje, another world is possible

The impressive and universal witness of faith experienced last Friday, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the first apparition of Medjugorje, in one stroke swept away endless disquisitions on masks and social distancing. After months of being deserted due to free movement restrictions, long queues were seen again at the confessionals. At Medjugorje one lives in another dimension, where “the Lord’s glory” is “seen upon you”, while elsewhere a “deep darkness covers the people”. From here one can set out to strengthen the mission in the world.