Saint Bernardino Realino by Ermes Dovico

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Ireland, virus used to forbid Communions and Confirmations

Ireland, virus used to forbid Communions and Confirmations

It’s months now that the Dublin government has kept a ban on celebrating First Communions and Confirmations under the pretext of avoiding the festivities that follow. The bishops denounce an attack on religious freedom, but it is also a testimony of how increasingly anti-Catholic Ireland has become.

Floods in Germany, not an unprecedented tragedy

Floods in Germany, not an unprecedented tragedy

Although the usual narrative of blaming global warming for out-of-control weather events has started, the rainfall that caused the flooding in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands is far from new and is also typical of the summer period. And by chasing the myth of climate change, the works required to minimise damage are neglected.

Latin mass thrown out along with Benedict XVI

Latin mass thrown out along with Benedict XVI

With the Motu proprio that does away with the vetus ordo, Pope Francis erases Benedict XVI's effort to ensure the development of the Church in continuity with Tradition, to prevent the Second Vatican Council from being understood as a rupture.

The Eucharist and St Joseph, model for priests

The Eucharist and St Joseph, model for priests

In dealing with the Body and Blood of Jesus truly present in the Eucharistic species, the priest must imitate the sentiments of piety and adoration that St Joseph had in nourishing and raising his divine Son during the long years of His hidden life. And the example of Mary’s virginal spouse also points to perfect chastity as an ontological dimension of the priesthood.

Joseph of Cupertino, the flying friar... and a cook

Joseph of Cupertino, the flying friar... and a cook

A simple-minded boy, unable to learn to read and write, he had the gift of a very intense spiritual and mystical life. Famous for his levitations, he was named the patron saint of pilots. But even as a child he loved to cook.


Lemon Chicken

Lemon Chicken

Culture 17_07_2021

Yes, England comes in first. In political correct-speak

Yes, England comes in first. In political correct-speak

The open letter written by the English coach Southgate on the eve of the European Football Championship is a hymn to the ideology of inclusiveness and egalitarianism, the true idols of the contemporary West. Southgate, like many others, is an unwitting instrument of the euthanasia-like  process pursuing death at the request of his own Christian identity.

“Parents have the right to education.” Hungary defends itself from EU

“Parents have the right to education.” Hungary defends itself from EU

“The question can be formulated as this: who has the right to decide what kind of sex education their children should receive? We believe this is the right, first and foremost, of the child’s parents.” Nemeth Zsolt, President of the Foreign Affairs Commission in the Hungarian Parliament, explains to the Daily Compass the meaning of the law which Ursula von der Leyen has labelled as “anti-LGBT” discrimination. A perfect storm is concentrating on Budapest in the European Commission made of legal, and since yesterday, economic pressures. Yet, Hungary not only vindicates member states rights to autonomy, it insists on the freedom of education.

Italian nun prophesied Mancini’s European cup victory

Italian nun prophesied Mancini’s European cup victory

“Roberto, you’ll win the European Championships because you have Our Lady with you.” This is what Sister Rosalina Ravasio told Roberto Mancini in December 2019, when the Italian national team coach visited the Shalom-Regina della Pace Community in Palazzolo sull'Oglio in northern Italy.  Our Lady is sowing “a seed of evangelisation”, says Sister Rosalina, with Mancini who has “a simple but profound faith” and a particular story with Medjugorje.

Pfizer-FDA clash: third dose or first of a new series?

Pfizer-FDA clash: third dose or first of a new series?

The third dose was never mentioned in the approved guidelines, but given what we have seen it is not surprising that Pfizer is insisting that it be approved. But third dose of what? If the protection guaranteed by the American giant is nine months, the third dose looks more like the first in a new series that will launch us into a permanent vaccination campaign. The stop by the FDA and the WHO will not stop Pfizer, aided by countries like Italy that already take a third inoculation for granted. 

Church scapegoated for tragedies in Canada’s “assimilation schools”

Church scapegoated for tragedies in Canada’s “assimilation schools”

About twenty churches, mostly Catholic, have been subject to arson or vandalised in Canada soon after the discovery of mass children's graves. The causal link is the role played by boarding schools set up by the Canadian government in the 19th century to assimilate indigenous tribes. Yet Indian schoolchildren often died of disease and hunger in the absence of government aid. Today, Prime Minister Trudeau is attacking the Church in an attempt to make the state forget its own sins.

Seafood Chowder

Seafood Chowder

Culture 10_07_2021